Origami for children 4-5 years old: schemes and ideas
Origami for children 4-5 years old: schemes and ideas

Origami is a popular form of creativity for children and adults. Even the smallest child will enjoy watching how adults fold a paper airplane or boat, and then play with it. You can do paper folding together at an early age, there are origami patterns for children 4-5 years old.

The benefits of origami

How will such an activity help in the development of the baby? For a child, origami can be an exciting game that develops creativity and dexterity. Folding paper perfectly develops fine motor skills, because when folding sheets, coordination of fingers improves. This will help in the development of speech, when learning to write and will be useful in a music school.

In addition, accuracy, intelligence, memory, logic, perseverance, spatial thinking, and imagination develop. Working with geometric shapes will help you better understand mathematics.

Another advantage of origami for children 4-5 years old is that no special tools are required for classes. All you need is a piece of paper. To diversify the creative process, ordinary pencils, felt-tip pens, colored paper, sequins, beads, buttons, etc. can come in handy

Easiest origami for 4-5 year olds

Schemes can be found in children's magazines or the Internet, and having some experience, you can already invent it yourself. First, the child needs to be interested by folding several figures on their own. Very quickly, the baby will want to repeat your actions. Start with the simplest shapes, and gradually move on to the more complex ones. For starters, it is better to choose simple animals and flowers.

Tulip is a simple piece of colored paper. It can be a gift for mom, grandmother, teacher or decorate a greeting card. It is extremely simple and easy for a child to repeat.

origami for children 4 5 years old
origami for children 4 5 years old

Take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally. Bend the corners of the resulting triangle, as shown in the diagram, bend the lower tip of the flower. To make the stem, bend the corners of the new square towards the center, fold the resulting figure in half and fold the bottom corner. Now the parts can be glued together or attached to a piece of paper.

The simplest are animal figurines. The child learns to recognize images, it is interesting for him to play with such animals. They can draw eyes, nose, mouth, antennae, decorate with pencils, collect a collection of fairy tale characters or domestic animals, wild, marine, African, etc.

For example, to make a dog, it is enough to fold a square sheet diagonally, form hanging ears from the side corners, and a muzzle from the bottom corner. Now you can draw or glue the nose and eyes.

origami for children 4 5 years old scheme
origami for children 4 5 years old scheme

Making a cat is as easy as making a dog. Only the ears need to be bent harder, because the muzzle of the animal will be on the other side.

paper origami for children 4 5 years old
paper origami for children 4 5 years old

This way you can create a whole zoo! From triangles of different widths, make bodies for animals, draw or cut and glue tails, paws.

Paper origami for 4-5 year olds of medium difficulty

The most popular figures - an airplane and a boat - can be folded by every parent. An older child will quickly remember the sequence of actions and will soon repeat them.

origami for children 4 5 years old
origami for children 4 5 years old

More complex origami for 4-5 year olds doesn't necessarily mean a design with many folds, it can be made up of the simplest parts. For example, origami "Teremok". From simple similar details of the “rooms”, form a house and populate it with fairy tale characters. You can come up with large rooms for each animal, draw furniture in them, stick shutters to the windows. Such a craft can become a real family project, which will be constantly developed and supplemented.
