How to make paper flowers: schemes, templates, master classes for beginners
How to make paper flowers: schemes, templates, master classes for beginners

To create any beautiful postcard, you will need the ability to make flowers from different types of materials. There are simple options that even children can handle, and there are complex ones, consisting of several manufacturing steps. Any material can be used - fabric and satin ribbons, sheets of felt. How to make paper flowers so that they turn out beautiful, neat and spectacular, read further in the article.

The technique for making each type of craft is different. Consider the easiest ways for those masters who are just trying their hand at this art form. Paper flowers for beginners are made according to schemes and patterns. Looking at the photos, with the help of a step-by-step explanation, it is quite easy to assemble a flower either from a single piece of paper using the origami method or from individual petals.

Striped sunflowers

Even preschoolers can make such light paper flowers. Each flower is made up of thinly cut strips of yellow double-sided paper. They fold with an intersection at a central point, like the sun. You need to distribute the petals at an equal distance thanthe more of them, the more magnificent the sunflower will be. A black circle is glued in the middle. Draw vertical and horizontal lines on it with a marker. These are sunflower seeds.

striped sunflowers
striped sunflowers

The rest of the colors are being worked on in the same way. Then cocktail tubes are installed that act as stems. It remains to draw a vase on white cardboard and cut it out along the contours. It is not glued completely, but only at the edges. It turns out the effect of a three-dimensional image. You already know how to make paper flowers in an easy way, now let's look at more complex options.


A very original bouquet can be made from double-sided colored paper in bright colors. Sticks for stems can be made from a variety of materials - plastic tubes, wooden skewers or simple even twigs. They will not be visible, as they are wrapped in green paper. How to make paper flowers?

paper hyacinths
paper hyacinths

First cut a long strip of purple, white or pink. Then one side is cut into wide "noodles" and twisted up with a pencil.

Then a stick is taken and the top edge is attached to the PVA glue. Then they begin to wind the strip around in a spiral. The bottom edge is also firmly attached. Then the stalk is wrapped with green paper, and the leaves are glued. If you make several of these light paper flowers, you will get a lush and beautiful bouquet, as in the photo above.

Strip Patterns

In the photo below you can see a fewtypes of cutting strips of paper. You can use double-sided colored or crepe paper. How to make paper flowers? First, a strip of paper is cut. The width is different. The wider the stripe, the longer the petals will be. The longer the strip, the more magnificent the flower.

stripe templates
stripe templates

The shape of the petal depends on the method of cutting the edges with scissors. You can make them rounded, wide or narrow, or you can cut them into sharp corners. After preparing the strips, they take the base, for example, a toothpick, and begin to wind the paper around it. The movements are performed with tension so that all the turns are tightly in contact with each other. Such paper flowers according to schemes (templates) can be made from corrugated paper with different centers. Beautifully look flowers, composed of several shades. To create such a multi-color bouquet, after the strip of one color is over, glue the paper of a different color. After attaching, winding continues again. So you can add several shades of the same color. For example, start with white, add pink, then raspberry, finish with maroon. And the very middle of the flower can be made from a twisted strip with small "noodles". It is better to take a narrower strip.


A master class of large paper flowers will help you create a beautiful lush craft, as in the photo. It is made from crepe paper. For the middle, you need to take a narrow bright yellow strip and cut it as often as possible to make the “noodles” thin and thick. Wrap it on a thin stick or toothpick. edgeattached with PVA glue to the last turn. Then the same manipulation is also performed with a yellow strip, only the width is taken more. It turns out a lush middle.

paper aster
paper aster

Further work continues on the flower itself. Crepe paper flower petals are long and pointed. Therefore, a strip of cream paper is cut into long and sharp corners. If desired, each can be rounded with a round pencil. It is applied to the petal and lightly pressed down with two fingers. Crepe paper flowers will be large if you make each of several glued strips. Since a real aster in nature has a large size, then a paper flower must be made magnificent.

Petal patterns

The photo below shows diagrams of the main options for making templates for petals. There is a technique for performing volumetric colors collected from individual elements. Using the example in the article, draw some large details, the same amount of medium and small size. Then the flower itself is composed.

petal patterns
petal patterns

Petals are attached to the center prepared (by the paper twisting method described earlier), located around the entire circumference of the cylinder. They start with the smallest elements, the second row is created from medium-sized petals. The work ends with the attachment of the largest parts. You can make them one or different colors. It all depends on the desire of the master. Consider an example of a beautiful flower made of petals made of two layers of paper.


To make such a beautiful paper flower, read the step-by-step instructions later in the article. You will need white and purple double-sided paper.


Step 1. First, the middle is made from a thin strip cut into “noodles”.

Step 2. Another part is glued onto the prepared cylinder, only purple. Make it loops. To do this, a wide strip of paper is cut out, folded in half and finely chopped. Then you do not need to unfold the part, but you need to wind it twice around the middle.

bicolor flower
bicolor flower

Step 3. When the basis for the petals is prepared, work continues on the manufacture of the flower itself. The petals are cut according to the pattern. The purple details add a couple of millimeters more to the white.

Step 4. When the pairs of petals are prepared, they begin to attach them to the central cylinder of twisted strips. Place them around the perimeter. You can place them side by side, or you can overlap. It all depends on the desire of the master. The flower turns out bright and very effective, although it is not difficult to make it.


Paper flowers made from individual petals may vary. These are asters, daisies, dahlias, marigolds, etc. Now let's take a closer look at how you can make your own rose, beloved by many. As in many other options, the middle is made first. The manufacturing method has been described in detail previously. We will not repeat ourselves, we will only add that the strip is taken thin, and the “noodles” are cut finely and thickly.

big paper rose
big paper rose

The photo shows how the rose petals are cut out. When a lot of details are prepared, pasting them around the middle begins. Work is carried out in layers, with an offset to the middle of the petal. After that, each element needs to be twisted a little with a round stick. A regular pencil will do. So, the master class of large paper flowers is described, you can try to create them yourself.

Making cones

One of the beautiful elements in creating a flower is the twisting of the cones. Some crafters use commercially available small square sheets with a sticky adhesive strip. The main thing is to choose the paper of the desired shade. If you don’t have one, then there is preliminary work on cutting square elements. There must be a lot of them to make a large and lush flower. However, often such elements are used partially in a flower, as one of the constituent elements.

Each square is twisted into a cone. The sharp corner is not cut off, it also serves as a decorative element. Let's look at an example of how such details can be entered into the composition of a flower.

Flower with square cones

In this craft, several of the previously described techniques are used at once. These are twisted strips folded in half, and petals cut out according to patterns, and the cones described earlier. Work begins as usual, from the middle. To make it stand out against the general background, use other contrasting colors. These are pink, beige and blue stripes, which are first folded in half, and thenmade a lot of incisions, but not completely. Leave about 1 cm for twisting the strip into a skein.

beautiful flower
beautiful flower

As you can see in the photo, some layers of loops are located exactly up, while others are slightly flattened. To achieve this effect, after cutting the paper with “noodles”, you need to slightly move the remaining strips relative to each other. Depending on the length of the shift, the loops change their shape, from vertically arranged to elongated.

Then many cones are created. They are glued by the sharp edge to the middle in several layers. The flower ends with six large petals. They are cut according to the drawn pattern. From below, the craft can be glued onto a thick circle of cardboard.

Paper origami flower

Today, almost every person on earth knows the ancient art of origami. This is a method of folding different figures from paper. The masters and flowers did not ignore. The photo below has a paper origami flower diagram.

origami folding scheme
origami folding scheme

Each petal is made separately from a square of paper by folding. The folds are done neatly, each one is well smoothed out with a finger. After several petals are assembled according to the scheme, they are collected together, "accordion" inside. Petals can be of the same color, or you can assemble a flower from multi-colored parts. It will turn out a fabulous seven-color flower.

In closing

As can be seen from the text of the article, it is easy to make beautiful, voluminous flowers with your own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid to try. Start with the simplestmanufacturing options and gradually improve. If you wish, you can design any postcard, gift wrapping, album cover with photos in an original way. If you learn how to create three-dimensional flowers, you can decorate a wall panel, decorate the interior of an apartment, decorate walls or doors.
