Original DIY necklace
Original DIY necklace

It is not always in jewelry stores that you would like to give preference. Either the size is not the same, then the color, then the style. Therefore, at all times, needlework was revered, and was also considered one of the ways of self-expression. Nowadays, with such a variety of materials for creativity, it is sometimes difficult to decide on them. Today's article is devoted to how to make an unusual necklace of beads and beads with your own hands.


To make a necklace you will need:

  • iron chain;
  • round mother-of-pearl buttons of different diameters;
  • beads, wood beads and teardrop beads;
  • silver copper jewelry wire (0.5mm);
  • clip rings;
  • lobster carabiner clasp;
  • pliers.
necklace of beads
necklace of beads

The choice of colors for making a necklace with your own hands can be anything, depending on taste. For example, bright colors are perfect for a summer and sunny look.colored beads. For a discreet neutral look, you can choose translucent and pastel shades. And if you add a few dark buttons to them, you get a very stylish option. You can also alternate wire with dark beads with wire with light ones. As you can see, the flight of fantasy is completely limitless and is determined only by creativity.

Assembly of blanks

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you can proceed to the necklace itself. First you need to cut a piece of wire and put a tear bead on it. Then you need to twist the end of the wire over the top of the bead. Next comes a bead made of wood or beads, which is worn on top. Twist the wire again. Thus, after each bead or strung button, there must be a fixing knot made of wire. For the mother-of-pearl button, you will need another wire that will go into the top hole. In total, you should get about 15 of these blanks.


After all the beads are strung, it's time to start attaching them to the chain. By the way, the chain can be both large and not very large. But keep in mind that the size of the beads also depends on the choice of chain. The larger the chain, the more massive they should be. So, retreating one or two divisions, thread them and secure the wire blanks. Fix sharp ends in such a way that they do not cause inconvenience.

necklace of buttons and beads
necklace of buttons and beads


And finally the clasp. Pass the clip rings through the ends of the chain. And put a lock into one of the rings. All DIY necklace is ready!

This is such an easy-to-make, but stylish and unusual jewelry can be made literally from improvised materials that every woman will surely have at home.
