How to braid a bezel with ribbons: techniques for beginners and examples with photos
How to braid a bezel with ribbons: techniques for beginners and examples with photos

Almost every girl has forgotten rubber bands, hair clips and headbands that she no longer uses. But all this can be an excellent basis for a new, beautiful decoration. For example, with the help of an unusual headband, you can complement any look, even the most solemn one.

New life for an old headband

It is not necessary to purchase a new decoration. It is enough to show a little imagination and the old headband can be turned into a new, unusual and original one.

Ribbons work great for this. With their help, the product is transformed, acquiring a new color, texture and volume.

black kanzashi
black kanzashi

You can braid the headband with both ribbons and strips of various fabrics. It should be borne in mind that on a wider decoration, a pattern and beautiful weaving will be clearly visible. A thin bezel will turn out more elegant.

One Ribbon Decoration

The easiest way is to use one ribbon. Need to prepare:

  • Rim.
  • A tape of the desired length.
  • Lighter.
  • Glue.

The beginning of the tape is attached to the edgerim with glue. Then, in a spiral, the ribbon must be wound along the entire length. You need to do this sideways. After that, the edge of the tape must be cut off, lightly burned with a lighter so that it does not bloom, and fixed with glue on the inside of the rim.

You need to wind tightly and carefully. Some turns can be additionally fixed with glue.

How to braid a headband with two ribbons

This method is also very easy to perform. You will need two tapes. They can be in the same color scheme or be contrasting. The main thing is that the combination looks harmonious. But the width of the tapes should be the same.

headband with two ribbons
headband with two ribbons

Now you can braid the rim with ribbons, as described above. You just need to fasten two tapes side by side. Then also wrap around the rim diagonally.

You can use another weave of two ribbons. The result is a pattern of cloves of different colors. Both tapes must also be attached to the edge of the rim. But in this case, not in parallel, but so that they diverge in different directions. One tape must be wrapped around the rim so that it is under the second. And then repeat the same action in the opposite direction. Next, you need to completely braid the bezel with ribbons, as in the photo.

weaving with teeth
weaving with teeth

The free edges of the ribbons need to be cut off with a small margin, and then fixed with glue from the inside of the rim.

In the center of the accessory you will get a beautiful pattern. To do this, you can use two different-colored ribbons, or two of the same. Finished goodsadditionally, you can decorate with beads, rhinestones, sparkles or other decorative elements.

Kanzashi technique for headband decoration

Kanzashi is a special technique for creating fabric hair ornaments. These include various weaves, or the creation of decorative flowers, bows, etc. These decorations are attached to rubber bands, clips and hair clips or to headbands.

delicate bezel
delicate bezel

So, how to braid the bezel with a kanzashi ribbon. A more concise option would be a product braided with one or two ribbons. And for a more solemn occasion, you can make it to decorate wreaths with flowers.

To create a flower, you will need the same ribbon. It needs to be folded, creating loops and placing them in a circle. This is how the simplest petals are formed. The center must be fixed with glue. It can be additionally decorated (for example, with beautiful beads).

By the same principle, you can create lush flowers, with a large number of petals or with leaves. Also, in one composition, you can combine ribbons of different colors.

Decor in the form of flowers can be attached to the headband using double-sided tape. In this case, it is not at all necessary to wrap the entire rim with ribbons. Depends on wishes.

flower headband
flower headband

These are the easiest techniques on how to braid a headband with ribbons. And these methods are within the power of even novice masters. And in the future, you can master more complex options and create real masterpieces.
