Women's knitting sweaters with braids: diagrams and job description
Women's knitting sweaters with braids: diagrams and job description

Today needlework and crafts are becoming more and more common. This can be partly explained by the oversaturation of the market, the uniformity of low-quality goods and the need for variety. In addition, the therapeutic benefits of such activities have been proven (out of depressive states, sedation, development of fine motor skills).

Women's knitted sweaters with braids (schemes for which are very diverse) can be attributed to the most popular products with which many craftswomen begin their creative journey. A sweater is a product without fasteners with a high neck.

sweater with braids for women
sweater with braids for women

Principle of braid pattern formation

The first association of many people with the words "knitting" are plaits, arans or braids. These relief elements are able to decorate almost any product. Patterns including braids are suitable for making most models of women's, men's and children's clothing, interior pillows and bedspreads. They are easy to learn and remember and do not require a high level of knitter skill.

Elementary scytheis formed by literally crossing the loops and knitting them in this position. For knitting a harness, you can use any number of loops, starting with two and ending with several dozen. The more crossed loops, the more voluminous the canvas comes out. The main thing to remember when taking on a knitted sweater with braids is that the bundles strongly tighten the fabric and significantly increase the consumption of yarn. Therefore, at the preparatory stage, it is necessary to knit a small sample, for example, 20 loops for 20 rows. It should be accurately measured so that it is possible to calculate the parameters of the planned product.

Description of knitting braids with knitting needles

To illustrate the verbal description below are the pictures. They depict the process of formation of the tourniquet directly.

women's knitting sweaters with braids
women's knitting sweaters with braids

So, in this example, the braid consists of interlacing two strands with 4 loops in each. In order to weave the bundle to the right, you should:

  • Put 4 loose stitches of the first strand on the right needle.
  • Shift 4 sts of the second strand to the auxiliary needle, which should be the same number as the main ones.
  • Return the stitches of the first strand to the left needle.
  • Put the loops of the second strand on the left knitting needle from the auxiliary tool.
  • Knit the resulting tourniquet.
  • knitted sweater with braids
    knitted sweater with braids

Performing these manipulations requires a certain space, so the harnesses are very inconvenient to knit with too much densitycanvases.

Reverse braid

The braid in the opposite direction (to the left) requires a slightly different order and sequence of knitting:

  • The loops of the first strand are not knitted, transferred to an auxiliary tool.
  • Loops of the second strand - on the right knitting needle.
  • Crossing, put them on the left needle.
  • Knit in a new order.

Understanding the principle and mastering this technique will allow you to perform braids of any complexity.

Important note

Intending to knit a sweater with braids with knitting needles (female or male), the craftswoman must have a good spatial imagination and be able to mentally arrange the elements of individual patterns. Of course, you can rely on luck and, taking a chance, follow the instructions in the magazine completely. However, you may suddenly find that the dimensions of the finished sweater do not correspond to planned, the pattern looks much smaller or larger than what is in the magazine, and the braid associated with such diligence is completely invisible due to the bright melange.

You should know that the simpler the knitted product, the more attractive it is. If desired, you can use no more than one bright component in one model (either a complex pattern and a simple yarn, or vice versa).

Pattern: specifics and the need to build

An important condition for making a really high-quality thing can be called:

  • Correct calculation of the size of the future sweater and the number of loops in detail.
  • Follow the pattern.
  • Proper formation of armholes and necklines.
  • Deliberate yarn selection.

It cannot be said that a knitted sweater for women with braids necessarily requires a pattern, especially if the craftswoman plans to knit some simple model. For example, sweaters, all the details of which are in the form of rectangles or raglan sweaters.

If, nevertheless, the decision is made to work according to the pattern, you need to correctly take measurements, make calculations and build it on paper.

sweaters with braids knitting patterns with a description
sweaters with braids knitting patterns with a description

In the picture above, the model is presented in the form of a pattern. A "live" sweater knitted according to this pattern will look like the picture below.

women's knitted sweater with braids
women's knitted sweater with braids

Due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to achieve smooth lines when knitting the neck and sleeves, you can give the details a slightly angular shape (as shown in the picture). It won't be noticeable when worn.

Pattern: the main aspects of its selection and adaptation

The choice of pattern for work is determined taking into account the type of product, its purpose and the abilities of the craftswoman.

The distribution of the ornament in the center of the canvas, as in the previous picture (with a red sweater), is used most often.

All harnesses used in the formation of the pattern are knitted in the same way. The description of the process is given above. In the center of the front part there is one large braid, on its sides there are the same smaller elements. The sleeve is decorated only with a large braid running through the center. In this case, the number of harnesses is odd, so they are all made in the same direction. If there are more orelements can be divided in half, the braids are directed in different directions or towards each other.

Combined women's sweaters with knitting needles with braids also look good, patterns can be developed independently or found in special literature. Harnesses are suitable for combination with other patterns, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Knitting a sweater with braids (diagrams with description)

After determining the dimensions of the future product, choosing a pattern and knitting a sample, you can proceed directly to knitting the model. The picture below shows a braided sweater for women with some pretty interesting custom plaits.

knitted sweater for women
knitted sweater for women

This is how the canvas connected according to this pattern will look like.

knitted sweater for women
knitted sweater for women

Their volume is due to atypical weaving, in which an unequal number of loops cross. Those strands that go "along the top" consist of 5 loops, and those that remain below - from 8.

Empty cells in the diagram are facial loops, cells with a dot in the center are purl. Long slanted strokes indicate the direction in which the loops should be crossed to form a tourniquet.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that weaving is done in a checkerboard pattern. That is, if at first the braids are directed to the right, then at the next stage they should be placed with an inclination to the left.

Elastic band: start and end work

A neat design of the bottom edge of the product is very important. Often rubber bands are used for this.1:1 or 2:2 (as in the picture). So they begin to knit women's sweaters with braids. Gum knitting patterns are usually not indicated, since the principle of operation is obvious: 2 facial, 2 purl. The cuffs and collar are decorated in the same way.

Inventiveness and improvisation play an important role in knitting, which is indispensable if an unforeseen situation suddenly arises.

In any case, foresight, the ability to count loops and follow the pattern, as well as elementary common sense will help almost every craftswoman create excellent women's knitting knitting sweaters with braids. Knitting patterns serve as a wonderful field for the creativity of many experienced knitters. These patterns will always be relevant and fashionable.
