Linen seam (how to sew): master class
Linen seam (how to sew): master class

To sew a bedding set, you should study some types of seams that are used specifically for this purpose. This is a double seam, which is also called French in another way, as well as a sewing seam, which is also called a denim seam, or a lock seam. Each of them consists of two lines. In this article, we will look at each linen seam - how to sew, how to baste, as well as common mistakes when making them and how to prevent them.

What is a linen seam

Linen seam (a master class will be discussed in this article) provides special strength, as well as an aesthetic appearance to bedding. Such seams are used in cases where the product will have to be washed frequently and subjected to various other considerable loads. When washing in washing machines, quite often those seams that were processed with a conventional overlock quickly become unusable, which, of course, cannot be said about linen seams. Linen seam on a typewriterconditions of a garment factory is performed using a special foot, which greatly simplifies the entire process. But at home, we have to manage in other ways.

Linen hem

Sewing stitch (denim) is used when sewing bedding, sportswear, and suits that should not have lining.

linen seam how to sew
linen seam how to sew

It is necessary to fold two pieces of fabric facing inwards, releasing a cut of the lower part of the fabric to the width of the seam (seven millimeters) plus two millimeters for processing (allowance). Sweep the details with a “forward needle” seam. Sew both parts one millimeter from the fold.

linen seam on a machine
linen seam on a machine

It is necessary to carefully ensure that all fabric folds are even and neat. The appearance of creases or tucks on the fabric is not allowed. At the end of the line, carefully remove the entire basting. Turn the parts to be sewn in different directions. Bend the seam itself to one side so that with its help it is possible to close the fabric section. Baste again.

linen sewing seam
linen sewing seam

Now you should lay another line, which should be located at a distance of two millimeters from the folded edge. Carefully remove the basting. We have sorted out one linen seam - how to sew and sweep it, and also why it is needed. The final touch remains: iron the seam when finished.

What is the sewing foot

To the standard setA modern sewing machine includes a special foot for making a narrow turn on thin fabrics. This foot can be called differently and even have slightly different sizes. But it is perfect for making a sewing seam. True, you should tune in to the fact that it will not be possible to get a good seam with it right away, you will have to spend some time on training.

Linen double seam

A double or reverse stitch is used in situations that require the cut edges of the fabric to be tucked into the seam. This type is used when making bed sets (pillowcases, duvet covers), as well as things sewn from thin fabrics with high flowability (unlined suits).

linen double seam
linen double seam

It is necessary to fold the details of the product so that the wrong side of both canvases is directed inward. Carefully align the tissue sections. Step back from the edge of the canvas three millimeters. Now baste the fabric using the “forward needle” seam for this purpose. Sew on the machine with a regular stitch and carefully remove all the basting. Now you need to carefully trim the cut edge so that the second seam comes out more neat.

how to sew a linen seam
how to sew a linen seam

After all the basting is removed and the edge is aligned, the parts should be turned out and positioned so that the front side of the matter is directed inward. Baste the seam now on the wrong side, and then stitch again on the sewing machine. The second line should be indented from the edge of five to seven millimeters. Carefully remove allbaste and iron the completed seam. So, another linen seam is considered. How to sew and what products are obtained with it, we found out in this section. And now it remains to clarify some general rules for all linen seams.

Helpful tips

Do not forget that any fabric before use should be inspected for defects and mark unsuitable areas, if any. Also, the fabric needs to be washed and ironed. This way you will prevent unpleasant surprises by reducing the size of the finished product after washing. In order for the aligned sections of matter to maintain the desired position during work and one sheet along the sections does not move relative to the other, they should be chopped off with pins across the edge of the sheet. The pins must be inserted into the tissue so that their heads are turned towards the cuts. But they take out the pins when sweeping out of the fabric one at a time - as the need for their use disappears, and immediately introduce them into the place where they are stored permanently. All pins are also carefully inspected before use, and if rusty or broken ones suddenly come across among them, they should be ruthlessly disposed of. The former will leave a permanent mark on the fabric, while the latter may simply tear the fabric or pull the threads out of it.

Secrets of good seam basting

Basting is required to be done exclusively on the table from right to left, using a “forward needle” seam. At the same time, two or three stitches no more than one centimeter long are strung on a needle. When estimating, you can allow a small run-up institch length (more or less by one millimeter). The knot and the temporary bartack when basting are placed on the outer layer of the fabric. This is done so that you can control the fastening of the thread. Before fastening the thread, they check whether the line is twisted, and the connection is very weak or, conversely, too tight. To perform temporary fastening, one or two stitches of small length are made using the “back needle” method. To prevent the fastening from blooming, you should leave the edge of the thread about two centimeters long. When sewing parts, sew the line not exactly along the basting seam, but close to the basting stitches on the side of the allowance. Then the basting threads can be easily removed, and the product will not be narrow, since the seams of the basting are always somewhat distributed during the fitting.

The most common double stitch mistakes and how to avoid them

In this section, we will figure out how to sew a linen seam beautifully and neatly, and what needs to be done to avoid such common mistakes in its manufacture.

1. On one side of the seam, the fabric is stretched, and on the other, it is gathered. To prevent this phenomenon, you need to combine the sections and chop off, placing the fabric completely on the table. If the cuts are shared, then you need to baste and sew along the same side at a distance of seven to nine millimeters from the cut.

2. Threads or fabric protrude from the face of the product in the connecting seam. Such a defect may appear if the line is crooked, and the norm of the seam width (from five to seven millimeters) is notsustained.

linen seam master class
linen seam master class

It could also be caused by insufficient or unevenly trimmed seam allowance after the first stitch, which should be between three and four millimeters.

3. A fold forms in the fold of the inner seam. This wrinkle may occur if the starting stitch is not properly aligned with the crease of the inseam.

In this article, we looked at what a linen seam can be - how to sew with a sewing seam and in which cases it is better to use a double one. As it turned out, making such seams at home is not at all difficult. All they require is a little tidiness.
