Coin collectors of Russia and the world
Coin collectors of Russia and the world

Old books, documents, worn paper, expensive coins - all this seems mysterious and expensive at the same time. It is these associations that appear in the imagination of a person who imagines a set of these items on a desk. Agree, if you add a light light, choose the shadows well and take a picture of this picture, you will get an element of mystery.

Numismatists - who are they?

A coin collector is called a numismatist. Now this is not a man with a large fortune. People of different interests, professions and financial possibilities are currently engaged in collecting.

Common interest rallied numismatists. You can see a lot of ads like: “Coin collecting in Russia” or “Buy coins”. And make sure how wide the geography of communication of numismatists is.

What is the demand for coins?

Now the coin market is a full-fledged business that is developing and gaining momentum every year. Why? Yes, because time passes, coins only become more expensive from this, the demand for them increases. On average, coins increase in price by 7-8% in just one year.

Collectors and distributors of old coinsoperate in the same business system. On the network you can see a dozen online stores that offer their services for the sale of old coins. You may encounter different prices for them. Some copies can reach 200,000 rubles for an audience, while simple ones can be purchased for 150 rubles.

What determines the price?

Beginner collectors of antique coins may encounter problems in pricing. Consider specific examples.

1. The appearance of the coin and its mintage. You see in front of you two coins of 5 kopecks in 2002 without letters, with an approximate value of 3000 rubles. They have the same circulation, but one costs more. Why? Because it has a much better appearance and degree of preservation.

2. The rarity of the coin. It often happens that a coin from 1960 will cost more than the same price counterpart from 1950. You will say - she is 10 years older than her, which means that she should be more expensive. This logic has the right to life, but if the coins of the 1960 model were issued in a smaller circulation, then the price advantage will be in this case for them.

3. Coin catalogs often list coin prices. They are not always accurate. The first and second points clearly demonstrate why this is happening.

Buying and selling takes place through bank numbers of coin collectors. With the help of the internet and banks, exchanging money is easy.

Is collecting a hobby or something more?

Now collectors of old coins are stepping up their activities in the market. This is due to the good demand for the product. There is a buzzword- investments. Now it is fashionable to invest not only in apartments, cars and securities, but also in coins. Securities and apartments may depreciate due to the difficult political and economic situation in the country or region. Coins are only going up. According to the authoritative edition of Vedomosti: "Prices for old coins increase annually."

antique coin collectors
antique coin collectors

People don't invest randomly - today I will buy a coin from the pre-Petrine era, and tomorrow 5 kopecks of the 1963 model. Increasingly, you can find a smart investment that is aimed at collecting collections of coins of a certain period of time or region.

Collecting at this stage is not only a hobby, but also a smart investment that can bring money. Coin collectors in Moscow are increasingly investing in coins more profitably.

Albums for coins "Collector"

Any business requires systematization and ordering for its success. Entrepreneurs must keep documents in perfect order to avoid misunderstandings with them.

collector's coin albums
collector's coin albums

What should collectors and numismatists do? That's right, keep your coins in order. Numismatists are offered albums for coins "Collector".

Album content helps to put all the necessary coins in one place. Moreover, this can be done in a special folio, which is intended for this, and not in self-made albums. In the albums, all cells are distributed in chronological order and already have signatures for the corresponding coinscollections.

Examples of the title: "Album for coins of the period of the reign of Nicholas 2", "Album for coins of the USSR of regular minting 1961-1991", "Album for coins of Russia by type since 1796".

Coins in the cells of the album are placed so that they can be viewed from two sides. It is not necessary to remove the coin from the cell to see it in its entirety. An indispensable assistant to a true collector.

Coins of Russia

Russian coin collectors
Russian coin collectors

Coin collectors of Russia use the services of the Moscow and St. Petersburg mints. After minting, the coins are launched by the Russian Central Bank into circulation and for sale. Coins of Russia are produced for different audiences. You can find coins with cheap finishes, intended for general demand. There are Russian coins made of precious metals. As a rule, they are limited edition, have a high cost. However, coins are sold very quickly due to high demand.

Buying coins is not just a business. This is also a hobby and a real genuine love for Russian history. Now collectors of Russian coins are not only Russians and residents of the CIS countries. Interest in Russian coins has recently increased in non-CIS countries.

Russian coins have been minted from 1992 to the present. They have long found their client and are regularly in demand in the market. A complete list of the catalog of coins can be found on the website of the Central Bank of Russia.

Coin collector is often called a patriot of Russia. After all, about 40% of numismatists in Russia are engaged incollecting domestic coins.

Soviet coins

collector of Soviet coins
collector of Soviet coins

Coins from 1922 to 1991 are considered Soviet. This is a long period of time, during which millions of copies were minted. Most of the coins of the Soviet period are inexpensive and have always been issued in large numbers. Consequently, they are in high demand in the market due to their reasonable price.

A collector of Soviet coins knows which period of the USSR is most relevant for a numismatist. The most interesting and expensive coins in the USSR were issued in 1961. If 1 kopeck in 1960 costs 40 rubles, then 1 kopeck in 1961 costs about 400 rubles. A tenfold difference is significant. Collectors of Soviet coins always turn their eyes to the wave of production in 1961. Their circulation is reduced every year, and the cost increases. This is a smart investment.

In 1961, by decision of the KGB, stradius began to be added to coins. This is radioactive material. Moreover, stradius coins eventually began to bring benefits. They were used as fuel at nuclear power plants.

Now it is profitable to sell coins of this period abroad. So, Japan is buying up our coins. The price for 1 ruble in change is $1,500.

Commemorative coins

Commemorative coins have nothing to do with ordinary Soviet and Russian coins. These are coins of a special type, which do not always fall into general use. It is not always possible to pay with commemorative coins. Often they act as a memory of an event or the anniversary of this event.

Collectorcommemorative coins, when buying, always pays attention to the circulation and significance of the coin. Examples of commemorative coins:

1. "200th anniversary dinners in the Patriotic War of 1812" with an emblem.

2. "30 Years of the Communist Party of the USSR".

3. "20th anniversary of the 1980 Moscow Olympics".

4. "Torch of the Olympic Flame in Sochi" (2014 coin).

Coins became widely known during the existence of the Soviet Union. They are no less popular in modern Russia. Such coins are usually sold by the Central Bank. Own production of coins is regarded as counterfeiting. This rule applies even if the coins are not intended to be used for payment.

Foreign coins

The category of foreign coins includes all coins that were produced and minted abroad at different times. In history, foreign coins have always been in high demand. Canadians are interested in medieval coins of the Russian mint, while Russians are interested in Canadian money during its capitalization in the early 20th century.

Many collectors of old coins are engaged in numismatics not randomly, but thoughtfully and with a specific purpose. Russians are in demand for money and coins of Germany from the period of the 20-30s. Often the goal is to collect all possible coins that were issued in a particular area during the period of 1933. The period is interesting, filled with political events, and the coins have their own historical spirit. The more complete the collection of coins, the more it will be worth on the market.

You can purchase coins from other states. A more varied and wide choice is provided than in Soviet and Russian coins. The pricing policy allows people with different financial conditions to collect foreign currency.

Famous global collectors

Famous collectors of old coins are we althy and influential people. You will not always be able to meet them on the street or in the nearest pizzeria. However, on the pages of the annual Forbes ranking in the Top 50, they are definitely there.

coin collector numbers
coin collector numbers

According to unofficial information, 10 of the first 50 rich people on the Forbes list are coin collectors. We will only talk about some of them.

1. Carlos Slim Elu. The Mexican is famous not only for his telecommunications, but also for his collection of old coins. There are about 5 thousand of them in his collection.

2. Alice W alton. The American is engaged in the corporation Wall-Mart. Her real passion is antiques. She has a decent collection of old coins.

3. Leonid Michelson. The Russian is engaged in art and its development. However, old coins are his passion, which he cannot get rid of.

The most expensive coins of Russia

coin collectors in moscow
coin collectors in moscow

Coin collectors are attentive to the value of their goods. We bring to your attention the top 5 coins of Russia, which went under the hammer at the highest price.

5. 5 rubles 1907. This is a unique coin depicting Grand Duchess Olga. She is the first child in the marriage of Nicholas 2 and Alexandra Feodorovna. After a while, they decided to capture her birth on a coin. It came out in a limited edition and was sold for 4.5 million rubles.

4. 12 rubles 1836. The coin was minted in platinum. Intended for market circulation. Only 11 copies were made at the time. Sold for 4.7 million rubles.

3. 50 kopecks 1929. The only coin of this year made of pure silver. Preserved in a single copy. Was sold for 10 million rubles.

2. 1 ruble 1730. The coin was minted in honor of Anna Ioannovna, the niece of Peter the Great, who ascended the throne. The denomination of 1 ruble was the rarest. Was sold for 22 million rubles.

coin collectors
coin collectors

1. 20 rubles 1755. This year, under Catherine II, there was a transition to a new minting of coins. A trial gold copy was made, which was called "Catherine's Gold". The coin depicts the Empress herself and 5 coats of arms on the obverse. There are 2 such coins in total. Was sold for 78 million rubles.

How to store and clean coins

We already mentioned in the article that the most successful way to store coins is in special albums.

Constant air temperature and moderate humidity are necessary to maintain specimens in good condition. Coins should be protected from moisture as much as possible. They cannot be cleaned with improvised household products. To do this, there are special tools for coins, with which you can monitor their quality.

Perspectivefor the future

Collectors are people who know a lot about not only coins, but also history itself. It is she who allows you to understand the value of each coin, based on the historical era. We have already mentioned the period of 1961 in the USSR in the context of the article. This is one of the clearest examples of understanding the historical process.

There is an unspoken rule: if you buy a coin, forget about it. Be sure to remember about it in 4-5 years, when it grows in price. This is how the money business is done.

commemorative coin collector
commemorative coin collector

When buying a coin, you need to compare its circulation and value. The profit from the sale of the coin depends on this. Finally, it should be said that not every business in which money is invested is profitable. Even if we are talking about collecting old coins.

There are always risks. They are connected with purchases of currency and fluctuations in the dollar. The coin "50 years of victory in the Second World War" was worth - at the rate - 3 dollars. Now it's less than $1. In fact, we invested wisely. And bought a collectible coin. We waited and wanted to sell it. The market allows you to sell a coin, but does not provide an opportunity to earn.

Invest wisely, carefully and correctly.
