Collecting scale models-copies of modern weapons and military equipment is a hobby to which thousands of citizens of our country and around the world devote their free time with great pleasure. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Modern historians and art historians are of great interest to ancient weapons. One of them is the glaive. This weapon is also called glevia. Glaive (glevia) is a type of cold pole piercing and chopping weapon, which was used for close combat by infantrymen on the territory of European countries. Glevia as part of the infantry equipment was very common and popular. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Only an experienced specialist can accurately determine how much 5 rubles in 1998 cost. Such a coin has two very important features, the presence of which makes the product itself unique, which necessarily affects its price. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
When collecting banknotes, it is necessary to pay attention to the existing features of their appearance. This will help you better navigate the price of a particular instance. For example, it is difficult to say how much 5 rubles in 1997 cost until you can take a closer look at a specific product from all sides. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
In Soviet times, it was customary to mint commemorative coins. They were produced in various series, depicting great scientists, political figures, animals and cities of Russia. Some of them were intended for simple circulation, while others were minted for investment, because it was so much possible to increase your capital. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
As we all know from history, during the Second World War, after the victory over the army of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Army went to the Far East, where it took an active part in the war against the troops of militaristic Japan. To reward the soldiers and officers who took part in these hostilities, after the end of the war, the medal “For the Victory over Japan” we are now considering was established. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The badge of the USSR, issued in the first decades of Soviet power in a limited edition, can become an ornament of the faleristic collection. Let's try to understand the problem of the cost of different types of badges from the times of the Soviet Union. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Most people have some kind of hobby. And often numismatics becomes such. Quite often, collectors show interest in such a banknote as a coin of 2003, 50 kopecks. Therefore, in this article we will try to consider exactly these products of mints. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Perhaps there is no such numismatist who would not know about a whole series of coins in denominations of 10 rubles, which has the name "Cities of Military Glory". For the first time, its samples were released in 2011, and since then interest in it has not faded. Many people in Russia and abroad have begun to purchase these unique coins, as they have some individual features. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Numismatics is an interesting, fascinating science about coins. It has many subtleties, which we will try to get acquainted with. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The rollerball pen is the best kind of ballpoint pen. Its feature lies in the fact that the ball is narrower. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
If you decide to start collecting coins, and therefore you are interested in what year coins are most valued in our time, then you need to remember a few rules that will help you distinguish a real real thing from a fake, and at the same time help you become an expert in this region. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
In circulation in Ukraine you can find many different coins of different years. Among them there are also expensive coins. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Today, the attention of many is attracted by the most expensive commemorative coin "10 rubles". And this is not at all accidental, their size and original beautiful design attracts and makes you save, while withdrawing from circulation. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Many commemorative coins were issued for the Olympic Games in Sochi. Let's try to figure out how many of them exist and what is their cost. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Coins "Sochi" began to be produced by the Central Bank 3 years before the start of the Olympics - in 2011. The Mint issued both commemorative and investment options dedicated to the 2014 Games. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Collecting today is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular and entertaining hobbies in the world. This hobby is a kind of game that fills our free time, this is the undisguised pleasure derived from shifting, browsing and admiring our treasures, this is the anxious expectation of a new copy that will replenish the collection. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
How often have you had to dig into the little things, look for a coin of a suitable denomination that the cashier asked for in a store? How often have you been angry that because of this “heap of scrap metal” your pockets are torn and your wallet is not fastened? Have you ever thought that this same “heap of scrap metal” can give you the opportunity to become richer by several thousand rubles? Or maybe even tens or hundreds of thousands … All you need is patience, attentiveness and a bit of luck. Don't understand how this is possible? I explain. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Acquired in childhood or over the years, the habit of collecting old and modern, but no less valuable coins of Russia and the whole world can eventually turn an ordinary person into a millionaire. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Looking at the money in your hands or lying on the ground, you should often remember what coins are now valued. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Collecting coins, or numismatics - the most popular form of collecting. Some consider it wrong to call coin collecting numismatics, since this word refers to the science of the origin and history of coins. However, the essence of the process does not change from this. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The most expensive stamps of the USSR - what are they? And what is their collectible value? That is what this article is about. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Besides the usual coins that "live" in all our wallets, the Central Bank of Russia regularly mints and issues commemorative coins. How do they look? And what is the cost of individual such copies? In our article you will find not only answers to these questions, but also a list of commemorative 10-ruble coins. It is about them that will be discussed further. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Collecting is a type of human activity recognized among the most popular hobbies in the world. What do people collect? Anything. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Some people collect different things and objects for the sake of scientific interest, others - for profit or for some other reason. In this article we will talk about such a variety of similar activities as collecting badges. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Numismatists always want the rarest items for their collection. This explains the enormous value of some individual coins, which can be hundreds and even thousands of times higher than their face value. Rare coins of Ukraine - what are they and what is their value? This will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Coins are the most interesting and common collectible. The 20th century was rich in events, Tsarist Russia was replaced by the USSR, followed by Russia. In circulation, in museums, in private collections and simply in the ground, a wide variety of specimens remained, with different coats of arms, from different materials. How much the coins of Russia and the USSR cost is not so easy to determine because of the abundance of factors affecting the price. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
All lovers of beauty dream of DeAgostini's "Dolls in folk costumes" collection, but not everyone has it. Fascinating story through a miniature porcelain beauty. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
18.03.2014 - a significant date for the inhabitants of the entire Crimean peninsula. On this day, they returned home and became full citizens of the Russian Federation. In honor of this historic event, the Central Bank of Russia minted commemorative coins. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Traditionally, at the beginning of the last century, when a boy was born in a Caucasian family, he was given the first dagger. The Caucasian dagger is part of the national symbolism. This is a sign that a man is ready to defend his personal honor, the honor of his family and the honor of his people. Ancient daggers of the Caucasus have now become antiques. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Collecting is an interesting hobby and also a way to make money. Many are interested in rare coins of modern Russia, here are the most valuable specimens. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Dozens, sometimes hundreds of coins pass through our hands every day. We pay with them in kiosks and shops, in public transport and cafeterias. Even without paying attention to their appearance, we throw the rest into the piggy bank of a son or daughter for various children's expenses. Although some of them deserve to show off in a special album for numismatists. After all, there are Russian coins of value, such rare specimens sometimes cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
There is no such person who does not know about this aircraft and does not admire its achievements. In this article we will talk a little about its history, device, characteristics and application. "Kukuruznik" (An-2 aircraft) is a biplane with a braced wing, a light transport aircraft. “Foal”, “Donkey”, Colt - its names according to NATO codification. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The history of the German state has always been bright and dynamic. One ruler replaced another, old coins were replaced by new and relevant ones. It would be wrong to talk about Germany and its coins not in the context of the history of the state. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The article contains interesting information on collectible coins. You will learn how numismatists work, what famous people collect. The article offers a rating of the most expensive coins of Russia. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Money is not a luxury, but a necessity at the present time. They determine the value, they are stored, saved, used during trading. In addition, the coins act as valuable museum exhibits, and numismatists are ready to give a fortune in order to eventually get a rare and one-of-a-kind coin, the value of which increases significantly if it is well preserved. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Unique copies, limited editions and fantastically expensive collections… These phrases cause excitement in anyone who has ever been seriously involved in philately or, as people call it, collecting postage stamps. Some have taken up this relatively recently and believe that this kind of activity is just an exciting hobby. But the attitude of others may surprise someone. For most avid philatelists, collecting is life. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
In the 18th century, the issue of minting a new coin with a face value of 20 kopecks was first raised. The reason for this was the "large distance" between the already existing coins of 50 kopecks and 10 kopecks. 20 kopecks 1961 is made of copper-nickel alloy and weighs 3.4 grams. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
The Slavic sword is a weapon that is considered a real relic in our time, and is in great demand among collectors. But not everyone knows that such cold weapons once existed. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02
Ancient coins are not only an object of interest for numismatists, they are part of human culture. And some are also unique because they are historical artifacts that hide many secrets. These include the Siberian coin. Last modified: 2024-02-26 03:02