Description of various ways of weaving a special bracelet in the form of a character from the cartoon "Despicable Me" - a minion. Description of weaving with your own hands on the machine and with the help of special rubber bands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Sculpting from plasticine is a very exciting activity. For example, a soldier can be given to a friend or a veteran grandfather. Such a gift with your own hands will be just right. After all, it symbolizes the tremendous strength and power of our country and the people themselves. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Today, there is a huge amount of material from which you can make very interesting, beautiful and comfortable things. They are used for handicrafts by many craftswomen. In this article we will consider such an interesting material as beads. We will learn how to use it and at the same time we will make small crafts. For example, beaded strawberries. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Today there is a huge selection of materials from which you can sew or knit clothes, make any option for decorating the interior, and so on. Raffia yarn (thread made from raffia) has become the most popular and widespread. It can be used in any direction. And all because it has extremely good properties. How many popular models of clothes, shoes, jewelry, furniture and everything else have been released by well-known fashion designers and decorators. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
There are a huge number of patterns and ways to crochet lush flowers. The most popular are flowers from lush columns. They require a minimum of time and material to make. The scheme of work is very simple. Even a novice can figure it out. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Origami is an ancient Japanese art of folding paper figures. Even despite the fact that paper itself first appeared in China, it was in the Land of the Rising Sun that they guessed to make interesting and beautiful figures out of this material. More than one generation of Japanese craftsmen contributed to the development of this art, passing down the ability to turn a flat sheet into an unusual craft. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
What is the key to a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day? He althy and sound sleep. That is why both children and adults need to relax with maximum comfort, dressed in gentle and soft pajamas. Pattern of children's pajamas, recommendations for choosing fabrics and colors - you will find all this in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Modern dresses are very diverse in style. Such feminine outfits as dresses with a half-sun skirt occupy a special place among them. For more than one century, this style has not gone out of fashion, remaining in demand and loved by many fashionistas. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Wedding is one of the most beautiful days. Many brides and grooms are waiting for him with trepidation and impatience. Today, many young people want to seal their bonds of marriage not only in the registry office, but also to go through the sacrament of the wedding in a cathedral or church. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Women's cropped sweater is one of the hottest trends of the season. The original style will be able to deliver real pleasure to its owner, as it will allow her to look relaxed and attractive. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Today, belly dancing is gaining more and more popularity. Many modern beauties want to learn this type of oriental dance. There are many studios where oriental dance is taught. However, here the dancer's costume will play an important role. In order to choose it, you need to decide on the style. So, colors need to be chosen not only so that the viewer likes them, but also so that they suit you directly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
This kind of felt-tip pens is interesting in that you won't be able to draw in the usual sense of the word with the help of them. Drawings with air felt-tip pens are rendered with paint blown onto paper. It must be blown from a distance of approximately 8-10 mm. So you will get funny splashes and blots of various colors. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
We are used to seeing chain mail on people who are passionate about historical reenactments, on fantasy lovers and role-players. However, it happens that such jewelry becomes the rage of fashion, and now all models are wearing bracelets woven using chain mail technique. In this article, you will learn what chain weaving is, its varieties, and whether it is difficult for beginners to master this technique. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Homemade has never gone out of style. They are an indicator of good taste and a high level of skill of the girl. If you do not know how to make a beaded necklace, you can always solve this problem with the help of master classes and ready-made schemes that are presented in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The article will arouse interest among children and adults who devote their leisure time to making crafts with their own hands. You will find patterns for making a beaded crocodile, a plasticine tiger cub, a paper flower, decoupage candles and photo frames. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Decoupage as a technique appeared 600 years ago in Europe. Literally from French, the word découper translates to "cut". The technique got its name due to the main method of manufacture. Ornaments and pictures were cut out of paper with the help of scissors and other sharp objects, which were then superimposed on furniture, watches, glass. In the article you will find useful recommendations for decorating household utensils using decoupage technique. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The article presents several techniques for weaving violets from beads, thanks to which you can easily fulfill any of your dreams and look at your best, because handmade products are worth their weight in gold and will never lose their relevance. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Thread bracelets are an original gift and a stylish decoration. Weaving them is easy, and the process itself does not take much time. Most often, floss threads are used for weaving, as they are very bright, do not fade and have a wide variety of shades. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
A step-by-step explanation of how easy it is to make a beautiful stylish floss bracelet with your own hands. In the above photos you can see the whole process of work from start to finish. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Weaving bracelets from ribbons, beads, floss threads or silk cords - there is no limit to the imagination of needlewomen, because you can create a product from anything. The most important principle is patience and love for your hobby. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Women's sweatshirts with a hood are always fashionable and modern, original and loved. This is a comfortable universal clothing for leisure and walks, work and active pastime. The hood can always be thrown over a voluminous hairstyle. Thus, to save hair from atmospheric surprises. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The straight skirt is a classic staple in every woman's wardrobe. The style of the product is uncomplicated, so even a novice tailor can handle sewing a straight skirt. Everything about how to sew a straight skirt, from the choice of fabric to socks, you will learn by reading this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
A summer skirt with a yoke is a versatile piece of women's wardrobe that allows you to hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of any female figure. How to cut and sew such a skirt? What to wear it with?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
S alt dough is an excellent material for needlework. From the dough you can not only sculpt figures, but even make beautiful paintings. The most important thing for making a painting is the availability of all the necessary materials and a clear outline of the drawing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Floss threads are a great choice for craftswomen who love to embroider. They are durable, bright, the color range is simply huge. And embroidered works with the help of floss threads always delight others. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Almost all parents somehow do joint crafts with their children. Sometimes a child comes and asks to make a snake. How to make a snake with your own hands? This is a very unusual choice, and its production can be very diverse. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Initially, the origami technique was designed to create various beautiful flower arrangements. Subsequently, it has become more diverse and can now be used to create a wonderful gift and become a fun creative activity. A beautifully folded bow will be a cute decor for decorating various gifts. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
This article explains how to beautifully tie a neck with knitting needles. Here are examples of processing the neck with various techniques: inlay, stand-up collar and golf collar. Tips for beginner knitters. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Costume holidays are loved by both adults and children. This is a great way to have fun, forget about your role in ordinary life and reincarnate as another character. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to sew a policeman costume for a holiday with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Recently, the saying "Everything new is a well-forgotten old" is becoming more and more relevant in fashion. Designers are increasingly displaying clothes that were popular in the 70s, 80s and 90s of the last century, complementing them with a combination of new trends. Therefore, now women of fashion can afford to show their imagination as much as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Rag dolls are becoming popular again. You can buy them in the store, or you can make them yourself, adding your diligence and warmth to the main materials. Dolls are created not only for the game. With their help, many problems can be solved. There are dozens of types of dolls. How to make some of them, this article will tell. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
A doll made by mom's hands - what could be the best gift for a little girl? And even if you have never sewed such toys on your own before, this does not mean that you will not succeed. Desire and diligence are the main components of the success of this business. And the information presented in this article will be an assistant in your work. Here are master classes on making such a toy as a textile doll. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Do-it-yourself Tilda is simple and very interesting. Born from your inspiration and imagination, it will be unique. You can't find this in the store. You will adore her because you put a piece of your soul into her. The doll will decorate your kitchen, bedroom, any corner of the house. If you make wings for her, she will become your guardian angel. Already want to have one? Then get down to business. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
If you want to achieve individuality and originality of style, pay attention to the design details. Attachment to the place of our residence consists of many little things. But the recreation area is a special place. Many people spend all their free time here. Every detail in such a place should please the eye. And every little thing really matters here. Try to make, for example, an arch for flowers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The fashion for ethnics has revived interest in traditional costumes, everyday life, and jewelry. Among them is a bright and original breast decoration, the popularity of which is growing today among craftsmen and connoisseurs of handmade. Beaded gerdans, schemes for them, machines and sets of ready-made flowers are offered by any bead shop. Nevertheless, gerdan is far from being a simple decoration that requires knowledge of many nuances of working with beads. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
Coptic binding is well-deservedly popular with scrapbookers. On the one hand, this is the easiest and fastest way to fasten pages into one block, and on the other hand, its simplicity gives a huge field for imagination in the aesthetic design of scrapbooks, sketchbooks and notepads of various sizes and shapes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
In the article we will look at several examples of making interesting homemade toys made by parents for their baby, we will give detailed instructions on how to make such crafts at home, what you need to purchase additionally, how to decorate them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
With the onset of the New Year holidays, a special magical atmosphere appears in every home, because everyone, both children and adults, is waiting for this time of the year. Everyone knows how important New Year's paraphernalia is to create a New Year's mood during this period. With the appearance of twinkling garlands on the streets, the smell of hot mulled wine, Christmas songs and the smell of tangerines, you want to fill your home with magic. In this article, we will analyze the popular New Year's paraphernalia in 2018 and how you can decorate your home. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The hand-made St. George ribbon is not only a national symbol of patriotism, but also an adornment worthy of respect. To create your masterpiece using the kanzashi technique, you will need a minimum set of materials, a great desire and a few recommendations described below. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01
The herbal capsule is an ancient amulet, a symbol, a keeper of good he alth. For a long time, this chrysalis stuffed with various fragrant medicinal herbs has been used to this day for the prevention of various diseases and aromatherapy. It is very easy to create a herbal egg doll, and we will be happy to tell you how to do it at home. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01