How to knit a coat with knitting needles? Basic rules for beginner knitters
How to knit a coat with knitting needles? Basic rules for beginner knitters

Man-made things allow you to stand out from the crowd. This is especially true in the cold season, when they start selling the same type of outerwear. Therefore, many craftswomen want to knit coats themselves. Knitting large things to create faster than crochet.

Varieties of models

Analyzing the work of craftswomen, we can distinguish several types of outerwear by:

  1. product length: long, short, medium;
  2. availability of the collar: with a hood, with a collar and an open neckline;
  3. character of sleeves: narrow, long, short, "flashlight", flared;
  4. absence and presence of a belt, buttons;
  5. silhouette: straight, flared, unusual shape in the form of patches of different lengths;
  6. knitting type: summer (openwork) and winter (dense pattern).

If you want outerwear to perform its main function, then you need to knit a coat with knitting needles in a dense pattern with "braids", "bumps". In addition, you need to purchase lining fabric and synthetic winterizer in advance. Winter models are similar in their cut to jumpers, jackets, jackets, mini-coat.

knitted coat for women
knitted coat for women

Please note that clothing may have a decorative function. In this case, choose schemes with an openwork and mesh pattern. Such models are more like dresses, they can be worn in the warm season.

Knitted coat for women who are just starting to fulfill themselves

How you want to impress others with a large product, but what if you are just starting to learn the basics of knitting? The simplest thing is to present an old thing in a new form! To do this, we perform a series of actions.

  1. Find a solid plain coat.
  2. Choose contrasting threads. This is necessary so that the openwork pattern is clearer. To match the yarn to the fabric, just look at the knitted squares above the skeins in the store and attach them to the coat.
  3. Buy the right amount of skeins. Experts will immediately tell you for which knitting how much yarn you need to purchase. It is better to buy 1-2 more balls to avoid an unpleasant situation when it is impossible to find the right color.
  4. Choose a simple openwork pattern and start knitting a coat with knitting needles, applying periodically to the finished product, which is a kind of pattern. Or pick up a motive pattern and pin the blank on clothes.
  5. Connect the knit with the coat. Get a new product!
  6. knitted coats with patterns
    knitted coats with patterns

By the way, from the motives you can compose a variety of drawings or play with colors. For some craftswomen, it is easier to pick up a pattern at first, and thenthreads.

Preparatory work before knitting a coat with knitting needles

  1. Explore the properties of threads. To do this, tie a sample, measure its original dimensions. Wash the received rapport, iron it from the wrong side and measure it again. Compare your results. This preparatory stage is needed in order to calculate how many threads, loops (motifs) are needed and to see if the knitting is deformed when washed.
  2. Make the right patterns. It costs nothing for professional craftswomen to make any patterns according to their measurements, novice knitters need to find magazines where they show knitted coats with knitting needles with patterns. In this case, the sample is needed in order to compare the density of your knitting with the template.
  3. Knit all kinds of patterns in practice. If you work with schemes, then knit all kinds of rapports. This is necessary not only to calculate the dimensions, but also to eliminate incomprehensible moments when reading the diagram.
  4. Translate the finished pattern onto paper in full growth for ease of knitting.
  5. In the process, write down knitted rows.
  6. Connect all the parts.
  7. knit coat
    knit coat

If you knit a coat with knitting needles without preparatory steps, then errors may occur. For example, when washing, the product will sit or stretch, in the process you will skip rows and change the pattern, and so on. And most importantly - devote at least half an hour to knitting every day, otherwise your product will remain untied and abandoned.
