Scarf-transformer with knitting needles: diagrams and description. Knitting patterns for a scarf-transformer
Scarf-transformer with knitting needles: diagrams and description. Knitting patterns for a scarf-transformer

Scarves that transform into other items of clothing are still at the peak of popularity. Now, in addition to voluminous warm products, you can find scarves made of fine summer yarn, angora, mohair and wool. In addition, the range of possible ways to decorate such wardrobe items has expanded: fur, pockets, sleeves, buttons and many other elements.

Given the ease of implementation, knitting a transforming scarf with knitting needles is possible for knitters with any experience. The basis for the manufacture of almost all such products is an even canvas with a simple pattern.

Tube Scarf

How to knit a scarf-transformer "pipe" with knitting needles? Schemes and description are given below. This is the simplest product made from voluminous scarves, it is extremely simple to create it. The photo below shows a tube scarf, for the manufacture of which very thick yarn (3-50 m / 100 grams) and knitting needles with number 7 were used (you can take thicker). An elementary front surface was chosen as a pattern.

scarf transformer knitting patterns and description
scarf transformer knitting patterns and description

To tie such a transforming scarfknitting needles, diagrams and descriptions are practically not needed. The knitting process begins with a set of loops (their number is determined when calculating loops according to a previously knitted pattern), then they are closed in a ring and the fabric is knitted on circular knitting needles to the required height (about 35-40 cm). If the craftswoman prefers to use straight classic knitting needles, then the pipe is knitted in the form of a rectangle and then sewn on the side. The principle of stitching knitted fabrics is shown in the figure below.

knitting scarf transformer description and diagram
knitting scarf transformer description and diagram

This technique is called a knit stitch connection.

The edges of the product do not have to be provided with an elastic band or other strapping, it is allowed to preserve their natural twisted state. It is very convenient to wear such a product - it is both warm and does not interfere with the hanging edges of the scarf. Also, this model allows you to put it on your head like a hat.

Kerchief scarf

The triangular shape of this scarf allows you to wear it as a classic scarf, head scarf, bolero, pareo or cape. The number of variations is limited only by the imagination of the owner of such a product.

scarf transformer pipe knitting diagrams and description
scarf transformer pipe knitting diagrams and description

From the photos below, it's easy to guess how to knit a transforming scarf with knitting needles.

knitting a transformer scarf with knitting needles
knitting a transformer scarf with knitting needles

There are several ways:

  • Knitting from the corner. They start such a canvas with one or three loops and expand it by uniform addition of loops in the process. This should be done in each front row. Thus,expansion occurs at an angle of 45 degrees, resulting in a triangle with a right angle.
  • Knitting from a wide edge. This method is not as convenient as the previous one, but it also deserves attention. Choosing this path, you should dial the maximum number of loops, knit 3-5 rows, and then sequentially reduce the fabric by one loop on each side in each front row. The result is also a triangle with a right angle.

Specific triangular scarf

For the formation of armholes, there is no need to knit ovals of complex shape. It is enough just to leave cuts with a length of at least 15 cm. At the same time, the fabric is divided into three parts, which are knitted separately, then they are combined in a common row and knitted further, continuing to add.

how to knit a transformer scarf with knitting needles
how to knit a transformer scarf with knitting needles

There is a special condition about yarn. You need to choose thin soft yarn and a flat pattern to knit a transforming scarf that lies in beautiful folds with knitting needles. Schemes and descriptions of patterns should be simple. You can use openwork or solid patterns, but they should be knitted loosely and freely.

Scarf with sleeves

And finally, the leader in the race for popularity among transformers is a scarf with sleeves. The unique model confidently occupies the top positions in the ratings of fashion accessories.

The cut is based on an elementary rectangle. For its knitting use a variety of patterns. Experienced knitters do not recommend using too intricate or voluminous patterns. You can experiment with colors, a combination of shades. The scarf isan accessory that should attract attention and enhance the accent of the main elements of the wardrobe.

The photos below show an example of a solid color product.

scarf transformer knitting
scarf transformer knitting

Such a transforming scarf with knitting needles (diagrams and description are not required here, since a simple garter stitch is chosen as a pattern) can be called the easiest for knitters.

To get such a product, you need to knit a rectangle about 30 cm wide and about 2.5 m long. At the end of knitting, sew the ends of the scarf 60 cm from each edge (for sleeves).

Transformer scarf with cuffs

The following picture shows an example of a piece knitted with English Rib.

knitting a transformer scarf with knitting needles
knitting a transformer scarf with knitting needles

This is a more difficult to make transforming scarf with knitting needles. Schemes and description of the gum:

  • The first row is knitted with a regular elastic band 1:1 (front/back).
  • In the second row, knit the front, and remove the wrong side, throwing a yarn over it. So until the end of the row.
  • All subsequent rows are knitted as the second.
  • scarf transformer knitting
    scarf transformer knitting

High cuffs with 1:1 ribbing. Otherwise, this transforming scarf should be knitted in the same way as the previous one. The thickness of the yarn should be medium, optimally - 400 m / 100 grams, knitting needles number 5.

Knitting. Scarf-transformer: description and diagram

The gray scarf pattern in the pictures below is very special. It is connected by a rectangle, and from the two ends of the canvasturns have been made. They are sewn on and look like a simple hem, but you can stick your hands into them and get a knitted transforming scarf with knitting needles.

scarf transformer knitting
scarf transformer knitting

Schemes and a description of the knitting of the harness with which the model is decorated are given below:

  • To weave the braid to the left, reshoot the first strand on the auxiliary knitting needle and leave it on the front side of the fabric.
  • Transfer the second strand to the right knitting needle without knitting.
  • Return the first strand to the left needle, then the second.
  • scarf transformer knitting patterns and description
    scarf transformer knitting patterns and description

These braids are the simplest of all. The diagram shows an example of weaving strands consisting of one loop, in the photo the braid is formed by strands of two loops. All braids are intertwined in one direction.

Knowing the described techniques and knowing the basic principles of knitting transformer scarves, you can get to work!
