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How chess pieces move: movement features
How chess pieces move: movement features

Many beginners have questions about how to play chess. How the pieces move is the basis of all movements and moves. This is where learning begins. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

There are 6 types of pieces in total: pawn, rook (or round), bishop (also called officer), knight, queen (otherwise queen) and king. They all walk differently. There are also subtleties in movement, depending on the game situation. So, let's talk about each one separately.


How do the chess pieces from the second row move? Pawns are the most numerous (there are 8 of them), but also the weakest characters. They can only move forward and only one cell. They can no longer go back. These figures beat a little differently - moving diagonally. The only time a pawn can jump 2 squares forward is at the very beginning of the battle, making its first move.

How do chess pieces move?
How do chess pieces move?

On the other hand, a pawn that reaches the opposite edge of the board can be promoted to any other piece. Most often, chess players opt for the queen because of its versatility, but if the game situation requires it, the "ordinary" can become an officer, and a rook, and a knight.


Let's move on to the first row. How do chess pieces move hidden behind pawns? The tour walks in a straight line, both horizontally and vertically. The number of cells that she can step over is unlimited. She can also stop at any point. Reverse movement is not allowed. But the rook cannot jump over other pieces. She strikes along the way: she goes in a straight line, destroys her opponent and takes his place. All this without deviating from their line of motion.

chess how pieces move
chess how pieces move

There is a special move - castling. Only the king and the tour that have not made a move can take part in it. If one or both of them have already moved across the field, then castling cannot take place. The essence of this movement is that the king moves 2 cells to the tour, and she is rearranged for the king. This is the only case when 2 pieces are involved at once within one move.


Let's continue to study chess. How do pieces move that even people far from the game have heard of? The movement of the horse is similar to the letter "G". He jumps over 2 squares and stands on the third, perpendicular to the previous movement. The step can be taken both vertically and horizontally. The horse can also turn in any direction. Therefore, this figure, standing in the center of the field, has 8 options for movement. As a result of the move, the knight always ends up on the field of the opposite color.

how chess pieces move
how chess pieces move

Another advantage of the knight is that it can jump over other pieces, including enemy ones, without eating them. Without consequences for himselfattacks the queen, rook or bishop, because they move in a completely different way and will not be able to overtake the cunning one. To beat, the knight must take the place of the attacked piece. Otherwise, he will just jump over it.


How do chess pieces move if they are bishops? Diagonally. Each player has a "white" and a "black" bishop. This name is given because of the initial color of the field on which the piece stands. It is impossible to change it. The officer cannot jump over other pieces. Otherwise, its movements are not limited: in any diagonal direction for any number of cells. To eat an enemy piece standing in the way of an officer, you need to put him in her place.

how to play chess how pieces move
how to play chess how pieces move


The most maneuverable and powerful figure. Moves like a bishop and a rook put together. That is, vertically, horizontally and diagonally to any number of cells and in all directions. It has only one limitation: you cannot jump over pieces. In case of danger, the queen can hide in any direction. If necessary, attack from any point on the board. The queen is the most powerful weapon in the hands of a chess player.

How do chess pieces move?
How do chess pieces move?


The most important figure that requires constant protection. She will complete the study of the question of how pieces move in chess. The king has practically no way to hide, since he can only move 1 square. Of course, he can walk in any direction: diagonally, vertically or horizontally. But also control itis also quite easy, subject to significant removal. The king eats enemy pieces in the same way as he moves - moving 1 square. That's all there is to say about how chess pieces move.

It is with the king that the end of the game is connected. He is checked out. This means that the most important figure is under attack, and there is nowhere for her to hide: there are opponents all around. There are also no pieces of your own to hide behind. If such a position is created, the game ends. And the one who was checked out is considered the loser.

How do chess pieces move?
How do chess pieces move?

Check is a situation when the king is under attack, but he can leave or block. It is also possible that the threatening figure can be eaten. The king cannot be left under attack. How do the chess pieces move in this case? All actions of the player must be aimed at protecting the king.

Pat is a very interesting situation in the game. In this case, the king himself is not under attack, he is not in check, but he has nowhere to go: all other cells are controlled by enemy pieces. At the same time, the retinue cannot come to the rescue either. Stalemate counts as a draw, game ends.

That's all about the basic element in playing chess. As the pieces move, you know, you can start the game.
