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Make a fashionable decoration: a DIY beaded ring
Make a fashionable decoration: a DIY beaded ring

Many of us probably still remember those simple baubles that were woven in the nineties. Today, beaded works amaze with their beauty. Masters offer real masterpieces. Among the many works, you can see bracelets of amazing beauty, chic necklaces, as well as hand-made beaded rings. This material is back in fashion.

Make your own decoration

How to make a beaded ring
How to make a beaded ring

It is not necessary to go to the store for a beautiful decoration. You can make a beaded ring with your own hands. This has a number of advantages. First, the decoration will cost a small amount. Secondly, the creator will have an exclusive thing, because no one will definitely have such a ring. And you can also have a great time with your child, jointly creating simple decorations. And they say that the best gift is the one that is made with your own hands. Therefore, the jewelry can be presented for the birthday of a fashionable girlfriend or sister.

Let's move on to the main question, how to makehandmade beaded ring. More on that later.

Selection of materials for work

Earrings rings
Earrings rings

Some rings are real masterpieces that are not inferior in beauty even to jewelry. Naturally, high-quality materials are needed for such products. The cheapest and most affordable beads are Chinese. It is inexpensive, but its quality leaves much to be desired: beads of different sizes, uneven edges, chips. In weaving, all its flaws will be noticeable - it's hard to make such a beautiful product out of it.

Many needlewomen use Czech beads. It is more expensive than Chinese, but the quality is better. The most expensive and highest quality - Japanese beads. It has clean edges, no shedding, and a rich color palette.

To create a ring with your own hands from beads, you will also need auxiliary materials:

  • beading needle with fine eye;
  • thread (you can also use monofilament, wire or fishing line);
  • scissors with sharp ends;
  • beads, rhinestones, bicones, rondels, natural stones or pearls;
  • ring base (if necessary).

Simple weaving

The first type of beaded rings - completely made of beads. These are suitable even for beginners. Making rings from beads with your own hands is very simple: you need to string beads on a thread, and then close it into a ring. It remains only to fix the ends - and the decoration can be worn. For such a model, it is best to use wire: with it, the ring will be stiffer and better hold its shape.

The following diagramweaving is a little more complicated, but it can be done in 10 minutes. Three beads are strung on the thread, then two of its ends pass through the fourth one (in the opposite direction).

This pattern is called a "cross". Then again, one bead is put on each end of the thread and with the help of another one they are taken out in the opposite direction. It is necessary to weave until the length of the workpiece is equal to the girth of the finger.

Weaving pattern
Weaving pattern

Then you should close the weave into a ring, tie a strong knot and hide the ends of the weave in the holes of the beads. If the work was carried out on a fishing line, then it can be melted with a lighter.

But you need to do this carefully so as not to hurt the knot.

Metal based rings

Metal based ring
Metal based ring

The next type of jewelry to be aware of is metal-based rings. When creating, only the upper decorative part is woven from beads and beads, and the clasping finger remains in its original form. For such jewelry, it is desirable to use not only beads, but also beads, as well as crystals or rhinestones. With them, the work will look much richer. The wicker element is attached to the base with glue or fishing line, if there are special holes for attaching the decor.

DIY beaded hoop earrings

Many needlewomen, having mastered the technique of weaving, cannot stop at one product. If a large number of rings are made with your own hands from beads, then earrings can also be made from them. To do this, you need stitches,special metal fasteners. Two identical rings must be attached to them. Although asymmetric earrings are also in fashion now (when they are similar to each other, but still have some difference).

If the ears are not pierced, then clips can be made from the rings. The manufacturing technology will be similar to earrings: the rings must be fixed on a special metal base. In the kit, you can also make a bracelet, necklace or pendant from the rings.