How to weave a bracelet on a loom? Weaving methods
How to weave a bracelet on a loom? Weaving methods

How to weave a bracelet on a loom? In the last 2 years, weaving bracelets from rubber bands with the help of this device has become widespread and captivate more and more children and adolescents. From the very beginning, the famous bracelets were created on the fingers. Be that as it may, but complex and large weaving patterns can only be mastered on machines. That is why a little later the American Ching Chong created them for everyone's convenience.

Types of machines

There are several types of machines for weaving bracelets, as well as weaving methods. These are the so-called "slingshots", machines from ordinary pins, round or oval machines, with the help of which a wide variety of patterns and products are created. But looms for weaving bracelets with posts that can be moved for more convenient use are considered universal.

Features of the weaving process

So how to weave a bracelet on the loom? One of the fastest in time is weaving a chain bracelet. In this case, only 2 rows are usually involved.bars.

With the development of this method of weaving, it will be easier for a beginner to understand the principle of working on the machine, which will make it possible to move further in this direction and master more complex patterns.

how to weave a bracelet on a loom
how to weave a bracelet on a loom

To diversify and somehow decorate rubber bracelets, you can weave various beads, pebbles, etc. into them. This will give the products originality and originality.

Unusual figures

How to weave rubber band bracelets? The best idea is curly weaving. The process of creating is not complicated at all and practically does not differ from weaving ordinary bracelets on a loom. In this case, you can use a hook, pencils and even forks! You can make a three-dimensional heart, a snowflake or a teddy bear, or letters with which you can weave your own name.

how to weave rubber band bracelets best ideas
how to weave rubber band bracelets best ideas

The figurines will also make a great hairpin accessory. To do this, you just need to string the elastic rings on the weaving hook and fasten them in the center. To make the decoration more colorful, you need to use as many colors as possible.

Set for weaving a bracelet "Rain"

The peculiarity of "Rain" bracelets is also that this decoration can be worn both inside and outside. Both parts have a different pattern. To weave the "Rain" bracelet from rubber bands, you need to stock up on related materials. This is:

  • elastic bands in two colors - blue and white (the choice of colors can be any);
  • large machine;
  • crochet;
  • clasp for bracelet.

Step by step instructions

How to weave a bracelet on a loom? To begin with, you need to remove the middle row from the machine - it will interfere with the weaving of the "Rain". After that, you can proceed to the process itself: for the bottom row of weaving, use 3 blue elastic bands, each of which needs to be twisted on the “eight” machine. One is fixed on the first right and second left columns, the second in the same way, but on the right side the elastic will be placed on the next column, and not at the beginning. The last gum is put on by the end already on the third column of the right side.

Next, the white rubber bands are placed on the loom in the same way as the blue ones, with one exception - they should not be twisted with a "figure of eight".

The next step is to remove the rubber bands from the posts in the same order in which they were put on the machine. It’s worth starting with those that are at the bottom, that is, with the blue ones. It so happened that on the second column of the left side of the loom the most layers were formed, so you will have to throw off the elastic bands from it 3 times.

bracelet made of rubber bands weaving rain
bracelet made of rubber bands weaving rain

After that, in the same sequence in which the white rubber bands were put on, another layer of blue ones is fixed on the loom (without twisting the "eight"). Now the white rubber bands will be removed, but in the same order as the previous blue ones.

In the same way, all subsequent elastic bands are put on and removed until the pattern is visible andthe bracelet will not be ready.

bracelet made of rubber bands weaving rain
bracelet made of rubber bands weaving rain

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands "Quadrofish"

Unlike the previous version of the "Rain" bracelet, a large machine is not needed for weaving "Quadrofish" - a small device for 2 rows is enough, because only 4 columns will be involved.

You will need at least two shades for the product. There may be more flowers, but the main thing is that there should be an even number of them, for alternating colors.

After the colored elastic bands are distributed, weaving can begin.

  1. The very first elastic band must be stretched into 4 columns in a square.
  2. After that, twist the elastic with a "figure eight" near each column, thus forming a crosshair.
  3. Second rib should be a different color (except for the plain weave option). It is also fixed in a square on top of the first, but is not twisted by the "eight". In the "Quadrofish" weaving method, as in most others, only the first elastic band is twisted.
  4. After the second elastic band, the third one is fixed. It should be identical to the first one in color. Thus, there should already be 3 rubber bands on the loom.
  5. Now the lowest gum should be crochet (you can use a regular crochet hook) from each column, move it to the middle and throw it inside.
  6. At this stage, do not forget about alternating shades! Next, an elastic band is put on the machine again, point 5 is duplicated. SoThus, 3 rubber bands remain on the loom.
  7. All actions should be repeated until the bracelet acquires the desired pattern and size.
  8. In order to beautifully and accurately finish weaving, the last three elastic bands should be moved inward as described in paragraph 5. The last one must be left on the loom! After removal, it should remain stretched on two opposite posts diagonally. This will make it easier to secure and attach the clasp.
how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands
how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands

The Quadrofish bracelet is ready!

How to weave a bracelet on a loom will tell you imagination and creativity, thanks to which you can learn anything, whether it is making key rings, a phone case or an original gift for a girlfriend!
