Asymmetric feeder loop
Asymmetric feeder loop

The asymmetric loop is simply irreplaceable for those who prefer to fish in rivers and over long distances. The use of such a mounting has a positive effect on the bite, since the feeder does not twitch. Accordingly, the fish behaves calmer, not afraid.

Pros and cons

Like any rig, the asymmetrical feeder loop has its pros and cons. Its advantages include very good sensitivity (which has a positive effect on the efficiency of fishing), transmission of a bite signal to the very tip of the rod, no feeling of resistance from the weight of the fish.

The disadvantages of the rig are that the asymmetric loop can get confused when using long and thin leashes. The obvious "congestion" of the fishing line makes it too noticeable in the reservoir. The fish may begin to behave too cautiously. In addition, in reservoirs with a cluttered or overgrown bottom, the installation of feeder equipment is also not recommended.

asymmetric gardner loop
asymmetric gardner loop

The asymmetric loop is used, as a rule, in reservoirs with a clean bottom and slightly cloudy water at an average depth. In this case, fishing will bring verygood catch.

Asymmetric loop or paternoster - what to choose?

Choosing equipment for the feeder, fishing enthusiasts may face the following problem. Which is better: asymmetrical loop or paternoster? Where to stop? What equipment should be used in what cases? Very simple, according to many fishermen, is the Gardner loop, while the asymmetric one, in turn, has a special sensitivity. In fact, you just need to decide in what conditions the fish will be caught.

asymmetric loop or paternoster
asymmetric loop or paternoster

Do not forget that the paternoster is knitted on the main line. The adapter for the swivel is not included in the equipment. As a result, the main line often twists.

Asymmetrical buttonhole is a separate rig, knitted on a monofilament. It is connected to the main line with a swivel. Thanks to this, the tackle twists much less often.

The principle of action when biting

When the fish gets close to the bait and grabs it, there is not much difference between rigs such as an asymmetric loop and a paternoster. The use of long leashes makes it easy to take prey. The fish, without fear, catches the bait and moves aside to eat its find away from everyone. But after the victim crashes into the feeder, obvious differences between the rigs become noticeable.

installation of feeder equipment asymmetric loop
installation of feeder equipment asymmetric loop

Using the Paternoster

So, the difference is "obvious". When using a paternoster, fish do not need to be spotted. Athitting the feeder of the leash, a sharp hook sticks into her mouth, and the fisherman only needs to pull his victim ashore. It is best to use the paternoster when fishing for bream that moves quite fast.

However, the fish is also more suspicious and shy, because it repeatedly grabs and spits out the bait again. When pulled, she begins to worry even more, that is, for such a bite, longer leashes are needed. In this case, the fish swallows the bait deeper in order to enjoy it in peace.

asymmetrical loop
asymmetrical loop

Using an asymmetrical buttonhole

The situation at the bottom of the reservoir is absolutely different when the fisherman refuses the paternoster. The asymmetric loop for the feeder is thrown, after which the braid is wound up for a good stretch. The feeder begins to move along the fishing line, as a result, stopping at the lowest point of the equipment. It remains only to wait for the fish to grab the nozzle. After that, she drags it to the side until it stops at the top edge of the loop. The feeder top at this time noticeably twitches. This suggests that it is time for the angler to hook so that his prey does not spit out the bait.

Thus, when fishing with this rig, fish do not hook, but actually bite. The free movement of the hook allows the fisherman to receive the necessary signal in time. The main thing is to use long leashes when fishing on an asymmetrical loop. The fish should swallow the bait as deeply as possible.

Accordingly, the asymmetric loop remains more sensitive compared topaternoster. It will show especially good results when catching small fish in still water.

asymmetric feeder loop
asymmetric feeder loop

What could be the loop?

Variants of this equipment are very diverse. The asymmetric loop, the photo of which can be seen in the article, is primarily distinguished by its length. It is this criterion that gives the so-called "free play" equipment. In a word, the longer the loop, the later the fish will hit the feeder. Of course, an active bite will require a reduction in the length of this equipment, a passive one, on the contrary, an increase. By the way, the choice of leader size is much more important than the choice between an asymmetrical loop and a paternoster. Every avid fisherman knows this.

The length of the leash also depends on the location of the bait. Fish behave differently in different habitats. In a reservoir with a strong current, the bait spot turns out to be quite elongated, so it will be located at a distance of a meter from the feeder itself. In this case, the length of the leash is determined on the spot. Small fish, as a rule, feed away from the feeder, large - close. By the way, if the feeder is slightly moved, the bite often increases. Therefore, for greater freedom, the lure must immediately lengthen the leash.

However, in any current and for different fish, you will have to select the right size. Each fisherman sets the necessary criteria for a leash independently, only based on the basic recommendations.

In any case, it is worth noting that the asymmetric loop is no worse than the paternoster, despite the fact that inthe performance of the latter is also not inferior to it. That is, the preferences of fishing enthusiasts depend solely on the type of fish, on the depth and current of the reservoir, etc. The most important thing is to try to experiment. An excellent catch will be provided to the fisherman as a result.

How to knit?

Thus, if the angler wants to reduce overlaps and increase the elasticity of the leader, he needs an asymmetric loop. How to knit it, everyone decides for himself. There are several ways to achieve asymmetry.

The easiest way is to take a stiff fishing line one and a half meters long with a small diameter (about 0.3 mm). Fluorocarbon is best for knitting. Although you can use other fishing line. The main thing is that it should be really tough. A suitable fishing line will straighten out immediately after it is wound around the finger several times and released.

asymmetrical loop how to knit
asymmetrical loop how to knit

Once the desired piece is selected, it must be folded in half. One of its sides should be 10 centimeters shorter than the other. After that, a small loop is knitted using a double or triple knot. A leash with a hook will be attached to it.

The next stage of mating is the most difficult. It is necessary to make a tight and hard leash. It is he who affects the tendency of equipment to entangle. When casting it, the feeder should fly forward, and the leash should deviate to the side. Thanks to this, he does not get tangled in the loop.

To make a leash, you will need a double line about 15 cm long. A double twist is made from it, after which at its enda double knot is knitted.

A swivel is threaded through the long side of the fishing line, designed to attach the feeder. Next, the required length of the asymmetrical loop (30-70 cm) is measured, and it is tightened with a double knot.

asymmetric loop photo
asymmetric loop photo

In order to attach the asymmetrical loop to the main line, the swivel is put on the end of the loop and tightened with a knot. This is where the knitting ends. The ends of the fishing line must be cut as short as possible. Otherwise, the rig will become entangled.


New asymmetrical loops are best stored in small plastic bags. Although in fishing stores you can buy special boxes or covers for them. In addition, today the attention of feeder fishing enthusiasts is presented with a wide variety of boxes in which you can store everything you need for a successful hunt.
