Do-it-yourself princess costume: patterns, sewing instructions
Do-it-yourself princess costume: patterns, sewing instructions

All girls dream of being princesses, dressing in beautiful lace outfits with long puffy skirts and having a crown on their heads. The festive New Year's carnival is just the right place to dress up in a princess costume and show off in it in the company of Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden. However, New Year's parties are not the only place where you can wear a chic dress with a crown.

princess costume
princess costume

Image details

What do you need to make your own princess costume? In order not to miss anything, you should disassemble the outfit in parts. It can be made detailed - include in the princess costume such additional elements as knickers, gloves, a fan, a handbag, a handkerchief with initials, jewelry in the form of pendants with precious stones, or limit yourself to just a dress and a crown.

Materials and tools

So, first of all, you should choose the fabric for the dress with its many petticoats. A win-win option for a fluffy skirt is tulle. It is distinguished by hardness. more standingit will hold the shape of the skirt well, and the soft one is perfect for creating frills. To make the main part of the dress, satin, brocade or velor is well suited. You can also use chiffon and silk, or completely make a tulle skirt, and the top of the dress - from a beautiful knitted fabric like velor or sequin fabric.

A princess costume can be sewn in absolutely any color, but, as you know, almost all babies really like pink shades, and therefore this color scheme will be appreciated by a little fashionista. But, of course, it is better to ask her preferences in order to please the child.

princess costume for girls
princess costume for girls

In order to sew a princess costume for a girl, you will need sewing supplies and some accessories to create decorative elements: various beads, sew-on stones, felt or cardboard for making a crown, a piece of cloth or gold-colored satin ribbons.

How to sew a dress?

It's easy to make a princess carnival costume. Its basis is the dress, and this is the most difficult stage of work. However, the process of sewing it is not as difficult as it might seem.

DIY princess costume
DIY princess costume

For convenience, the work can be divided into parts: first, do the bodice of the product, and then the skirt. The first step is to develop a product template. Therefore, armed with a measuring tape, you need to take the following measurements from the child: chest and waist volume, tummy volume, back width, front width, shoulder width, neck circumference, chest height, back and front length towaist and sleeve length.

Building a dress bodice pattern

All measurements taken are transferred to paper as follows:

  • You should draw a rectangle with sides equal to the values of the measurements "bust" and "back length" to the waist.
  • According to the measurement of "chest height", determine the line of the chest on the drawing.
  • Mark the neck in the upper corners of the drawing. It all depends on the conceived model, the neck can be highly closed or open with a beautifully designed neckline, where a precious necklace of beads and stones will flaunt.
  • To mark the edge of the shoulder seam line, you should set aside on the drawing, along the upper side of the rectangle, the measurement "back width". The shoulder line for a beautiful fit is brought out with an underestimation of the edge by 1.5 cm.
  • Then they go down to the chest line and divide it into the back, armhole and front area. The first of them is equal to the width of the back, the second is calculated by dividing the chest volume by 4, and the remainder falls on the front shelf area.
  • The next step is to determine the middle in the armhole area. A side seam will come out of it, on which, if necessary, you can make darts for the waist.
  • Next, you should refine the armhole by connecting the extreme points of the shoulder seams with the middle point. In this case, a smooth line should be drawn, rounding off all sharp corners.

At this stage, the blank for the bodice is ready. Next, it needs to be transferred to the fabric and cut out, taking into account the seam allowances.

Building a sleeve pattern

princess leia costume
princess leia costume

Children's princess costume can bemake them with a small sleeve or, conversely, make them long with beautiful corners falling to the floor at the wrist. To make a template, you will need a ready-made pattern for the bodice of the dress. It is folded along the shoulder seams and circled around the armhole along the contour. If you draw a circle, part of which is formed on the rim of the shoulder, and on its bottom in the center place a segment equal to the girth of the top of the arm, extend this line in both directions and draw, bending around the circle, the rim of the sleeve, the length of which would be equal to the cut of the armhole, then a template will come out for tailoring.

However, if sewing, for example, a Princess Leia costume, then it will be enough to fold the fabric in half and simply mark the side and sleeve seams with a smooth transition under the arm.

Sewing skirts

Sew a skirt and connect it to the bodice to get a great do-it-yourself princess costume - it's easy! For its manufacture, only two measurements are required: the length of the product and the volume of the child's abdomen. Further, having calculated the required amount of fabric, you can draw a template directly on the canvas, since it is an ordinary rectangle, which is closed with a seam and assembled at the top with an elastic band. Here you can simplify the task by leaving the bodice and skirt separate parts, so as not to attach a zipper or sew on buttons. If the product is multi-layered, then each of the layers must be closed separately, but you can collect them all at the top with one elastic band.

princess cosplay costume
princess cosplay costume

The lower layers are best made from hard tulle, then soft, and then the main fabric.

Creating a costume with your child

Princess costumewith your own hands - a great occasion for joint creativity with a child! Each mother can give her child an extra hour of precious time and let the baby take part in creating a chic outfit. You can instruct her to string beads on a fishing line or, under the control of her mother, cut tulle with scissors. These tasks are simple, but pleasant impressions are provided for the child, because the thought that she helped to sew the princess costume will become a reason for pride for the girl and spur on further exploits in the future.

How to create the image of Leah?

Such a cult saga as Star Wars left no one indifferent. Adults and children, clinging to the screens, watched part after part, spellbound. The boys imagined themselves in swarms of Jedi, and the girls dreamed of dressing up as Princess Leia. It is not difficult to dress in such a mysterious image at a carnival celebration. A white straight dress with one-piece sleeves, a belt at the waist and a hairstyle with two pigtails gathered on the head in buns - and you can shine at the holiday.

To sew such an outfit, you will need a white fabric two measurements long from the neck to the floor of the child. It can be satin or velvet fabric, you can also use just linen or cambric. For cutting, you will also need to measure the length from wrist to wrist (through the child's neck) and set aside this value along the fold. On the neck, in the middle of this segment, you will need to make a cutout. And so that the head passes well - a cut on the back or front shelf. It can be closed with ties or buttons. Next, you need to measure the circumferencechest and abdomen, and most importantly, directly on the canvas, place this segment in the center from mark to mark, indicating the wrists. Next, you need to draw the sleeve and side seams of the "bat" type and flare the dress panel down by about 7-10 cm on both sides. After that, it remains only to find a suitable belt (or sew it from a strip of fabric) and complement the image with an appropriate hairstyle.

kids princess costume
kids princess costume

How to create a Jasmine look?

Legendary adventures of Aladdin would be practically uninteresting for girls if they didn't feature a princess. Her outfit has long been the dream of any girl. It is best to sew a princess Jasmine costume from chiffon, satin or silk with inserts of beautiful gold fringe with beads and other decorative elements in the form of beads, stones and satin ribbons. For sewing the top, you can use the bodice pattern described above, and for panties, you need to take the child's sportswear, fold it inside out, trouser leg to the trouser leg, and circle around the contour of the seams. When cutting, you will need to add 10 cm along the side seams and 5 cm at the top and bottom (to design the drawstring for the elastic).

princess jasmine costume
princess jasmine costume

A little fantasy - and a chic princess outfit for your beloved child is ready!
