What affects image clarity: megapixel and abbreviations
What affects image clarity: megapixel and abbreviations

Nowadays, you don't have to be a professional to take high quality pictures. To get a good result, a regular “soap box” is also suitable for a novice photographer. A general knowledge of the imaging process will be needed to select the appropriate technique. In this article, you will learn about what 1 megapixel is and how to reduce it. It will also help you understand the main characteristics of the camera that affect the image. Is it true that the clarity of the picture depends on the number of megapixels?

Understanding the concept

Digital photography consists of many dots that form an image. They are called pixels. Each of them is an element of building a matrix, the more their number, the better the camera itself. So, 1 megapixel consists of 1,000,000 pixels.

How can you succinctly define this term? A common abbreviation for megapixel is mpx. The concept comes from English wordspix and element. Perhaps, with a strong increase in the photo received from the device, you have already seen how the image is divided into tiny squares? These are the pixels.

Image pixelated
Image pixelated

How many units do you need

You can meet the opinion that the more dots and, accordingly, the higher the resolution, the clearer the picture will be. In reality, good optics and craftsmanship are far more important.

The result is affected by aperture settings, shutter speed, ISO (light sensitivity) and many others. Of the external factors, this is exposed light or natural light, weather conditions (in the event that the shooting takes place on the street).

The physical size of the matrix itself has a much stronger effect on the characteristics of the picture than the number of megapixels (or abbreviation - Mp) in the camera. If there are very few of these units, you will get a blurry frame with a lot of noise. This problem is usually faced by owners of inexpensive smartphones and cameras. Even such powerful editors as Adobe Photoshop will not be able to completely get rid of such artifacts. If you want to immediately get excellent shots, we recommend that you pay attention to both the availability of the required number of megapixels and the concept of crop matrices.

What are megapixels
What are megapixels

What determines image quality

In most modern devices, megapixels (or abbreviations - mpx, Mp, Mp) are in excess, while manufacturers are trying to save on other parameters. Tofor example, on the physical size of the matrix.

In the days of film photography, the concept of "full frame" appeared, it is associated with 35 mm film used as a photosensitive element. With the advent of digital cameras, the latter was replaced by a matrix. But its production is more expensive, so companies began to produce stripped-down versions. This is how the crop factor appeared - the ratio of the diameter of a full frame to the diagonal of a smaller matrix.

This parameter affects, first of all, what percentage of the visible image will fall into the frame, and a kind of cropping of the future image. As the coefficient increases, the noise level increases, the viewing angle decreases. The image taken by a camera with a full-frame sensor will be many times clearer and better. Also, when buying a camera, you should pay attention to the focal length, the characteristics of which relate more to the lens.

An example of a good shot
An example of a good shot

A little more about matrix resolution

In what cases do you need more megapixels (abbreviated as Mp)? If you are going to greatly enlarge the future image, for example, for printing photo wallpapers. The greater their number, the stronger the image can be cropped without loss of quality. Additional pixels will come in handy when shooting an object from afar, it will be possible to bring it closer when editing.

Another factor is the increase in the amount of memory occupied on the media and the processing time of the resulting image. In most cases, a novice photographer will have enough resolution of 8-13 megapixels (inabbreviation, Mp). When printing street posters, for example, the resolution is not as high as they are located at a height and the viewer looks at them from afar.

1 megapixel reduction
1 megapixel reduction

Instead of a conclusion

From this article, readers learned what megapixels are (in short, Mp, Mp or mpx), how these elements affect photography. Whether it is worth buying a camera with a lot of these elements depends on the tasks for which you will use photographic equipment. If your goal is to get quality shots for small printed images (including A4), it's better to pay attention to other, more important camera features discussed above.

If you plan to print large posters or greatly enlarge your pictures, you should prefer a device with a large number of megapixels. In all other cases, you do not need to pay special attention to this parameter - it is better to purchase a good lens or filters. The clarity of the picture is influenced more by the skill of the photographer and the settings suitable for the shooting conditions than by the number of pixels in the device.
