Board game "Millionaire": rules and features
Board game "Millionaire": rules and features

Recently, many variants of the board game "Millionaire" have appeared on the market. This is an economic game that gathers the whole family or a group of friends behind the playing field. The rules are not overly complicated. People who love "Monopoly" will be happy to learn "Millionaire".

In the article we will consider the rules of the board game "Millionaire" ("Classic"). This is one of the fundamental modifications of the game. The rest of the options have been expanded with several new rules. Let's look at them in more detail later.

Game package

When buying a box with the board game "Millionaire", you need to check the contents. This is a square-shaped playing field, folded in four. Two "dice" dice that help decide how many squares the player's chip moves. Since both two and six players can play this game, then 6 chips are given, respectively, to the maximum.

millionaire board game
millionaire board game

Ba special compartment separately folded "money" for doing business. Banknotes of different denominations (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500), 48 pieces in each pack. The money in the game is called "phants". The set also includes cards of branches (24 pcs.) And enterprises (12 pcs.). There are also prize cards called "Chance" and "Movement". They are in a set of 20 pieces. There are also designations of sections, which 24.

There are also printed rules in the box.

Goal of the game

Since the board game "Millionaire" is an economic game, its main goal is to earn as much money as possible, to buy up the majority of enterprises in all sectors of the economy. The player can also make lucrative real estate deals by expanding businesses and rebuilding branches.

The winner is the player who becomes a monopolist and owns completely all the enterprises in the industry. To become a winner, you need not only to be lucky, but also to have a "vein" of a businessman and have the ability to predict situations and moves of opponents.

Classic Game Rules

The playing field has 8 sectors, which symbolize different industries: the transport system, the media, light and food industries, mining and heavy industries, communications and communications, and the entertainment industry. These 8 sectors are located along the perimeter of the playing field. Site cards are laid out on the cells with enterprises. In the center of each strip of the board game "Millionaire" are the most expensiveenterprises.

board game millionaire
board game millionaire

And in the middle of the playing field is a slot machine called "Jackpot" and "Charity Fund Bank". The purpose of these cells will be discussed later. On the cells "Chance" and "Movement", which are located one, two or three cells along the perimeter of the playing field, cards with the corresponding names are placed. They are placed face down so that the player does not see the upcoming task in advance.

Game start

During the draw, the player who makes the first move is selected. In the board game "Millionaire", the cells start counting clockwise from the word "Start". Before starting any game, you need to appoint a banker of fashion from the players. He must distribute the initial capital - 2000 forfeits in banknotes of different denominations. When a player rolls the dice, points are counted, the chip moves the corresponding number of cells. If you are “lucky” and get a double, you will have to roll the dice again. But if the double falls three times in a row, then the player is forced to go to the cell with the inscription "Tax Police". Such a move is fraught with the payment of pen alties.

game millionaire board game rules
game millionaire board game rules

According to the rules of the board game "Millionaire" Classic, if the chip falls on the cell of the enterprise, then the player takes a site card, which details how much taxes you need to pay for the enterprise itself or the rental rate for it. If this enterprisethere is no owner yet, then the player can buy it, deposit the required cost for it in the Bank. The lot card remains with the player in the pack.

If a player is not interested in buying this site, he puts it up for sale, independently determining its cost. The lot goes to the player who bids the most at the auction.

If another player's chip ends up on your site as a result of a roll of dice, then you will have to pay as many forfeits as indicated on the card for being in someone else's enterprise. There are situations when a chip lands on a cell owned by a monopolist, that is, a player who has bought up all the enterprises in this industry, then the rate doubles, the rent is already paid at a double rate.

There are also pleasant moments. When a player makes a full circle around the playing field, then according to the rules of the game in the board game "Millionaire", he receives a bonus of circular income of 200 forfeits.

"Surprise" cages

In the course of throwing the dice, the players' chips can also fall on the cells with the "shirts" turned upside down. These are "Chance" and "Movement". Let's take a closer look at what needs to be done in such cases:

  • Turning over the card on the cell, the player reads the task and must complete it. If at this moment he is not able to complete the task, then this can be done later.
  • When hitting the "Move", as the name of the card shows, the player will need to move the chip to the distance indicated on it. If the chip suddenly falls on the "Start", then the player losescircular income, that is, 200 forfeits. If, during the movement, the chip falls on the "White Business" or "Charity Fund" cell, then the player receives a cash prize from the funds of the Bank or the Fund. But there is also a cell with the inscription "Black business". Having hit it as a result of moving the chip, the player automatically moves to the "Charity Fund" square, where he already has to contribute 50 forfeits to charity.
  • "Jackpot". A slot machine is located in the center of the playing field, so that when a chip hits it, the player can play. In the Millionaire board game, according to the rules of the game, you first need to place a bet. Then only one die is thrown, three times. After each throw, the player must move the chip up the column by the corresponding number of cells. If the pictures match the winning combination, then the winner receives a bonus prize. But if the player is not lucky, the combination did not match, then the bet remains in the Bank's cash desk.
board game monopoly millionaire
board game monopoly millionaire

Corner cells

On the corner squares of the playing field there are "Tax Police" and "Tax Inspection". If the chip after the move falls into the inspection, then the tax is simply paid. If the chip ended up on the police cell, then you need to roll the dice 3 times (until a double falls out) in order to leave the territory of the site. If the double did not fall out, then you will have to fork out and pay a fine.

Board game "Monopoly:Millionaire"

This is a new economic game, beautifully and stylishly designed. Children as young as 8 can play it. Players can be from 2 to 4 people. The main goal of the game is to become a millionaire, that is, to earn a million. Whoever conquers this peak first is the winner. Each player has three chips in his hand.

The game starts from the "Forward" cell, on which one chip is placed. The rest are still on the table. The banker is not used in the game. There is a cell on the playing field where all the players' money is stored. At first, the game is distributed to everyone in 372,000 bills. You no longer need to buy businesses or houses here, but elite property - an island, a city of attractions, a castle, etc. They choose a re altor who issues cards with real estate.

millionaire business board game
millionaire business board game

If a chip makes a full circle around the playing field, then the player changes it to a larger one. This denotes the next level of security - "Life in luxury". And the higher the level, the more income the player has. But for such a transition you will have to pay 50 bills.

This game contains "Chance" cards already familiar to players, but there are also new ones, for example, "Life of a Millionaire" and "Fortune". You can find very interesting offers in them: receiving a wedding gift from other players or money from the sale of a sports car, etc.

There is also a new cell "Prison". If you just hit it with a chip, no action can be taken until the next turn. That's where it getsa player who is "lucky" to roll dice three times in a row double. You will either have to sit in the dungeons for three turns, or give the appropriate card.

The rest of the rules of the game are similar to the classic "Millionaire". You can also buy, rent, sell your property. Only instead of industries there are one-color objects.

Business game

"Millionaire" is a board game that already has many variations. Now consider another one, released by a Russian company. The game is designed for children from 7 years old. She teaches them business in a fun way. The goal is the same, as in all other options - to get rich by buying real estate, selling services and goods. 17 activities and industries represented.

board game millionaire classic
board game millionaire classic

The playing field is designed differently, the cells for moves are represented by circles. In the middle is a bank, where, depending on the player's earnings, the chips move up the stairs, closer to the coveted million. The game is simple, you can play the whole family - parents with children.

Children's play

Last of all, we will describe the board business game "Millionaire", the rules of the game will be mastered even by children. The main goal of the game is to get rich by buying banks, shops, cinemas, etc.

board business game millionaire game rules
board business game millionaire game rules

Children roll the dice, make moves with chips and do the tasks written on the cards. The winner is the one who first became rich.

So, the article describes popular games"Millionaire", rules of the game, options for adults and children. All of them teach prudence, the ability to foresee the situation, attentiveness and logical thinking. These business games are useful for developing an entrepreneurial streak in children that will be useful in adulthood.
