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Kusudama technique for beginners
Kusudama technique for beginners

From our today's article, everyone can learn simple tips for creating an interesting decoration - kusudama. For beginners, these tips will be the best way to get acquainted with origami. The rules for creating kusudama belong to the simplest foundations of origami art. Here the Kusudama technique for beginners and not only will be shown. Even those who have been familiar with origami for quite a long time will be able to find something new for themselves. Balls from various parts - that's what kusudama is, but that's not all. More details will be given below. One of the directions of origami is kusudama for beginners. Its creation will be real magic.

prefabricated origami
prefabricated origami

Origin of Kusudama

Kusudama decoration (Japanese - "healing ball") - a cotton product in the shape of a ball. It is typically created by stitching together a large number of similar pyramidal modules. Most often, these are stylized flowers collected from a square paper sheet. Thanks tothis action produces a spherical figure. In the same way, all parts can be connected with glue. But this is already departing from the original principles of creating kusudama. In some versions of the creation of the ball, it is important to attach the tassel to the lower end of the product. In ancient times, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun used kusudami for medicinal purposes: they were collected from medicinal herbs and flowers. Now it is mainly a decorative element.

Kusudama balls
Kusudama balls

The history of the creation of Kusudama

The art of creating (or stitching) kusudama originated from ancient Japanese traditions. In those days, it was used for the purpose of aromatic fumigation of the room with the aromas of dried petals of medicinal herbs. It is likely that the first kusudamas were medicinal herbs or plants tied in bunches. The term itself suggests a combination of two Japanese names: kusuri (drug) and tama (ball). In our time, kusudama balls are used as beautiful and unusual gifts, or apartment decorations. Kusudama is considered a significant component of art history, in particular the trend of modular art. Nowadays, the line between these beliefs is blurred. And the healing bead turns into an ordinary decorative decoration.

Big origami ball
Big origami ball

Creators of Kusudama

Along with traditional kusudamas, dozens of the newest unique modifications appear every year in modern art - blinkers, polyhedrons, bouquets and others. In the modular art society, similarspecialists: Tomoko Fuse, Miyuki Kawamura, Mio Tsugawa, Makoto Yamaguchi and Yoshihide Momotani, who arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun; Meenakshi Mukherjee and Jim Plank from the USA. And many others from around the world.

Simple kusudama for beginners. First steps

Kusudama is one of the types of Japanese art, the main rule of which is to connect similar modules stacked in a certain design from a square piece of paper. Usually, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun created decorations in which dried herbs or flowers were hidden. To date, cotton crafts kusudama are used in the decorative design of the premises. In this guide, you can learn the simplest technique for creating kusudama and master it step by step. Even beginners from the first time will be able to create unique crafts with their own hands.

So, let's have a master class on creating a simple kusudama for beginners. In order to create an elementary simple craft, you will need:

  • colorful paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

All sheets of paper must be square and the same size. This is necessary so that, without exception, all parts of the future kusudama come out absolutely identical. The best option would be paper squares eight or nine centimeters wide.

color origami
color origami

First you need to take the very first sheet of paper and fold it diagonally, after that you need to fold it again in order to create a second fold line. It is also necessary to create a pleated by foldingsecond rectangle halved once. After that, it is necessary to connect both ends together, forming a large triangle. Next, the element is formed into a rectangle, and then the assembly is carried out along the already prepared lines. This is necessary so that the outer part is combined with the inner one.

The next step is to fold the corners of the part in the main direction, and then push in the middle from any angle. Lower the corners down and lay the element according to the vertical direction. Bend the remaining place in the same direction, and then hide them inside. The first part of the craft is almost ready. It remains to fold the outer and lower corners to the middle. And the last step is to expand the large three linear corners in order to give the image of a flower.

Kusudama technique - balls for beginners

If you glue four of these parts, the process of creating one of which is described above, you get a flower. The result will be graceful chrysanthemums, which can then be glued together, trying to give the decoration a ball shape. In order to create a solid ball, you will need to make 12 identical flowers, consisting of four parts. It would be more correct to make them from multi-colored paper. This will make the work look unique and attractive.

Kusudama color
Kusudama color

Glue the flowers into a ball - the most difficult step to perform to create such an interesting technical decoration. Therefore, the process must be carried out carefully, using as little glue as possible.

Creating an eyelet and tassel

After completing the last steps to createkusudama, or rather gluing all the parts together, you can cut a very small hole in the upper flower. A thread of red, pink or any other festive color is easily threaded through it. From the threaded thread we make a convenient loop. It will serve as a anchor. In the same way, we cut a hole in the other, lower part of the kusudama. We also thread the thread, and then again and again. Until a sufficiently dense skein is formed, which will then be cut in half. From this, a kusudama brush is obtained. It will not be superfluous to use multi-colored threads in creating a brush.