Table of contents:

Autumn. Natural material: leaves, acorns, chestnuts, fir cones
Autumn. Natural material: leaves, acorns, chestnuts, fir cones

Beautiful lines of the Japanese poet Shiko, praising a small natural miracle: "… You will reach the highest beauty and fall, maple leaf!". Probably, it is with such a mood of contemplation and philosophical calmness that it is worth starting to practice the mistaken, ancient Japanese art of floristry, in which paintings are made from natural material. In our opinion, this is called "doing floristry".

natural material
natural material

A little about samurai and kindergarten past

By the way, every self-respecting samurai had to deal with a mistake every day. It would seem that adult uncles, brave warriors, and suddenly such a kindergarten lesson, because many people, when they meet the phrase "natural material", have pictures of childhood full of semolina in kindergarten and classes with their beloved teacher. Remember crafts from leaves - flowers andacorns - cones - chestnuts and other natural charms, which, after creation, were proudly presented to mom? Probably, after all, in needlework, where natural material is used, warm and perfect in execution, because the creator is not just anyone, but Nature itself, there is a sense. Otherwise, the stern samurai would not have been doing this, who, waking up, said to themselves: "today I will die" to appreciate the new day.

pictures from natural material
pictures from natural material

What is the benefit of working with natural material?

Let's try to figure it out.

  1. Each of us at least once in our lives, even at a nice childhood, collected a bouquet of leaves smelling of the autumn sun and wind, because it's beautiful.
  2. Practically everyone brought home pockets full of chestnuts, cones and was inspired to create a "man-dobrechik" with an acorn head in a corrugated hat, glued applications on cardboard in the form of flowers and fish from leaves. Because it is interesting and there is a feeling of co-creation with Mother Nature herself.
  3. Many people had a box at home, where there were natural materials - autumn gifts of parks and forests, where it was all collected during walks. It's great because it's fresh air + communication with nature + development of the imagination.
  4. And if mom and dad were involved in making little men, turtles, brownies from cones, it’s generally wonderful, because there was a feeling of unity with loved ones.

So, no matter how you look at it, all these crafts and paintings made from natural material are one big benefit.

natural materials autumn
natural materials autumn

Rules for harvesting and storing branches, cones of acorns and chestnuts

There were sad moments in the process of creating children's masterpieces, for example, applications from leaves quickly fell into disrepair: the pattern dried out, warped, deformed, the leaves became brittle. And it was a shame: natural material in kindergarten, as a rule, did not deteriorate so quickly. Why? Everything is very simple: you need to follow some rules for the collection and storage of raw materials for floristic work, which we will talk about right now.

1. You can collect natural material only in ecologically unpolluted places: where there are no chemical plants, landfills.

2. If you want to get raw materials for crafts of optimal quality, it is better to go out in dry weather in search of all sorts of interesting leaves, twigs and other natural resources.

3. It is better to take dried branches for crafts; living, losing moisture, will gradually deform.

4. Cones should be taken unopened, but remember that they can still open in a too warm room (this property of cones can be used for a science experiment shared with children: it is surprisingly interesting that a cone that has fallen from a Christmas tree gradually changes shape, opens scales, and the seeds become visible).

5. Acorns and chestnuts are unpretentious natural material. Easy to assemble and easy to store. The only recommendation: boxes with them should not be stored close to central heating radiators. Dry material is more difficult to work with.

natural materials autumn
natural materials autumn

Collection, dryingand storage of leaves and flowers

If you are going to go in search of beautiful leaves, take a hard folder with you. By folding the found leaves into it, you will avoid their deformation.

There are many ways of drying, consider the simplest of them. Sort the brought material, carefully spread it between sheets of paper and iron it with a warm iron. After placing the leaves under the load. Ideal for drying leaves, flowers and blades of grass between the sheets of a heavy academic volume in a massive binding.

After drying, store in a folder. Remember that when exposed to light, dried leaves and flowers lose their brightness. If the natural material has dried out and become too brittle, spray it with water from a spray bottle a few hours before use.

pictures from natural material
pictures from natural material

Equipment for working with natural material

To create a picture from natural material using the appliqué technique, you will need: a dense base (cardboard), PVA glue (it becomes transparent when it dries, so even if it protrudes beyond the edges of the parts, the work will look neat), scissors.

For three-dimensional modeling from natural materials, you may need an awl (work with it only in the presence of adults) for piercing, wooden toothpicks for connecting parts, PVA glue, plasticine.

natural material in kindergarten
natural material in kindergarten


Still, why were the samurai fond of such a frivolous thing as creating compositions using natural, affordable and simple material: leaves, flowers,blade of grass? Because this occupation allows you to feel the harmony of nature. If your child can learn to see the beauty of an ordinary leaf, a clumsy, at first glance, twig, he will certainly be able to appreciate the beauty of the greatest works of art, to feel the beauty of being when he becomes an adult and conscious person.
