How to crochet a loop: first steps
How to crochet a loop: first steps

One of the most common types of needlework can rightly be called crochet. With this simple device, you can create both simple and complex designs. However, first you should learn how to crochet a loop, since any pattern begins with it.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop


It's amazing what you can't knit with an ordinary crochet - jackets, sweaters, scarves, tablecloths, dresses, toys and much more. The set of tools for the job is minimal.

First, as for the hooks: they are usually made of steel or wood, but there are also bone ones. Their sizes may vary. In addition to the color and texture of the threads, their thickness plays an important role, it must necessarily correspond to the thickness of the hook.

how to crochet first stitches
how to crochet first stitches

How to make a loop to start with? A simple step-by-step instruction will help with this.

The first step is the most important

So, we make the first knot, which will be the starting point for further work. There isseveral options, and many needlewomen make it their own way, because everyone has a different style - everyone chooses what is more convenient for him. How to crochet a loop? One of the easiest ways is also the most common.

do-it-yourself loops
do-it-yourself loops

Instructions for beginners

How to make loop number one?

  • For convenience, we wind the end of the thread in one turn once around the little finger, while the palm is located with the back side down.
  • Making sure that there is a short tail for insurance, wrap the thread around the index finger.
  • how to make a loop of thread
    how to make a loop of thread
  • Then take the hook, wrap the thread around it and tighten the tight loop as shown.
  • Make sure that the knot is not too tight, the thread should slide freely on the hook.
  • how to make a loop
    how to make a loop

How to hold correctly

In which hand to hold the hook, everyone decides for himself. The method of holding the thread with the help of the little finger and index finger is the most convenient and optimal. This creates enough space for the hook to move and maintains the necessary thread tension.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop

The first loop is ready. What's next?

It's easy to crochet the first stitches. With it, we stretch the thread through the already existing knot. The main thing is that it should not be too tight. The second loop in size must be done similarly to the first. She shouldn't betoo free. However, it is also not worth stating. The third loop is done similarly to the second. Thus, something like a thin pigtail comes out. It is also called an air knot or zero level.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop

Beginning of the first line

So, the pigtail of the desired length is ready. In order to start the first row, you need to go back to the loop and hook on its half. You now have two loops around your hook.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop

Then we make a new loop and pull it through the first loop. So, there should again be two loops on the hook. Catch the thread again and pull it through both loops. Repeat these steps until you reach the end of the stitch. To finish, cut off the long side of the thread and pull it through the loop.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop

Nothing complicated

In fact, making the first loops with your own hands is not difficult at all. Having mastered the simplest, you can proceed to more complex patterns, double or violin knitting. It is also better for beginners to start using light threads, stitches and possible errors are best seen on them. How to make the first crochet loops? Practice and more practice. The most clumsy movements that are repeated many times can be brought to automatism, when you no longer even need to look at the yarn - the hands do everything themselves.

how to make a loop
how to make a loop

Helpful tips

Crochet, like any other type of needlework, should bring only pleasure. It is important not only to know howmake a loop of threads, which hook to choose and the thickness of the threads. To make the lesson as comfortable as possible, you need to remember a couple of simple rules:

  1. Proper fit. There should be no tension during operation. You can comfortably sit in a chair, leaning back.
  2. If you are right-handed, then the ball should be held on the left, if you are left-handed, then on the right. To keep it from rolling, you can put it in some container.
  3. You should not knit in a lying position, as well as reading lying down, this can adversely affect vision. Think about good lighting.
  4. Don't be a fanatic, don't knit all day, take breaks.
  5. There is no need to rush, especially at the initial stage, they say that unhurried and smooth crochet or knitting movements calm the nervous system.
  6. Train on light threads, it is more convenient to count loops on them.

Time and patience

The so-called pigtail, or air loops, is the initial stage for creating a wide variety of patterns. Crochet can be knitted in rows, or in a closed line to create ovals, circles or squares. As a workout, you can knit a small canvas of arbitrary width and height.

For a start, you can design something useful, for example, a washcloth for washing dishes, well, or a tiny scarf for a doll. It is important that the process is enjoyable. Do not be upset if not everything works out the first time. In order for the loops to be even and the movements smooth, you need to bring all the work to automatism, and for this you only needtime and patience.
