Stitch embroidery for beginners. Stitch embroidery technique
Stitch embroidery for beginners. Stitch embroidery technique

One of the old labor-intensive types of needlework is satin stitch embroidery! For beginner craftswomen, special various sets have been created for working in this technique, entire encyclopedias have been written on its features. And still there are professionals who develop new stitches and whole embroidery technologies.

A brief description of the surface

Let's start our acquaintance with this type of needlework from the very beginning. You can embroider with satin stitch everything that comes to hand: clothes, bedding, tablecloths, scarves, paintings, bags, bookmarks, magnets. Compared to the cross, the patterns look more delicate and graceful.

Many people think that satin stitch embroidery is the simplest needlework. What's difficult? I drew a pattern on the fabric, made forward stitches with a needle and overcast along the contour … But not everything is so simple.

Satin stitch embroidery, like other areas of needlework, has several varieties: two-sided, one-sided, Russian, Poltava, Vladimir, artistic, satin, white. Each direction has its ownfeatures.

Beginners do not need to memorize all the stitches. It is enough to learn a couple of stitches that will be useful for embroidering abstract drawings, landscapes, floral ornaments. But it's best to start with a small pattern, as the essence of satin stitch is even stitches that fit snugly together.

Types of satin stitch embroidery

There are some of the most popular areas of this needlework.

satin stitch for beginners
satin stitch for beginners
  • Satin smooth surface. For her, thin threads are taken and embroidered with small, tight stitches that start from the middle of the previous row. As a result, the face of the work resembles a smooth one-piece pattern, and the reverse side is “dotted” with short paths.
  • Artistic satin stitch embroidery. For beginners, this is not an easy technique. In this technology, the pattern is embroidered with a flat oblique stitch without flooring. Its feature is the use of different colors. It is here that the skill of the craftswoman to mix the tones of the threads is important in order to create a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Russian expanse. In this technique, stitches are laid in two directions with straight vertical or horizontal stitches 5-7 mm long. At the same time, they are characterized by a distance of two threads between the "neighbors". When the embroidery goes in the opposite direction, these gaps are neatly sewn up.
  • White embroidery. This pattern is made only with white threads in several stages: first, a contour is laid forward with a needle, flooring is made, then stitches are embroidered that fit tightly to each other.

Stitch embroidery: lessons for beginners

For work, you need to prepare the material, needles, tracing paper, pencil, thread. Any fabric can be used depending on your needs. For bed linen embroidery, choose traditional calico, satin, poplin, silk. Clothes can be embroidered on any fabric, from denim to wool. For paintings, choose material with a tight weave.

satin stitch embroidery for beginners pictures
satin stitch embroidery for beginners pictures

Besides the fabric, pay special attention to the needles. Embroider delicate material with thin needles, as thick ones will deform the surface, leave holes and pass through the embroidery tightly. Buy thick needles for thick fabric for embroidering outerwear, bags, hats. Your "tools" should be smooth and pointed.

For embroidery, prepare a hoop with such a fastening to fix the fabric tightly. Do not embroider light-colored material on metal fasteners, as they leave gray marks. The best option is wooden picture frames and hoops for small embroidery.

Continuing the theme of materials

Any thread is suitable for smoothing, from thin silk to thick wool. The thinner the thread, the softer the fabric should be. Although on some design models this rule is violated. In any case, try to sew a small element on the fabric with threads that differ in brand and composition.

Chinese needlewomen prefer silk threads, Russian needlewomen choose ordinary floss. For volumetric paintings, wool and cotton are taken. Buy sharp scissors so that when cuttingremained "tails". Any craft store will help you pick out tracing paper and a marker that disappears onto the fabric.

satin stitch embroidery lessons for beginners
satin stitch embroidery lessons for beginners

Stitch embroidery patterns can be found in magazines, bought in a store or copied from any postcard. It is cheaper to buy material separately, but some craftswomen prefer to immediately buy a ready-made kit, where the threads are selected by color, instructions for stitches and the base are given. We are done with the main material. You can also pay attention to the thread organizer, ripper, awl and thimble.

Stitch embroidery for beginners: preparatory stage

Once you have decided on the topic, purchased all the material, proceed to the preparatory stage. Handle the edges of the fabric as follows:

  • in the case of embroidering pictures, the edges can be smeared with glue;
  • handkerchiefs, napkins and other small works can be marked by pulling a few threads;
  • if you have a sewing machine, overlock all the edges of the fabric.

Now stretch the workpiece, dry it and iron it. Transfer the pattern to tracing paper and lay it on the fabric, stabbing with needles. With a regular seam forward, with a needle, with a contrasting thread, go along all the lines of the pattern. Remove the tracing paper.

stitch embroidery technology
stitch embroidery technology

Material put on the hoop or frame and start embroidering stitch. Do not forget that securing the thread at the beginning and end of the work is almost the same as with cross stitch. That is, the thread can be fixed with a loop,if addition allows. In one addition, the floss is fixed on the wrong side with the help of a small cross, between which the tail of the thread is hidden. At the end of the work, the floss is hidden on the inside under the embroidered pattern or laid with 3-4 stitches on the front side, in order to close it with the next layer of thread.

Types of seams

Stitch embroidery technology involves the use of several stitches.

  • "Forward with a needle." Pierce the fabric with a needle with even stitches along the contour of the pattern. Please note that the length of the seam must correspond to the distance between the laid segments.
  • "Back the needle." Insert the needle from the inside out into the fabric for a length equal to two stitches, then return it back and make one seam on the face. Thus, from the front side, the line resembles the technique described above, and from the inside it looks like a stem pattern.
  • satin stitch embroidery patterns
    satin stitch embroidery patterns
  • "Stem stitch". Bring the needle out on the face from the middle of the previous stitch and insert it at an angle to the wrong side. This technique is used to embroider stems, leaves, petals.
  • The buttonhole stitch resembles the letters "uuu" or "nnn". The essence of the seam is that the needle passes from top to bottom, laying vertical stitches, while leaving the thread under it when the needle is brought to the face. As a result, when tightening the floss, a loop is formed. This stitch can be sewn in many different ways with slant, stitch height, combination with other techniques.

"Double" patterns

The following technique is characterized by a combination of two seams. This is necessary to make it voluminous.satin stitch embroidery. Flowers, leaves and other patterns are made using this technology.

  • "Narrow roller". First, a stitch is laid “forward with a needle”, and then vertical small stitches are embroidered tightly to each other. Used to decorate thin lines.
  • "Long stitch attached." This stitch is used to embroider leaves and petals. The stitches are laid along the entire length of the sheet, only the long thread is then secured with short stitches, as a result of which the fabric does not show through.
  • satin stitch embroidery flowers
    satin stitch embroidery flowers
  • "Stitch with flooring". First, small stitches are laid all over the pattern forward with a needle, and then a pattern is embroidered with a double-sided stitch, going beyond the contour with vertical, horizontal or oblique stitches. Very suitable stitch for embroidering leaves, stems and vintage patterns.
  • "Pyshechka". The contour of the circle is embroidered forward with a needle, then horizontal stitches are laid tightly up to the border, on top of which you embroider vertical ones, going beyond the contour.

"Single" patterns

  • "Knot". Performed like a French knot. First, the needle is placed on the face. You make several coils on it, which you hold and at the same time pull the needle to the wrong side. As a result, a convex nodule is formed. In this case, the exit and entry points of the needle should be very close.
  • Verkhoshov. It is carried out with stitches from top to bottom, forming small paths on the wrong side. That is, from one end you make a vertical stitch, bringing the needle on the same line to the face next to the exit point. Now stitch inreverse direction using the same technique.
  • "Chain". Bring the needle out to the face of the work, then throw the thread in front of the needle, forming a loop, insert the needle near the entry point and withdraw the needle, leaving the thread under it. The result is a chain.
  • "Attached loop". Flower petals are embroidered with this pattern. It is made like a chain, only with a small vertical stitch it is fixed in the center of the petal.
  • satin stitch embroidery
    satin stitch embroidery

These are the most common patterns. At first, satin stitch embroidery for beginners may seem complicated, but in practice everything will become clear.

Basic embroidery rules

  1. Outline the outline of all lines.
  2. Divide complex elements into several parts (lines). For example, a flat narrow sheet is sewn in three steps: the left side, then the right side, and the middle line.
  3. Flowers are embroidered from the edges to the center.
  4. The leaves are embroidered in the direction of the veins from the edge to the center.
  5. Several techniques are used for the volume of the pattern: two-sided smoothness, when both the wrong side and the front side are sewn, flooring, a combination of horizontal and vertical tight-fitting stitches (with the top seam going beyond the contour).
  6. Color mixing is best used with uneven stitches, when the beginning of a new row starts from the middle of the previous one. This is the most difficult and interesting thing that characterizes satin stitch embroidery.
  7. For beginners, small-sized paintings will be easier to embroider, and experience will be gained faster. No need to buy complex expensive works, enough embroidery 10x15 cm withsmall plot (price about 200 rubles).

At first glance, satin stitch embroidery seems to be a complex technique, but try with small motifs. You won't even notice how you learn to "draw" with a needle!
