How to knit a hat for a dog with knitting needles: description, photo
How to knit a hat for a dog with knitting needles: description, photo

Our four-legged pets need care no less than small children. They must be constantly monitored so that they do not fall from somewhere, do not roll in the mud, do not freeze and do not get sick.

There are even special clothes for small dogs: all kinds of overalls, special shoes, and also hats for dogs.

dog hat
dog hat

Why does a dog need a hat

Those who have never had a dog might think dog clothes are overkill.

But this is not true: dogs with large open ears have a problem with hypothermia in the cold season, and dogs with long hanging ears need to be protected from water, dirt and debris.

Strong wind, water in the ears can cause otitis media in a dog, and hot sun can easily bring a dog to sunstroke.

A large number of models of clothes and hats for dogs are presented in pet stores: summer caps and panama hats, warm knitted hats.

But every self-respecting craftswoman will always find time to make clothes foryour pet: you can, for example, knit a hat for a dog with knitting needles.

Hat with ears
Hat with ears

How to crochet a pet hat

First you need to measure the dog's head to find out the volume of the hat. Measurements are taken: head circumference, distance between the dog's ears.

Next, you need to choose the yarn: it must be natural.

To choose the size of the needles and calculate the required number of loops, you need to knit a small sample.

There are many styles and patterns of hats for dogs:

- hat with closed ears;

- hat with open ears;

- long neck cap and so on.

A hat for a dog with knitting needles should be comfortable, otherwise the dog will not wear it.

Scheme and description

To knit a warm hat for a dog, you can use this description.

Measuring the circumference of the dog's head and tying the sample, we calculate the number of loops. It is better to write down the calculations.

In this example, you need to dial 44 loops in any convenient way:

26 sts will be used for front piece, 18 loops - for the back of the head.

1. First, we cast on 26 loops, knit them with a 1x1 elastic band, the height is about 1-2 centimeters.

2. Next, we get 18 more loops (plus or minus 1 loop) so that there is no displacement of the pattern.

A set of loops in two steps is needed in order for the hat to have the correct anatomical shape.

3. We unfold the knitting and knit the dialed loops according to the pattern (1x1 elastic band).

4. Next, we start knittingRound: Divide frontal sts over two needles and continue rib in round with extra needle.

5. Having knitted about 2-3 centimeters, you need to return to knitting on two knitting needles.

6. We divide the total number by two (in this example: 44 divided by 2, we get 22 loops).

7. Since the frontal part should be knitted from 26 loops, and the back of the head - from 18, you need to evenly distribute 4 loops on the frontal part.

8. We remove the loops at the beginning of the row on the third knitting needle (we continue knitting on two knitting needles) and continue to knit until the end of the row.

9. In the place where the cut remained (when adding loops), now there will be the end of the row. This defect will then need to be carefully sewn up.

10. Now you need to switch from three knitting needles to two, that is, remove the extra knitting needle.

To do this, you need to remove all loops on one knitting needle, without disturbing the pattern with an elastic band: 1 front, 1 wrong side, alternate 1 loop from each knitting needle.

11. Then we knit in this way: the front loop is knitted, the wrong one is simply removed on the knitting needle. It turns out the so-called "double canvas".

So we knit to the desired length.

12. Closing loops. The dog's hat is ready.

Don't forget to try on your pet's hat!

You can also use this dog hat pattern.

Hat pattern for a dog
Hat pattern for a dog

Decorate the hat

The finished hat can be decorated with additional functional and not so details.

You can add strings, pompoms, any other decorations: fantasy can notlimit.

Of course, you need to observe the measure so that your pet does not become an object of ridicule.
