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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
According to the legend about the emergence of the tradition of giving eggs to each other for Easter, its founder was Mary Magdalene, who presented the Easter egg to Emperor Tiberius. It is believed that since then, painted in different colors, carved and adorned with precious stones, testicles have become the main gift for this Christian holiday. You can make such a souvenir with your own hands.
How to make an egg for decoration
There are many techniques: braiding Easter eggs with beads, painting, decorating with papier-mâché elements. But for each method you will need a blank.
You can buy a ready-made egg-shaped wooden blank or make it yourself from some other material. So, for a quick and easy result, gypsum is well suited. And if there are children in your house, then most likely it will not be difficult to find a suitable form for pouring. Hard plastic packaging from chocolate eggs is perfect for making a plaster blank:
- Enoughdilute the powder with water in a ratio of 1: 2 to make a liquid paste.
- Pour the resulting mixture into halves and press them together. For fixing, you can use ordinary elastic bands.
- Gypsum dries for about three hours, after which the product can be painted, beaded or decorated in any other way.
- Excess plaster and other irregularities are removed with sandpaper.

Real egg blank
Another, even simpler option is to take real testicles and make shapes to fill out of them. To do this, in addition to the plaster mixture, you will need a long thick needle and syringes:
- First you need to wash the testicle and make a small hole in its upper part, and then remove the contents with a syringe and rinse the future shape well inside under running water.
- Then, with another syringe, you need to pour gypsum inside and leave the workpiece to dry in an upright position.
- After being removed from the shell, the surface is sanded and decorating begins.
Egg Beading for Beginners
Beads are traditionally used to decorate clothes, interior items, create various accessories and gifts, including decorating Easter eggs. This material allows you to create patterns and ornaments of varying degrees of complexity. For beginners, we can recommend a very simple way to decorate: using a beaded thread.
Beads of the same diameter but different colors are strung on a thread of 4-6 additions, about 3 meters long. The thickness of the thread is needed so that each ball "sits" tightly in place and does not move anywhere.
It is not necessary to think over any particular pattern, just string the beads in any order.

How to stick a thread with beads
It is advisable to pre-paint the blank for the Easter egg to match the beads used. To regulate the length of the thread, one end must be left free. You will also need glue - instant or regular PVA will do. To make it more convenient, you can use a glue gun, but then you will have to work very quickly until the sticky surface has hardened.
Beading the egg starts from the bottom, scrolling it and going up in a spiral. Rows should fit snugly together.

Hand-woven beaded egg
Another way of beading an egg for beginners who do not yet know how to create complex patterns is to use the weaving technique. This is a very simple weaving option that allows you to create an even and neat fabric with various patterns:
- To work, you will need a diagram that you can draw yourself or use a ready-made one.
- Hand weaving - weaving eggs with beads in rows using a special thread and a long thin needle. The blank can be used wooden - it does not slip and is quite light. But plaster, plastic or foam will also work.
- Before starting work, it is best to scatter the beads on specialcontainers to make it easier to choose the beads of the desired color.
The technique of braiding eggs with beads is quite simple:
- You need to start with weaving a belt, the width of which is selected based on the diameter of the workpiece, or as many beads are typed as indicated in the diagram.
- It is advisable to use for the upper and lower parts of the bead of a smaller diameter than all the others - then the edges will bend and lie on the workpiece more evenly.
- Having decided on the size, we type the first row, focusing on the pattern of the ornament.
- Then we string another bead and draw the thread through it and the previous bead of the first row, after which we again bring it out through the hole just dialed.

How to fasten and continue the thread
- If the beads are large, it is desirable to pass the needle through two beads so that they lie more evenly. Next, we collect on a bead and repeat all the steps, tightly weaving one bead to another.
- In essence, the thread moves in a circle until it reaches the end of the row. At this stage, you need to tighten and secure all the beads.
- Turn the work over and string the next row in the same way, pulling the beads evenly after each pass of the needle.
- When the thread ends, we fix it by passing it several times through the bead in the finished fabric, and cut it off.
- We fix the new thread in the same way, threading it several times through several beads in the last row.
- Gradually, a piece of canvas will change and turn into a girdle. We knit it until it completely embraces the entire workpiece.

Reduce row and fasten belt
If the beads at the ends are the same, in this case, their number must be reduced without knitting 2 beads approximately every fifth row.
In the decreasing row, the last two loops are not knitted - you need to pass a needle through them and pull the thread. In the next row, these loops can be knitted.
When finished, try on the girdle on the blank and, if everything is in order, fasten two beads on the upper edge so as not to let the fabric disperse.
You need to put it on the upper, narrower part of the testicle. Gently pull, straighten and begin to sequentially connect the beads to each other, constantly pulling the thread.

Design top and bottom
At the next stage of our master class on braiding eggs with beads, we will make the crown and bottom of the beaded egg. To do this, we use another technique - a mesh:
- We collect about 5 beads on the needle, skip two rows and knit.
- Then we collect five beads again and repeat everything again until we complete the circle. We pay attention to the workpiece itself and do not follow the instructions too thoroughly. When braiding an egg with beads, it is important to adapt to the shape in time, choosing the right number of beads, evenly reducing the row. If it turns out to be too loose, it is better to redo it immediately so as not to spoil the product.
- After fixing the thread, we output it throughthe third bead and knit the next row in the same way.
- Then we make a cut by knitting the middle loop of the cell, two beads, again the middle loop and two more beads until the circle closes.
- Pull up and start knitting rays of three beads, connect them through the middle and tighten the thread.
In the same way, we braid the egg with beads from above, using a grid of fewer beads. A beautiful craft is ready for the holiday!
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