Reason for creativity: dresses for girls with their own hands
Reason for creativity: dresses for girls with their own hands

Every mother wants her daughter to be the most beautiful and elegant. Domestic and foreign manufacturers strive to outdo each other, fulfilling this desire. And choosing an outfit for a little princess today is not difficult. But it is much more interesting when mothers create dresses for girls with their own hands! Moreover, for this it is not necessary to have the skills of a professional seamstress. The knowledge once gained at school in labor lessons is quite enough, and the desire to give the baby an original thing.

dresses for girls
dresses for girls

Dresses for girls are created using a variety of technologies, depending on what the mother-needlewoman prefers. They are knitted and crocheted, sewn from whole fabric and patchwork, combine fabric and yarn. When a thing is made with love (and how else can you create for your own daughter?), it always turns out to be very beautiful. Well, if these are your first steps in needlework and not everything turns out the way you would like, it's okay! Children are growing fast, and in just six months, girls will need new clothes.

Where can I get a pattern?

Of course, you can choose your favorite thing in a fashionable needlework magazine. There will be not only a pattern, but also a detailed description of the process. However, today, as before, not all needlewomen are satisfied with the proposals of fashion designers. Indeed, most often do-it-yourself dresses for girls are created for every day, and not for a one-time show on the catwalk. In addition, it is impossible to find the desired model immediately. And the price of quality magazines is high enough to buy them in large quantities. Actually, this only makes sense if there is a plan to make the creation of children's clothing a source of income.

clothes for girls
clothes for girls

Where more accessible is another option: to remove a pattern from an existing dress. To do this, it is enough to choose your daughter’s favorite dress that she already wears, carefully measure and “copy” every detail on graph paper. Taking into account the growth of the child, the necessary increases are made - and your own pattern is ready! There is no need to be afraid that you will repeat an already existing thing. Making a dress for girls with your own hands is remarkable because each of them is unique. Made from a different fabric, with different details, it will certainly be unique.

Third option, for especially creative and courageous needlewomen: create a pattern yourself. This is more suitable for those who already have at least minimal experience in clothing design. In this case, your own model is conceived and drawn on paper. In accordance with the plan, measurements are taken from the child, and a pattern is drawn. It is best to first sweep the “trial” dress from any unnecessary canvas (for example, an old sheet), and only then cut out the details from the selected fabric. On the "probe" errors will immediately become visiblepatterns, they will be easy to fix without prejudice to new clothes.

knitted dress for girls
knitted dress for girls

And finally, many mothers create dresses for girls with their own hands from their own boring clothes. Everything here can be extremely simple: the sleeves turn into sleeves, the hem into a hem, the shelves and back into their own kind of smaller size. Perfect for your workout!

Which material to choose?

It all depends on your imagination, financial capabilities and the ultimate goal. After all, it is obvious that a dense woolen fabric is not suitable for a summer dress, and silk or chiffon are not very appropriate for winter. It is best to choose natural fabrics of bright colors. For the warm season, cotton and linen are a great choice. For cold weather - wool, fleece, jeans. You can choose fabrics with colorful prints. And you can use plain ones, decorating the finished item with lace, appliqué, embroidery. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so that beauty does not turn into bad taste.

If you are going not to sew, but to knit a dress for your girl, then here preference is given to natural fibers. Synthetic yarn, even the most showy and wearable, is best left for outerwear worn for short periods of time. After all, it is assumed that the dress is worn for the whole day, and the body needs to breathe.

And what's next?

dresses for girls with their own hands
dresses for girls with their own hands

And then - room for creativity. Sew, knit, combine fabric and knitted details. Involve its future owner in the creation of new clothes. WithOn the one hand, it is useful for educational and educational purposes. On the other hand, this will guarantee that she will like the new dress. After all, what is created by one's own hands is always valued much higher than any purchase.
