
DIY paper decorations: garlands, snowflakes. Stencils, instructions

DIY paper decorations: garlands, snowflakes. Stencils, instructions

The main creator of the New Year's atmosphere in the house, in addition to the Christmas tree, of course, are New Year's decorations. They do not have to be bought in the store, spending money. Many very interesting toys can be made with your own hands. How to make paper decorations? In fact, everything is very simple. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew a pillowcase in different ways? Detailed Instructions

How to sew a pillowcase in different ways? Detailed Instructions

Pillow cases are sewn in different ways. This is a pillowcase with a smell familiar to the inhabitants of our country, a product with various fasteners - a snake, buttons, ties or Velcro. There are pillowcases sewn with an envelope, which on the back are fastened in the center with a button. How to sew a pillowcase yourself, you can find out by reading our article, which describes in detail the different ways of sewing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself curtains for the kitchen: design, patterns, fabric selection, tailoring

Do-it-yourself curtains for the kitchen: design, patterns, fabric selection, tailoring

To make the interior of your kitchen attractive and original, it is not necessary to change the wallpaper and furniture. It is enough to decorate the kitchen window with a beautiful curtain, and the look of your kitchen will change. The choice of curtains in stores and salons is large, but if needlework is your hobby, why not make curtains for the kitchen with your own hands? And how to do this, both the master class and the advice of designers that you will find in this article will tell you. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY tree of happiness: choice of materials, master class

DIY tree of happiness: choice of materials, master class

You have probably seen such trees on the windowsills of a cafe or at a friend's house, but you hardly attached importance to a worthwhile decor. Topiary, as this tree is called, is a talisman that can attract happiness, prosperity and positive emotions to your home. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a telescope at home

How to make a telescope at home

How to make a telescope at home from improvised materials - readers of our article will learn about it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make glowing liquid at home?

How to make glowing liquid at home?

Originality is always welcome! At any celebration, you can surprise your friends or please children with the help of the so-called luminous liquid. But at the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy a tool in a store, since you can make it on your own at home, which will look even more spectacular. And will cause a lot of positive emotions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Teddy bear pattern from fabric. How to sew a soft toy bear with your own hands

Teddy bear pattern from fabric. How to sew a soft toy bear with your own hands

Adorable teddy bears are no longer just a child's toy. Increasingly, they are sewn to decorate the interior or just for the soul. It is especially pleasant that you can sew such a bear yourself, even if you have never held a needle and thread in your hands. And after sewing a couple of simple toys, be sure to try to take a more complicated pattern and you will surely get a unique bear. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Master class "How to make a star out of paper"

Master class "How to make a star out of paper"

This article explains how to make a paper star. It includes detailed descriptions with photographs. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make beautiful DIY ribbon bracelets?

How to make beautiful DIY ribbon bracelets?

The article is devoted to needlework, namely, the creation of jewelry from ribbons. The material describes how to make bracelets. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY polymer clay necklace

DIY polymer clay necklace

The ability to make a necklace with your own hands is always a creative and very exciting process. Such an ornament will emphasize the individuality of its mistress much more than what is bought in a store. This was done by girls and women of many generations. However, today there is an opportunity to use the latest technological progress in this area. More and more actively for decorative elements, including jewelry, a material called "polymer clay" is used. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Angora - luxury yarn

Angora - luxury yarn

Angora is a yarn of amazing softness. It makes chic things: hats, sweaters, shawls, mittens, stoles. Yes, and such products are quite expensive, like the yarn itself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY glass bottle vase (photo)

DIY glass bottle vase (photo)

Do you like to create souvenirs from unnecessary things? Read the article, follow the recommendations, and you will have a very beautiful glass bottle vase. It’s easy to make such a decor with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Stitch embroidery for beginners. Stitch embroidery technique

Stitch embroidery for beginners. Stitch embroidery technique

Stitch embroidery for beginners may seem complicated due to the variety of stitches, directions and types of needlework. But in practice, you will have to work with 3-5 types of stitches, which are more suitable for embroidering patterns, plants, animals. Learn more about the rules of satin stitch embroidery and types of patterns in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Shambhala bracelet. Weaving a classic and double bracelet

Shambhala bracelet. Weaving a classic and double bracelet

All girls love jewelry, and this is understandable, because they, being the fair sex, know how to appreciate beauty. The most popular bracelet today is Shambhala. Weaving such a bracelet should not cause any particular difficulties even for beginners. How to weave a classic and double bracelet, read this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to crochet an openwork pattern: diagram, photo, useful tips

How to crochet an openwork pattern: diagram, photo, useful tips

There are several ways to crochet an openwork pattern. Scheme and photo are attached. Helpful tips are given on how to calculate the density of a knitted product and how to proceed. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Openwork crochet - a type of folk art that came to us from time immemorial

Openwork crochet - a type of folk art that came to us from time immemorial

Openwork crochet is a favorite of millions of women. More recently, in every Russian and Ukrainian village, one could meet women of the golden age, dressed in clothes decorated with knitted elements. Today this fashion is being revived. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Egg beading for beginners

Egg beading for beginners

According to the legend about the emergence of the tradition of giving eggs to each other for Easter, its founder was Mary Magdalene, who presented the Easter egg to Emperor Tiberius. It is believed that since then, painted in different colors, carved and adorned with precious stones, testicles have become the main gift for this Christian holiday. Such a souvenir can be made with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Let's talk about how to make a flower out of plastic bottles

Let's talk about how to make a flower out of plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself products made from plastic bottles decorate many dwellings, summer cottages and garden plots. The thing is that plastic is inexpensive, it is constantly in wide availability, and most importantly, real masterpieces of arts and crafts are obtained from it. In this article we will talk about how you can make chic flowers from plastic bottles. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Decorating a flower pot with your own hands

Decorating a flower pot with your own hands

To make the decoration of the flower pot look original, craftsmen use both twigs and pieces of broken ceramic tiles or old dishes, even eggshells are used. If you carefully read the article, then you can make any craft without much difficulty. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Small DIY gifts - a snowman made of threads

Small DIY gifts - a snowman made of threads

A snowman made of threads is the simplest and most original little present for the New Year. It can be done with children. Such a souvenir will delight your loved ones and decorate their homes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a DIY pumpkin basket

How to make a DIY pumpkin basket

Probably the most beautiful and appropriate time to do something beautiful is autumn. It was at this time that nature fully gives all the colors and variety of vegetables, fruits, plants and flowers for folk art. One of the brightest representatives for crafts is a pumpkin. Thanks to its structure, structure and color, it makes excellent crafts and home decorations that do not deteriorate for years. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Undershirts for newborns: pattern, processing and modeling

Undershirts for newborns: pattern, processing and modeling

The appearance of a baby is a joyful event for all family members. And the hassle of collecting a dowry for a newborn is always accompanied by a lot of positive experiences. Future mothers try to choose the best and most beautiful clothes for their child. And the vests in the shopping list occupy the very first position. But why, when preparing for the appearance of the crumbs, do not do needlework and, putting your love into each product, sew on a vest yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Christmas crafts - a horse. We make gifts for family and friends with our own hands

Christmas crafts - a horse. We make gifts for family and friends with our own hands

On the eve of one of the most pleasant holidays - the New Year - it is customary to present beautiful souvenirs to relatives and friends. In order to surprise and please your family members, we suggest you make memorable gifts yourself. In fact, it is not difficult to make an original craft that personifies the coming 2014. Craft "Horse" will allow you to express love and give friends and family a piece of your warmth. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Patterns for knitting: from simple to complex

Patterns for knitting: from simple to complex

For a craftswoman, creating openwork products is much easier than solid ones. Holes allow you to get a quick increase in the canvas and see the result of your work. This often becomes decisive for those who choose knitting. Openwork patterns, the schemes of which are densely dotted with crochets, are very popular. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

A wonderful gift for a loved one - a scarf for men. Knitting needles learning to knit a warm accessory

A wonderful gift for a loved one - a scarf for men. Knitting needles learning to knit a warm accessory

Do you want to give your loved one an original gift? Knit a scarf for him with men's knitting needles. In addition to being warm, it is also very fashionable. Even a beginner knitter can make such a product with their own hands. If you know the name of the loops and have an idea about their implementation, then you can knit a men's scarf with knitting needles without any problems. Use the suggestions in this article as tips. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Creating a paper horse using different techniques

Creating a paper horse using different techniques

To spend time usefully, both children and adults can do needlework. For example, creating various animals from paper. This material is common, affordable and does not require special costs. There are several techniques that use paper. This is an applique, pattern cutting, origami and papier-mâché. How they can be used is described below using the example of creating a paper horse. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands?

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands?

Do you like pretty jewelry? Then you probably already thought about how to make a bracelet out of thread. Such decorations are popular today. But keep in mind that minimalist jewelry is in fashion. Complex weaves of threads and massive forms are something that should be abandoned. Look for ideas of interesting and fashionable jewelry below. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Crepe paper flowers: tulips and crocuses

Crepe paper flowers: tulips and crocuses

Even kids can make crepe paper flowers. This paper stretches well and holds its shape. For beginners, it's best to start with tulips and crocuses, which are a bit similar to each other. The article gives 3 ways to create crocuses and tulips, varying which you can create a whole bunch of unusual flowers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Make a gift to a friend with your own hands

Make a gift to a friend with your own hands

As you know, today DIY gift ideas are valued much higher than a banal trip to the store and the purchase of another unnecessary trinket. The person who decided to make a gift for you on their own loves and appreciates you very much. That is why it is fundamentally important for him to make a present himself, putting his soul and heart into it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Foamiran: what is this material?

Foamiran: what is this material?

Foamiran - plastic suede, produced in the form of a sheet and characterized by softness. Features of the material allow it to be used in different types of needlework. With it, you can create a variety of volumetric decor: flowers, dolls, garlands, various home accessories. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY cereal painting

DIY cereal painting

We are always trying to try something new. While away the evenings with classic knitting or reading books, of course, it is interesting, but there are so many exciting activities in the world! Some of them we have just started to learn about. For example, a picture of cereals was such a rarity until recently, but now more and more often it can be found in an ordinary apartment. As an art material, everything that is in the kitchen is suitable - from cereals to spices. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a flower from beads with your own hands

How to make a flower from beads with your own hands

No one will be left indifferent by a craft made of beads. A flower made of small balls shimmering in the light will delight your loved ones forever and will never wither. In addition, it is also a great pastime - beading. Such an activity will easily relieve stress from everyday household problems and bring you a lot of pleasure. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew a do-it-yourself sun skirt with an elastic band

How to sew a do-it-yourself sun skirt with an elastic band

This article contains tips on how to sew an elastic skirt. This element of the wardrobe has been popular for decades among women of all ages. With the help of such a skirt, you can emphasize the beautiful line of the hips, slender legs, or, on the contrary, hide wide hips behind a flowing fabric. If you love beautiful things, then you just need to get this piece of clothing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew a jeans skirt easily?

How to sew a jeans skirt easily?

Every girl has a favorite thing that has long served its purpose or gone out of fashion, but which you don’t want to throw away at all. So, we put aside a lot of unnecessary things that just take up space in the house, and there is absolutely no benefit from them. But if you have old unnecessary jeans with torn knees or shabby bottoms, this is exactly what you need, because next we will look at how to sew a jeans skirt. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The platypus is a soft toy. Do-it-yourself patterns and sewing - it's easy

The platypus is a soft toy. Do-it-yourself patterns and sewing - it's easy

This article is dedicated to all those who have small children in the family, or just lovers of plush animals. I think that the soft toy will not leave anyone indifferent. Do-it-yourself patterns are not so difficult to make. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Let's talk about how to make a diary with your own hands

Let's talk about how to make a diary with your own hands

The idea of how to make a diary with your own hands came to my mind during the general cleaning, oddly enough. I stumbled upon my old notepads, which have served as my faithful listener for several years. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY pareo is a great addition to your beach wardrobe

DIY pareo is a great addition to your beach wardrobe

If you want to look irresistible on the beach, then you definitely need to take care of a beautiful pareo that would look perfect with a bathing suit on the beach runway. This is a great addition to a swimsuit. It is lightweight and does not restrict movement. That is why many fashionistas choose it when going to the beach. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to sew a summer skirt with your own hands

How to sew a summer skirt with your own hands

Today, long skirts are very popular among fashionistas. Top or T-shirt will complement the outfit in everyday life, and in combination with a jacket or a light blouse, you can surprise others at a dinner party. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Paper cake with wishes - an unusual addition to kind words

Paper cake with wishes - an unusual addition to kind words

A wonderful paper cake with wishes will be an elegant and unusual addition to your gift, as well as the design of kind words, which the addressee will have fond memories of for a long time. After such a surprise, no one present will remain indifferent. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself napkin topiary

Do-it-yourself napkin topiary

To make a topiary, you can use any available materials: shells, flowers, grains, beads, seeds, artificial buds, cones, ribbons, fabric scraps and much more. The most ordinary napkins can be the basis for creating a small tree. And from this cheap and affordable material you can make a variety of forms. It can be buds resembling carnations, dandelions, various roses. Thus, topiary from napkins can also be very different. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01