How to twist a pen on your fingers - good advice
How to twist a pen on your fingers - good advice

Students and idlers are the most inventive people on earth. Why? Everything is actually very simple. Idlers will always find a way to do a difficult task in a short period of time, and students will always find a way to make themselves useful in moments of idleness.

Imagine that you are a student of absolutely no matter what course, and you are bored at the lecture. This happens to 90% of students. There is no hopelessness in this. There is a way out!

Pen Spanning - what is it?

how to spin a pen on your fingers
how to spin a pen on your fingers

Pen Spanning was invented by inventive people. Speaking very briefly, this is the ability to perform tricks of varying complexity with the help of an ordinary ballpoint pen and hands. With the help of mastering the Pen Spanning technique, you will understand how to twist the pen on your fingers, and you will know what to do with yourself in moments of idleness.

This way of entertainment will not only give you pleasure, but will also attract the attention of others to you. Agree, having a skill that draws the attention of others to you is already a big plus.

Tips for beginners

Every business has its own rules and laws. Do you want to know history well? Study primary sources. Do you want to learn how to run fast at 1 year old? To startlearn to walk. Pen Spannings have their own law and their own rules that they follow when doing pen exercises.

1. You need to completely relax your hand. If your hand is tense during the exercises, then there is a high probability that you will not succeed. Moreover, the more tense your arm is, the faster your arm will get tired.

2. Don't take your eyes off the pen. For beginners, this is exactly what you need. If you want to clearly understand how to twist the handle on your fingers, then you should look at it and at the hand at the moment of performing the next trick.

how to learn to twist a pen with your fingers
how to learn to twist a pen with your fingers

3. Suitable handle. It often happens that a person's hand is small, and the handle is iron and massive. Accordingly, it will be inconvenient for him to exercise with her. Harmony is when the hand is comfortable to use the pen. Pick one just for you.

4. Attention to detail. To understand how to learn how to twist the handle with your fingers, you need to be as attentive as possible to the small details of the trick. You should see how your hand moves and copes with the result. You can specifically record the tricks on video, so that you can conveniently view them later and try to repeat what you did.

5. Rest. Do not overexert your hands. Overexertion causes fatigue, which does not allow you to perform exercises at the proper level. Tricks done with a "fresh" hand are much better than when tired.

Special accessories

Your main weapon in this matter is yourpen. It is harmony with her that should be the initial key to success for you.

It is recommended to get a special pen for Pen Spanning. Another option is to make it yourself according to your needs. Ideally, you can use a set to create a universal pen - a ballpoint pen projectile and special rubber bands for better grip with your fingers.

To know how to twist a pen on your fingers correctly, you need to have the right tool for this.

Why is this even necessary?

An adult differs from others in the ability to ask himself the question: “Why do I need this?” Moreover, this question applies to any business.

how to twist a pen between your fingers
how to twist a pen between your fingers

Pen Spanning - just for slackers? Nothing like this. You will change your mind when you find out what I want to tell you in this article below.

Pen Spanning is not only the science of “how to twist a pen between your fingers”. Today it is a sporting event that covers the entire globe. Every year, the strongest athletes meet in competitions to decide who is stronger and cooler in Pen Spanning.

Jokes? Only the grand prize of $30,000 to the winner is a reality.

So every talented slacker gets $30,000 richer every year. Maybe you will be next on this list? If you know how to twirl the pen on your fingers effectively, then your chances increase.
