How much do Russian coins cost? Collecting as a hobby and a way to earn money
How much do Russian coins cost? Collecting as a hobby and a way to earn money

Practically all people collect various items that are similar in external parameters or tied to a specific event. These can be photographs, letters, postcards, stamps, coins, clothing items, and even what looks like garbage to an outsider.

Hobby or way to make money?

The collector is in each of us, and this craving can become a serious occupation. For some, this is just a hobby, while for others it is a way to earn money.

Coins are the most interesting and common collectible. The 20th century was rich in events, Tsarist Russia was replaced by the USSR, followed by Russia. In circulation, in museums, in private collections and simply in the ground, a wide variety of specimens remained, with different coats of arms, from different materials. How much the coins of Russia and the USSR cost is not so easy to determine because of the abundance of factors affecting the price. In our state, in addition to standard coins, they issue coins dedicated to various events:Olympic, anniversary, etc.

How much do Russian coins cost?

how much do russian coins cost
how much do russian coins cost

This information is especially interesting for those who did not inherit old Soviet rubles from their grandparents, parents. It would seem, what could be the value of the Russian ruble, the nominal value of which is one ruble. Demand creates supply, and the rarity and interest of collectors creates the value of Russian coins.

The average price of Russian coins varies from face value to 20 thousand rubles. Particularly rare specimens are valued at 100 thousand rubles. All coins are similar to each other, therefore it is the specimens that are different from the total mass that have the highest value. How much are Russian coins worth in your pocket? Maybe they don't have a mint mark? The cost of such a coin is several times greater than its face value.

Collectible Destinations

According to some criteria, coin collecting is divided into three groups: weather, commemorative coins, collecting by variety.

Pogodovka - collection of coins with distribution by year of issue. Now there are special magazines, which are accompanied by a list of coins to simplify the search.

Commemorative coins are the most massive collection direction available to any citizen of the Russian Federation. You do not need to have reference books on numismatics and a magnifying glass to distinguish a commemorative coin from an ordinary one. Their release is timed to coincide with some anniversary date or significant event. Another advantage of this direction is that it is not necessaryknow how much Russian commemorative coins cost. In the year of issue and in the next couple of years, they can be purchased at face value.

Collecting by varieties is a rather narrow area in which knowledge in numismatics is required. Some coins have factory defects, or they are issued in a very small batch. This raises their value hundreds of times.

Types of Russian coins

Russian coin value
Russian coin value

The list of Russian coins is quite large. Beginning in 1992, mints began producing pieces with a double-headed eagle on the reverse. The value of the coins of 1991-93 is not high, there are separate specimens where the inscription is removed from the rim or the plumage of the eagle has a different pattern. There are also such types of 100-ruble coins that have the inscription "fifty rubles" on the reverse. These are only of interest to real collectors who are not engaged in this for the sake of earning money. These are all coins with denominations from 1 ruble to 100.

The next batch of coins falls on the time period from 1997 to 2014. There are already kopecks from 1 to 50 and from 1 to 10 rubles. The value of such coins depends on a dozen little things. They are made from different metals, in different mints. Prices for Russian coins vary from face value and above, depending on the small details of the pattern. The feathers of an eagle, the mint mark at different angles and different thicknesses, the lines of letters of different clarity, etc. can merge, etc.

Russian coin prices
Russian coin prices

Commemorative coins perfectly complement the list of Russian coins. There are severalsets: "Ministries of Russia", "Ancient cities", "Cities-heroes", "Federal subjects". There are also separate coins issued in honor of the first flight into space, the Great Patriotic War. Their value is clear and most understandable. Children like a variety of pictures, and they are collected just like that. The fact that such coins become more expensive every year, children will learn much later.

list of russian coins
list of russian coins

Anniversary are divided into bimetallic and ordinary tens. The cost of bimetallic coins varies depending on the rarity of the given batch (from 150 rubles to 500), ordinary tens - from 50 rubles to 450.

How to determine the value of Russian coins?

If you do not want to use the services of a specialist in numismatics, you will have to arm yourself with a magnifying glass, a guide to factory defects and visit several exchanges or auctions. Each of these resources has its own price, but they differ, as a rule, not too much. To determine how much Russian coins from your collection are worth, you will have to devote a lot of time and patience. Leave yourself room to bargain. If you are going to sell, then overestimate the price a little, by 10 percent. When buying, respectively, underestimate. Also, don't forget about shipping costs.

How to store and clean?

how much are commemorative coins of russia
how much are commemorative coins of russia

Prices for Russian coins, like any other, depend on their condition. Oxidation of the metal does its job and dramatically reduces the cost. There are several easy ways to clean coins at home. Toothpaste, tooth powder, soda, ammonia, citric acid - these are the simplest and most affordable means. It is worth processing carefully and not immersing the coins in the solution for a long time, the copy can easily be ruined. After you need to rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

For storage, it is convenient to use special albums with separate cells for each coin.
