Ancient tool: Slavic sword
Ancient tool: Slavic sword

The Slavic sword is a tool that is considered a real relic in our time and is in great demand among collectors. But not everyone knows that such melee weapons once existed.

slavic sword
slavic sword

Historical background

Official historical science claims that the Russian State was formed in 862. However, some sources are trying to refute this fact, as if in reality the pre-Christian statehood among the Eastern Slavs arose at the beginning of our era. Our distant ancestors mastered the art of war well, and even from childhood. This was forced by the harsh life, the specifics of that environment.

Thinking back to that era, one can imagine the conditions in which our ancestors had to live: wild nature, small settlements separated by long distances and poor communication. How to protect yourself from numerous raids, save yourself from internecine conflicts? The Slavic sword was supposed to protect ancient people from enemies.

Ancient tool

All types of edged weapons common in that era, whether it was a spear, an ax or an ax, the ancient Slavs mastered to perfection. But still preferencegave to the sword. In capable hands, it was a formidable weapon that was associated not only with strength, but also with power and valor.

slavic sword
slavic sword

The impressive size and considerable weight of the Slavic sword required its owner to have physical fitness in order to be able to crush opponents with accurate and powerful blows. Every boy of that time dreamed of getting it. The Slavic sword was made by blacksmiths and special craftsmen with their own hands. It was presented as a gift in honor of respect. Only brave men could boast such weapons in their home.


What was the Slavic sword? The wide warhead, called the blade, had some narrowing near the tip itself. Often there were swords, along the middle line of the blade of which a shallow and narrow groove passed. According to the version based on the legends of the Slavs, the blood of the defeated enemy flowed along this very “dale”. More plausible is the explanation of the role of this element: the smaller weight of the sword, it was easier for them to wield.

The detailed description of the Russian sword by a scientist from Khorezm who lived in the Middle Ages - Biruni is considered interesting. The warhead was made of solid steel-style called shapurkan. The middle part, where the valley passed, on the contrary, should be plastic, i.e., containing soft iron. It was thanks to such a cleverly designed device that the Slavic sword was very strong to withstand powerful blows, but also not fragile.

slavic sword amulet
slavic sword amulet

Original design

Can't bypassattention to appearance. The hilt and guard are admirable in terms of design. Garda - an element of the sword in the form of a crosshair, which was located between the hilt and the blade, protected the warrior's hand from enemy blows. The sword, in the manufacture of which the master put his whole soul, was truly a masterpiece, a work of art. Surprising jewelry accuracy and complexity of the patterns, the elements of which were such popular symbols of the time as inglia (primary fire), svyatodar, kolovrat (solstice).

Magical drawings were also present on the blade itself. The encrustation of the handle with precious stones emphasized the fact of how reverently the owner treated him. Slavic sword - a talisman of its owner. It was an honor to take a weapon from the enemy, but sometimes such trophies brought only misfortune. People thought it was due to witchcraft.

sword slavic photo
sword slavic photo

Who was allowed to wear a sword and when?

Everything indicates that the Slavic sword was not perceived as a weapon in the usual sense. It was worn daily only by representatives of the elite - the prince with his warriors. Ordinary citizens did not enjoy this privilege between hostilities. Ignoring this rule of etiquette indicated bad manners, and it could also be interpreted as disrespectful to those who held a high position in society.

A sword is not a piece of jewelry that can be put on display, but, above all, a weapon to protect the native land from the encroachment of enemies. A true warrior must have such a tool. Womentried not to touch the "toys" of men. The Slavic sword occupied a special place in the life of every prince. Photos of cold weapons are published by many archaeologists who discovered this expensive find.

do-it-yourself Slavic sword
do-it-yourself Slavic sword

The meaning of the sword in the life of the Slavs

The sword among the Slavs was a kind of family heirloom, which the representatives of the strong half of the older generation passed on to their heirs. Moreover, often a father with almost a beggarly income could not leave anything other than a sword for his son. A formidable weapon made it possible for a brave and valiant warrior to become famous in military combat and, if he was lucky, improve his financial situation.

It is characteristic that Russian speech is replete with many verbal turns containing the term "sword", the use of which emphasized the significance of the Slavic sword. Here are some examples. The legendary phrase uttered by Alexander Nevsky is passed from mouth to mouth about what awaits the enemy who came with a sword to Russian soil. Thus, the great commander not only warned the Teutonic knights. The phrase has become not only winged, but also prophetic, which is proved by the centuries-old history of Russia. The following phrases are less well known: “take up the sword against” was used as a sign of a call to start hostilities, and the laconic phrase “go in with the sword” served as a call to capture the enemy’s fortress or foreign terrain, followed by strengthening positions.

slavic sword
slavic sword

Roughly since the beginning of the 13th century, the following trend can be traced. Gunsmiths from different regions of Russiathe manufacture of swords ceased to adhere to uniform standards, varieties of the sword appeared, which differed from each other in weight and shape. This continued until the 19th century.

Slavic sword is often used as a tattoo. The image symbolizes resilience, strength, fortitude, in a sense serves the patriotic education of the current and all subsequent generations of the Russian people.
