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2025 Author: Sierra Becker | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:09
Do you like pretty jewelry? Then you probably already thought about how to make a bracelet out of thread. Such decorations are popular today. But keep in mind that minimalist jewelry is in fashion. Complex weaves of threads and massive forms are something that should be abandoned. Look for ideas of interesting and fashionable jewelry below.
Anchor bracelet

This decoration will be relevant in the summer. The nautical theme is hot right now. Therefore, when choosing an idea for a bracelet and a color scheme for a product, give preference to what makes you associate with the sea, the sun, the beach and a carefree vacation. How to make a bracelet out of threads in this style? To make it, you will need two dense threads, you can even take thin ropes for this purpose. When choosing a color, give preference to a harmonious combination of dark blue with classic white. Now you need to buy the right accessories. An anchor will serve as a decorative element, and at the same time a pendant. you can choose itboth in gold and silver. Let's start manufacturing. We take two threads and bend them in half. We pass the ends of the white thread into the blue loop. Now you should alternately fasten the ends of the blue rope first, and then the white one. We attach a clasp to the back of the bracelet, and hang an anchor on the knot formed in front.
Knotted bracelet

Decoration of this type is loved not only by girls, but also by guys. Universal bracelet made of leather ropes fits absolutely any style of clothing. He can even complement a lace dress, bringing an interesting dissonance to the image. But still, a more suitable addition to it is casual clothes. How to make a bracelet out of thread? To make such an ornament, you need to purchase leather laces. Of course, you can make them yourself, but this process is very laborious, and it will be very difficult to achieve the perfect result. It takes about a meter of leather cord to make one bracelet. Let's start tying a curly knot. We fold the lace in half, and then we wind one of its tails back, wrap the thread in front and now we put the working end into the hole formed by the first fold. It remains to tie a knot at the end of each lace. In order not to adjust the bracelet to your hand, you can build a movable clasp from the remnants of a leather cord.
Heart bracelet

This bracelet is also universal. It goes with any outfit and can even be worn on a daily basis without taking it off. Since the decoration is flat, it will notcause discomfort, and will not cling. To make a bracelet out of thread, first choose the right material. To make this bracelet, it is better to take simple natural threads, similar in structure to iris. Each cut rope should be folded in half and decorative pendants should be attached to each end. These can be ordinary thread tips, glass beads or a chain. Now let's start weaving. We tie the upper edge of the threads with a knot and begin to weave a pigtail. When 3 cm is ready, you need to put a decorative heart on the central thread. Such accessories can be metal, plastic, ceramic or wooden, decide for yourself. Continue weaving and after the next 3 cm we put on a heart again. The design of such a decoration can be any. In our case, the bracelet will be double, so there will be only two decorative details on its first row, and three on the second. Complete the bracelet by attaching the clasp.
Beaded bracelet

Do you like shiny jewelry? You can make a bracelet out of thread with your own hands in this case. You should use shiny beads. You can find suitable beads or use metal beads. And which threads to choose? It is advisable to use something dense and natural. Iris is perfect. And if there is nothing suitable, how to make a bracelet? From floss threads you can make a fashion accessory. But in this case, do not divide the threads into fibers, but use 10 twisted threads at once. Cut your chosenmaterial into 3 equal parts. Now tie the threads in a knot at the base and start braiding. When 4 cm of lace are ready, you can start inserting decorative balls. To do this, you need to string a decor on each thread. Balls should be inserted only in the center. Weave the required length in this way, and then make the second part of the bracelet strap.
Simple accessory

You can also make a friendship bracelet out of thread. It can be made even by a person far from needlework. Many people endow red woolen threads with a special sacred meaning. Therefore, believers often make bracelets from this material. And also it is customary to give such bracelets to people dear to the heart. That is why some may call this decoration a symbol of friendship or a talisman. To make a red thread bracelet, you will need to string metal beads onto a thick woolen thread. Moreover, the decorative elements need to be chosen quite small so that they walk tightly along the thread, and not move freely along the bracelet. If you would like the beads to remain in the position of your choice, you can secure them with knots.
Lonely Heart

Have you ever made jewelry? It will not be difficult for beginner needlewomen to make a bracelet from threads. Consider this option. Despite the fact that it will not take you more than 20 minutes to make such an accessory, the bracelet will turn out spectacular. And if you do it carefully, many acquaintances will not even believe that this is your firstJob. How to create such beauty? Take a long thick white thread, fold it in half and then cut it. String a suitable metal heart on the threads. To prevent the resulting pendant from moving along the strings, you will need to fix it with a drop of glue. Now you should decorate the ends of the ropes. Attach small metal balls or metal cylinders to them. These decorative elements should not be larger than the central heart. The bracelet is ready. In this technique, you can make a lot of jewelry by changing the color and shape of the accessories.
Chain bracelet

This decoration will be easy to create from a dense thread and a large chain. If you do not like such massive jewelry, choose more fragile materials. Believe me, it is very easy to make a bracelet out of thread. First, take a thick rope and cut it into two pieces. Now take a large chain of suitable length. Insert the two ends of one thread folded in half into the outermost ring. Now you need to fix the rope bracelet. The two ends of the thread must be threaded into the loop formed in front. Similarly, it is necessary to put on the second thread on the opposite edge of the chain. Now we close both ends of the rope in a fastener. The bracelet is ready. To make the jewelry look even more stylish, put some kind of pendant on the chain.
Leather laces

If you have old leather goods at home, don't throw them away. They can be a great base for crafts. If you cut your skin into thinthread, you can make modern bracelets. It will be easy to make such an accessory if you are good not only with scissors, but also with pliers. What needs to be done? In addition to leather threads, to make an accessory, you will need an inscription bent from wire. To create it, you will need to draw a sketch, and then bend the wire along it. It is advisable to take metal for needlework. Red wire looks unpresentable. When the inscription is ready, it will need to be attached to pre-cut threads. If you do not have leather, you can replace it with a thick rope or an unassembled floss thread. We attach the inscription to the front side of the rope, and we need to attach the lock to the back.
Bracelet with large bead

This accessory is more suitable for a lady of 40 than for a young lady. Although extravagant girls can afford to wear such a catchy decoration. If you do not want to draw attention to your person, make a bracelet of light threads or use classic black or white colors. But if you, on the contrary, want to attract the views of others to your unusual style, then give preference to bright ropes. How to make a bracelet? We prepare the threads necessary for work. Take 4 pieces and bend them in half. Now we are braiding. Gradually add threads to it. Towards the center, your braid should already consist of 10 strands on each side. Now we make a knot on half of the threads and put a large bead on this part. On the second side of the bead, we also make a knot. Trying onbracelet and cut the threads of the desired length. We pack both ends of the bracelet into a clasp using pliers.
Chain braid

An unusual and light accessory can be obtained by combining the chain and threads. To make this bracelet, you will need a medium chain with slightly large links. They should be well threaded thick thread. Of the threads, preference should be given to those that were made from natural materials. Then you will be sure that the bracelet will not cause irritation and will not shed over time. How to make an accessory? We take a chain and tie three threads to one end of it. Now we begin to weave a braid. If the chain lies to your right of the braid, then you need to cling to it whenever you are going to use the right thread. This way you will evenly attach the chain to the bracelet. If you want, you can braid another row of threads to the other end of the chain. Or run the chain along the two edges of the thread braid. Choose the option you like best.
And how to make a charm bracelet from a red thread? As already mentioned above, most often a red woolen rope is chosen to make such an ornament. It symbolizes the blood of Christ and means a lot to the pilgrims who traveled to Israel. But if you do not have the opportunity to visit the sacred land, you can order such a thread on the Internet. Even if you take an ordinary red thread, but in the process of creating a talisman you think only about the good, then luck will definitely come to you. If not thanksaccessory, thanks to the magical placebo effect.
To make a charm bracelet out of a thread, proceed as follows. We string balls on a red thread. We fix a large decorative element in the middle, and fix two smaller ones with glue a centimeter from the center. One ball will serve as a fastener, and two more will be attached to the ends of the threads.
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