
Various crochet baskets from knitwear

Various crochet baskets from knitwear

Crochet basket can decorate the interior of the house or be used to save tender items. You can make a product very quickly using the simplest schemes. You can decorate the base with ribbons, beads or stones. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

A new kind of craze - diamond mosaic

A new kind of craze - diamond mosaic

Painful types of needlework captivate many craftswomen. For a long time, embroidery with colored threads dominated this niche. The development of industrial methods and the emergence of new materials pushed manufacturers to the idea of a new kind of creativity. Diamond mosaic - needlework that many people liked. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Knitting dolls with knitting needles: a step-by-step description for beginners

Knitting dolls with knitting needles: a step-by-step description for beginners

Currently, knitted toys are very popular. Moreover, it is difficult to resist the beauties not only for kids, but also for adults. However, just wanting to do such a thing is not enough for the process to actually go smoothly. Therefore, in this article we propose to study a step-by-step description on the topic "Knitting dolls with knitting needles". Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make earrings: DIY?

How to make earrings: DIY?

Earrings are especially popular among jewelry, because if you choose them correctly, then other types of jewelry will not be needed. Unfortunately, not every fashionista can afford to buy a large number of high-quality earrings, but you can easily make them yourself using fairly simple elements. And how to make earrings beautiful, original and flawless, is described in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a thread tassel: step by step instructions, application

How to make a thread tassel: step by step instructions, application

Thread tassels are a beautiful decoration that is used in various types of decoration. These are knitted hats and scarves, trim or ropes for curtains, piping for blankets or bedspreads. Tassels decorate the locks of bags and wallets, make earrings and beads. The material for manufacturing is also different. These are thin sewing threads, and thick woolen threads for knitting, leather strips and thin twisted ropes. In this article we will look at how to make a brush from threads. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Embroidery threads: types, colors, manufacturers

Embroidery threads: types, colors, manufacturers

The use of embroidery threads, different in composition, color and shade, allows you to create realistic panels and paintings, embroidered by hand or on a typewriter. And the presence of a large number of manufacturers and types of material implies the most comfortable selection both for tactile sensations, the necessary characteristics and effects, and for the price category, which makes the hobby even more attractive for needlewomen. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Neck looping: description of different ways, useful tips

Neck looping: description of different ways, useful tips

Using the knotting technique will bring knitted dresses, sweaters and other products to a new, more professional level, and it does not matter at all whether the knotting is classic or false. This will not only make things more refined, but also increase their popularity in the handicraft market. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"Alize Baby Vul": reviews of needlewomen, composition, colors

"Alize Baby Vul": reviews of needlewomen, composition, colors

In knitting, one of the problems is the right choice of yarn. Especially carefully approach this issue when knitting for children. One of the materials suitable for this is Alize Baby Wool yarn. Reviews about her are mostly very laudatory. However, in order to finally decide whether the material is suitable for knitting the intended products, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Knitted fabric: type and quality of material, structure, purpose and application

Knitted fabric: type and quality of material, structure, purpose and application

Knitting sweaters, dresses and blankets takes a lot of time, and there is no guarantee that the first time you will be able to make all the loops the same, and the details will match the pattern. It is in such cases that a finished knitted fabric is used. Using this material, the time to create a product is significantly reduced, however, there are several features of working with it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to cross stitch, the beginning: tips for beginners

How to cross stitch, the beginning: tips for beginners

Modern children are increasingly absorbed in technological progress, now they are interested in gadgets, computer games and cartoons. And very rarely you can hear from a girl: "Mom, I want to learn how to cross-stitch!" Where to start, so that interest is not lost? What materials to choose? And how to embroider? These questions can be answered in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Freeform technique: knitting basics and techniques

Freeform technique: knitting basics and techniques

What to do if there is no knitting pattern at hand or the desire to once again copy someone else's? There is no ability to read diagrams, or just any diagram, made extremely scrupulously, takes on an absolutely wrong look or shape (there are such cases). Create! Create masterpieces, even without the possibility of repeating them later, knit everything and how you like? "Nonsense!" many will say. No, freeform technique. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Decoupage of glasses: ideas and master classes

Decoupage of glasses: ideas and master classes

Do-it-yourself tableware will be a wonderful gift for a wedding, anniversary or New Year. Decoupage of glasses, despite the many nuances, is a little more complicated than decorating other surfaces. However, it is this item that is often used on holidays and will remind you of the donor for many years to come. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to knit a hollow elastic band: tips for beginners

How to knit a hollow elastic band: tips for beginners

When a craftswoman decides to knit a sweater, she is faced with the problem of designing the cuffs and neck. A simple ribbing stretches easily and the edge is too flat, and knitting double the length of the element and folding it after is not a good idea, because there is a hollow ribbing. How to knit this element, why it is needed, and what is needed for this, you can find out in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pekhorsky textile is a good choice for hand and machine knitting

Pekhorsky textile is a good choice for hand and machine knitting

Pekhorskaya yarn is famous for its naturalness and quality. Products made from this yarn are durable. Working with her is a pleasure. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"Pekhorka" (yarn): description, reviews, prices

"Pekhorka" (yarn): description, reviews, prices

Can you imagine a damp chilly autumn without a cozy cardigan, and a cold winter without a warm scarf and mittens? Of course not! The requirements for these products are the most stringent, because they must be warm, comfortable, and durability plays a role. "Pekhorka" - yarn that will satisfy the most fastidious and demanding customer. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to dry s alt dough in the oven: methods and tips

How to dry s alt dough in the oven: methods and tips

S alt dough modeling is an exciting activity that both adults and children are happy to master. Its advantage lies in its availability, because it does not imply serious financial costs. There are no harmful impurities in the material, it turns out to be soft and plastic, which means that wonderful figures can be made from it. How to dry s alt dough, and what is the recipe for its preparation?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to decorate photo frames with your own hands: ideas, materials, recommendations. Photo frames on the wall

How to decorate photo frames with your own hands: ideas, materials, recommendations. Photo frames on the wall

Standard wooden photo frames are the simplest solution for photo placement. Finding a frame design option suitable for an individual interior is quite difficult, so a home-made base will be the best solution. You can use already prepared. It is only important to decide how to decorate the photo frame with your own hands. For this, completely diverse tools and materials can be used. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pencil skirt pattern for beginners - instructions for building and cutting

Pencil skirt pattern for beginners - instructions for building and cutting

According to the presented pattern, both an experienced seamstress and a craftswoman who is just starting to learn the nuances of creating clothes with her own hands can sew a pencil skirt. Only once having made a universal pattern, you can sew a lot of skirts of different colors and styles, spending no more than 5 minutes on their detailed patterns. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a felt garland

How to make a felt garland

Felt garland is a simple and unique solution for decorating a room for any occasion. The material does not require hemming, it is easy to make three-dimensional or flat figures from it. The product can be used for a long time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a house out of matches without glue: step by step instructions and photos

How to make a house out of matches without glue: step by step instructions and photos

To understand how to make a house out of matches without glue, it is enough to use a simple case assembly algorithm. This version of the product will look much more attractive and neater than when using an adhesive. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make the number 3 for a birthday: material selection, patterns and instructions

How to make the number 3 for a birthday: material selection, patterns and instructions

At three years old, birthday decorations can already be themed. Therefore, you need to select the appropriate instructions that will help you understand how to make the number 3 for your birthday. The principle of decoration is determined by the availability of materials and the ability to work with them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Giraffe pattern. How to sew a giraffe from fabric with your own hands

Giraffe pattern. How to sew a giraffe from fabric with your own hands

In the article, we will consider how to sew a toy giraffe according to a pattern. You can draw it yourself or take the options below as a sample. A one-piece giraffe and a variant consisting of separate parts look interesting. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew bumpers in a crib with your own hands

How to sew bumpers in a crib with your own hands

In the process of completing bed linen for the cradle of the crumbs, it is important to take care of the presence of bumpers. Real needlewomen should figure out how to sew the sides on their own. Having de alt with simple manufacturing schemes and choosing the material, you can create a real masterpiece. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Patchwork: master classes for beginners

Patchwork: master classes for beginners

In the article we will look at several patchwork workshops with a detailed description of the work. You will learn what types of patterns exist, how to prepare the fabric, how the elements of the image are sewn together. We will also tell you how shaggy patchwork is done. These are original and voluminous crafts, mainly in this way they make either rugs or blankets. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself embroidery on T-shirts: interesting ideas with photos, execution technology and templates

Do-it-yourself embroidery on T-shirts: interesting ideas with photos, execution technology and templates

There are always things in our wardrobe that can be decorated or remade. Still good things, spoiled by a speck in a conspicuous place that does not wash off. Jeans or trousers worn at the knee. T-shirts and T-shirts bought on sale. Perhaps it's time to sort out your closet with clothes?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The basis for the dream catcher: what to make and how to use

The basis for the dream catcher: what to make and how to use

Dreamcatcher is a Scandinavian amulet that was used by our ancestors as a keeper of the well-being of the hearth. It was believed that he could stop negative energy and keep evil images out of the dreams of the one who owns it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY origami envelope: instructions for creating and manufacturing features

DIY origami envelope: instructions for creating and manufacturing features

How to make an origami envelope with your own hands. List of materials needed for crafts. Ways to create various envelopes. How to make an envelope without using glue. Tips and Tricks for Creating and Decorating Envelopes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Sewing a cat from felt according to patterns

Sewing a cat from felt according to patterns

In the article, we will consider how to sew a cat out of felt according to a pattern, we will tell beginners how to perform actions step by step, how you can fill the inner space of the figure and how it is recommended to decorate the craft. You will learn all the subtleties of working with such a fertile material as felt. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Felt chicken: do-it-yourself pattern, description, interesting ideas

Felt chicken: do-it-yourself pattern, description, interesting ideas

Felt is a wonderful material for creativity. With it, you can create any toy, endowing it with a certain functionality. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Learning to crochet two beautiful herringbone patterns. Interesting motives in the piggy bank of ideas

Learning to crochet two beautiful herringbone patterns. Interesting motives in the piggy bank of ideas

The hook is a wonderful tool that allows you to create patterns of incredible beauty. If you want to learn how to knit non-trivial, interesting motifs with your own hands, this article will be useful to you. In it, we will look at how to crochet two original herringbone patterns. The diagrams and descriptions of the work process presented in the article will be understandable even for beginners in working with a hook. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Mouse pattern with a detailed description of tailoring

Mouse pattern with a detailed description of tailoring

In the article, we will consider an easy pattern of a mouse for sewing toys with a detailed description of the work. For her, you can use felt sheets of all shades of gray, the ears of a rodent are often made pink. Fabric sewing options also look great, it is advisable to use cotton or linen, the fabric of which does not stretch and is convenient to sew. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What do you need to know to crochet a bat sweater?

What do you need to know to crochet a bat sweater?

In today's world, everyone wants to stand out. Therefore, when choosing clothes, preference is given to original and unusual models. One of these is an interesting jacket "bat". Bringing an idea to life is easy. Craftswomen note that the ability to knit simple columns is enough. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a paper bus: step by step instructions

How to make a paper bus: step by step instructions

Don't know how to surprise a child who is used to TV, smartphone and entertainment with animators? From this article you will learn how to make a miniature of a real bus from improvised means. After spending 20-30 minutes of your time, you will be able to see the long-awaited delight in the eyes of your child. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Simple and beautiful crochet and knitting booties for a boy

Simple and beautiful crochet and knitting booties for a boy

Booties crocheted or knitted for a boy will be an ideal product for warming the baby's legs. It is worth picking up soft threads and materials for further decoration. Beginning needlewomen need to choose simple manufacturing patterns. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to glue foam rubber: the choice of glue, step-by-step instructions for gluing and expert advice

How to glue foam rubber: the choice of glue, step-by-step instructions for gluing and expert advice

Foam rubber is considered a universal material. It is used in needlework and in large-scale production. It is characterized by high elasticity, soft, porous structure and low cost. Therefore, it is in demand in many industries. Often it needs to be glued to solid objects. But not every glue will allow you to get a good result. Therefore, we will figure out how to glue foam rubber. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew a rag doll: patterns and manufacturing technology

How to sew a rag doll: patterns and manufacturing technology

In the article, we will consider how to sew a rag doll according to a pattern, what material to choose and how to shape small facial features and fingers and toes. Consider sewing samples of such crafts on a solid pattern, as well as prefabricated models from individual elements. As a filler, a synthetic winterizer in sheets is most often used, since natural wool will get lumpy over time, and artificial wool will creak unpleasantly with every movement of the toy. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to knit socks: step by step instructions for beginners

How to knit socks: step by step instructions for beginners

With this step-by-step instruction, even beginner needlewomen can easily knit socks of any size. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fashion knitted things with your own hands

Fashion knitted things with your own hands

Knitting has not lost its relevance for many years. Moreover, every year such products are becoming increasingly popular. They are worn by men, women and even very young children. They look really chic though. However, not all knitwear is considered trendy. Therefore, in the material presented below, we will talk about how to make fashionable knitted items with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to knit a sock with knitting needles? Step by step description of work

How to knit a sock with knitting needles? Step by step description of work

This article describes all the steps in detail. And the proposed photos will help to learn how to knit socks with knitting needles simply and quickly even for beginner needlewomen. Be patient and follow the instructions exactly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

So easy to knit a sweater

So easy to knit a sweater

Which is better - to order a sweater from the master or try to knit it yourself? We offer the second option! It's time to learn needlework. After reading this article, you can easily knit a fashionable sweater for yourself or your four-legged pet. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01