Sweater with braids: diagram and description
Sweater with braids: diagram and description

There is no such thing as too much information about sweaters. Regardless of the time of year and the weather outside, most knitters are either knitting sweaters or thinking about the next model.

The braided sweater is a classic knit that combines functionality with beauty. If we treat the terms with strictness, then a sweater should be called a type of knitted clothing without a fastener with a high neck, designed for the upper body. In practice, both pullovers and jumpers are called so.

sweater with braids with description
sweater with braids with description

Types of sweaters

Over the centuries-old history of development, this type of clothing has become extremely widespread and has undergone several modifications. Basically, any changes concerned the pattern that was used to make the canvas. However, the most popular is the sweater with braids. The cut and model of the sweater remain virtually unchanged. The most popular models are:

  • classic flat or fitted sweater;
  • raglan;
  • fantasy patterns (knitting according todiagonally, from the sleeve, across).

In the past few years, sweaters are also very popular, the cut of which includes a short front part along with an elongated back part.

Sweater with braids for women: diagram and description of the classic model

The traditional sweater model involves knitting details of the front, back, sleeves and neck. Front and back fabrics can be straight or fitted. The latter always look more elegant and fit better on the figure. Even if the sweater is not designed to fit snugly, a slight tapering of the fabric at the waist avoids the formation of a "bag" on the back. Despite the elasticity of the knitted fabric, in order to fit a sweater with braids, you need to make calculations and correctly determine the bottleneck. Otherwise, the silhouette may be distorted.

At the same time, knitting even fabrics is much easier and faster, there is no need to count loops for decreasing and subsequent expansion. The straight cut is suitable for wide voluminous sweaters.

Sweater Patterns

As a pattern for knitting straight and fitted parts, the pattern of a women's sweater with braids below is perfect.

sweater with braids knitting women's scheme
sweater with braids knitting women's scheme

Its charm is that only front and back loops are used in it. Their intersection creates both the main pattern - a braid, and a background pattern resembling honeycombs.

The pattern of a sweater with braids, proposed below, consists of the same types of loops.

sweater patternwith braids
sweater patternwith braids

However, here, unlike the first scheme, not only facial loops are intertwined, but also facial loops with purl loops. By crossing these types of loops in succession, a mesh is obtained from the front loops on the wrong side. This technique is used to weave the most complex braids and knots. These patterns will require a decent amount of yarn.

Classic Sweater Sleeves

The round sleeve hem, allowing it to be sewn into the same round armhole, is what distinguishes the classic braided sweater. Almost every knitter has come across a description of the process of knitting an okat. Just like the armhole, this is a real test for nerves and patience.

Often, the scheme of a sweater with braids does not provide for abbreviations for knitting the necessary round contours of the fabric and you have to invent them yourself. At the same time, you need to make sure that the output web is symmetrical and without distortions.

Secret tricks

To facilitate the work, you can use the following techniques:

  • draw a pattern on a sheet of thick paper and apply knitting to the pattern;
  • sequentially record the process of cutting and adding loops. When knitting the next part, this sequence will need to be repeated in a mirror image;
  • okat will have a smooth shape if you first cut 10-15 loops along the edges, then cut 30% of the height of the okolon one loop in each front row, knit 50% evenly, 20% cut intensively (two loops in each front or one loop in each row).

Armhole front details shouldbe deeper than the armholes of the back piece. Many people think that such subtleties are unnecessary when knitting a knitted fabric, that a sweater with braids "will still stretch as it should." However, the right cut largely determines the beauty and accuracy of the model.

Knitting raglan sleeves

The advantage of knitting sweaters and pullovers with raglan sleeves is that you do not need to count loops and rows for knitting armholes and rounds. The model provides for the formation of uniform bevels of the front and back parts at an angle of 45 degrees. The sleeves have the same slope.

Women's Raglan Sleeve Braided Sweater can be started from the top (from the neckline) or from the bottom. When knitting from above, it is very convenient to start work with the manufacture of a long neck. Then, distributing the fabric into four parts, they continue to knit both the details of the front with the back and the sleeves at the same time. The areas reserved for knitting the sleeves should be narrower than those that will turn into front and back.

sweater with braids
sweater with braids

To expand the fabric in four places, in succession, in each front row, two loops are added, separating them with one or more loops. Thus, every second circular row increases by eight loops, and a neat line is formed along the okon. Sometimes this place is used to place an additional decorative element (braids or openwork pattern).

Sweater Neck

Such an element of a sweater as a neck can be made in several ways:

  • knit separately and sew on;
  • cast on loops after stitching the maindetails and knit up;
  • tie the neck in the process of knitting the main parts (solid fabric).

The first method is the most convenient, since you can calculate the required number of loops in advance and correct the shortcomings in time. The disadvantage of this method is the seam formed when sewing on the neck. If tightened, it can press and dig into the neck.

The traditional method of knitting the neckline remains the most popular: after the details of the front, back and sleeves are sewn, closed and shortened loops are cast on circular needles and knitted to the desired size. This process is rather inconvenient and fraught with errors. The actual size of the neck becomes clear after knitting 10 cm of the fabric, it may be too large or vice versa, narrow.

The last method is the absence of any seam between the details of the sweater and the neck. The advantage of this method is the ability to knit a sweater with braids, the pattern can be absolutely anything, with a pattern continuing on the neck. As in the photo below, the complex braid ornament smoothly transitions into the neck pattern.

women's sweater with braids
women's sweater with braids

Importance of neat seams for quality knitwear

Knitting canvases is half the battle, ahead is one of the most important stages: sewing a sweater. As a rule, a sweater with braids is for women, the diagram describes only before knitting the fabric, which then needs to be assembled. The only exceptions are those made in circular rows with raglan sleeves. But they will also need to sew sleeves.

There is a specialknitted stitch. Its principle is clearly illustrated by the picture below.

sweater with braids scheme
sweater with braids scheme

The essence of the seam is that it turns out to be as elastic as a knitted fabric. There is another option, it is designed for faster stitching of knitted fabrics.

scheme of a women's sweater with braids
scheme of a women's sweater with braids

You need a hook to use it. This kind of knitted seam is made from the wrong side of the fabric.

Properly stitched fabrics look neat even with strong stretching. In such aspects, the class and quality of the knitted product is manifested.
