Manual for needlewomen: cross stitch pattern “house”; hand-drawn diagram
Manual for needlewomen: cross stitch pattern “house”; hand-drawn diagram

Today, many are fond of needlework. Very often, for classes, a “house” cross-stitch pattern is required. The circuit can be purchased at a specialized store. Often they are downloaded from the Internet. But a cross-stitch pattern can also be built with your own hands. The house, the scheme of which will help solve the problem, can be of different options.

Decoration with ornaments of products

To decorate products with ornaments, the most primitive cross-stitch pattern is used. The house, the scheme of which is quite simple, can successfully decorate linen or clothes. To do this, the rapport is repeated as many times as required by the length of the edge of the product.

cross stitch pattern house scheme
cross stitch pattern house scheme

Usually, no more than five or six colors of natural threads are used for such embroidery: silk or floss.

Embroidered landscapes

Many needlework lovers prefer to make pictures. This requires a cross stitch pattern. The house, the scheme of which is used for work, may be part of the landscape. To make the picture look more natural, the master will needthreads of a large number of shades.

cross stitch pattern winter houses
cross stitch pattern winter houses

Cross-stitch patterns “winter houses” are in great demand among needlewomen. Snow-covered modest dwellings of people in villages, brightly lit mansions surrounded by verdant fir trees, huts rickety from time to time, standing in clearings among forests - all these buildings look very bright, figuratively against the backdrop of colorful landscapes.

Use such embroideries not only as pictures on the walls. So you can decorate a sofa cushion, a bedspread on an armchair and a bed.

Fairytale house

In the interior of the children's room, embroidery on a fantasy theme will successfully fit. This can be the image of a fairy-tale house: the dwellings of fairies, gnomes, elves and other fictional characters.

fairytale house
fairytale house

By the way, the children themselves like to embroider, especially pictures that match their imagination. This type of needlework brings up attentiveness, accuracy, perseverance. In addition, the growing personality activates a sense of beauty, fantasy.

How to create a pattern for embroidery yourself?

Of course, doing work on a ready-made template is handicraft. We can't talk about the disclosure of creative potential here. But I would like to come up with and embroider what the master’s imagination draws! But how to do it?

how to make a house embroidery pattern
how to make a house embroidery pattern

The master class will help in this rather difficult task. For testing, you can take a picture simpler. Here, for example, is the fungus in which the dwarfs made their home. As you can see, not many colors and shades are used here.

  • For greater accuracy, it is better to enlarge the picture or draw it in a large format. Be sure to apply shades to the picture, clearly outlining the border of their transition to other colors.
  • Then a grid is applied to the drawing. It can be drawn directly on top of the picture. Or you can use transparent paper on which the grid will be applied.
  • Next, the master starts painting over the squares with the color that he will use when embroidering. If desired, you can replace, for example, red with green, if it makes sense. It is necessary to completely overlay the color on those squares in which the selected color occupies more than half of it.
  • The same algorithm is used for all other shades.
  • Then the sample can be removed when the grid was made on a transparent sheet. But it is most convenient to transfer the diagram to a new sheet with a grid, for example, graph paper.

These patterns are not only used for embroidery. They are convenient to use when knitting a jacquard pattern, creating tapestries, laying out mosaics from small square tiles. Therefore, the ability to compose them yourself can be useful not only for embroiderers.
