DIY knitting tool
DIY knitting tool

Knitting for each needlewoman is a continuous process. True fans of their craft are engaged in their favorite hobby always and everywhere - on a trip, in transport, in nature and on a walk with a child. And if a hobby has grown into a job, then you can’t do without special devices that make life easier.

Assortment of fixtures

Modern needlework stores offer a huge selection of different devices designed to facilitate and simplify the process. Thread separators for jacquard knitting, fingertips to protect hands from damage, special yarn holders. Most fixtures can be made by hand. You will need improvised materials and a little imagination for this.

Thread holder

A useful and necessary knitting device is a holder that will not allow balls to roll throughout the apartment. This device is especially useful for those who knit from several threads. And for working with jacquard, when the yarn is constantly tangled with each other, this device is indispensable.

knitting tool
knitting tool

Requires a few plastic bottles to work. Their number depends on how many threads of different colors are in operation at the same time. The volume of the bottle affects what size skein can be put inside.

First, the neck of the bottle is cut off with a clerical knife. The marker marks the lines along which the container will be cut. Most of the plastic is cut off, leaving a thin strip about 2.5 cm wide. To make the tip take the shape of a hook, a match or a lighter is carefully brought under the strip of plastic. This must be done very carefully, not allowing the material to melt. When the strip at the end takes the form of a loop, you will need to wait until the mold has completely solidified. It is convenient to fix such a hook on the back of a chair or the handle of a desk drawer, and put a ball inside. A conveniently packed thread will not be able to roll into the far corner.

Yarn separator

Often when knitting, the question arises of how to make sure that the threads do not intertwine with each other. A knitting tool consisting of a regular plastic bucket will help to achieve this (you can take a large food container or a container from under water). Stationery clips are attached along the perimeter to the edge of the container. The clip loop is removed and a thread is threaded into it, then the clip is attached to the container. Threaded through such a device, the yarn will not be tangled.

sock knitting tool
sock knitting tool

So that the balls do not run into each other, you can make cardboard dividers inside. To do this, cut out 3 or 4 strips of cardboard in length,equal to the diameter of the container, and the width should be chosen with a margin so that it is enough for the size of the ball. Such strips are inserted one into the other. A cut is made in the middle of each, and they are put on top of each other in a herringbone pattern.

Special fixtures

Specialists offer this type of device as a ceramic bowl for knitting. Such do-it-yourself knitting devices are made by masters working with clay. However, you can also make a similar design from a plastic container from shampoo or from a bottle. To do this, 2/3 of the neck is cut off in the container. The rest is laid on its side and a marker marks the line of the slot. It should be a twisted line that curves down. Due to the shape of the coil, the thread that gets into it will not try to run away, but will get inside and will not slip.

do-it-yourself knitting accessories
do-it-yourself knitting accessories

The edges of such a device are best processed - pasted over with adhesive tape or colored adhesive paper. If there is a thermal gun, then a layer of glue applied in two or three approaches will perfectly cover sharp cuts. The slot should not be too small. As a rule, 0.5-0.7 mm is enough for even thick yarn to lie perfectly in the container.

Portable organizer

For those needlewomen who cannot spend a minute without their favorite business, an organizer or a bag for yarn will be an excellent solution. Such devices for knitting are convenient because they take up little space. They are attached to the hand and do not fall off anywhere. Inside you can put a skein of the necessary yarn - so it will always be at hand, will not fall andget dirty. In order to sew a similar bag with your own hands, you need to draw a pattern. It consists of two parts - external and internal. You can get by with just one layer - it all depends on your wishes.

Organizer pattern

To build a pattern, you need to take measurements - the girth of the wrist. The letter "T" is drawn on paper with a wide hat and a thinner perpendicular leg. The pattern must be mirrored symmetrically. The edges of the thin leg are immediately processed to avoid sprinkling.

mitt knitting tool
mitt knitting tool

For this, adhesive material is used, or the fabric is wrapped or overcast by hand. Then the handbag is sewn from the wrong side, without grabbing the narrow “legs”. This bag is very light and comfortable.

Knitting socks

Almost every knitter has the first product after a scarf - socks. Knitting them is easy enough, but working with several knitting needles at the same time requires some skill. For those who want to knit socks, a knitting device called luma, or tenerife, will come to the rescue. It looks like this device is one row from a knitting machine. The device has hooks or rods on which the thread is attached. Then, by hand or with the help of a special hook, the thread is thrown, and the canvas is formed. The hook can be simple, for knitting. Too much bend, which is in the classic hook, does not allow the thread to fly off. However, there is also no possibility in this weaving method to transfer the thread quickly. The hook can also be made by yourself.

knitting device for socks and mitts
knitting device for socks and mitts

Such a device for knitting socks at home is made from improvised materials. For example, to make a rectangular stand, you will need a board 3-4 cm wide and about 50 cm long. Carnations are driven in around the perimeter of the board. The distance between them is chosen independently, however, the best option that fits most of the yarn is no more than 1 cm.

Depending on the intended pattern, both the shape of the machine and the location of the fasteners may vary. In order to knit socks on such a device, it is better to use another version of the form. Need a foam or plastic round base. A silicone lid works well. Pushpins are inserted along the perimeter at a distance of about 0.7 cm. A hole is cut in the center, the diameter of which is 5 cm.

Knitting process

Suitable for knitting socks and mitts. To secure the loop, you must move clockwise. The tail of the thread is held in the left hand, and a coil is made on the button with the right. Having made a full turn, perform another row. And in the third row, the previous loops (the loops of the first row) are thrown over the loops of the second row. To do this, with a hook or hand, the loop of the bottom row is lifted, slightly pulled up and dropped from the paper clip. Row after row of yarn, knitted together, lengthens. Knitting in this technique is loose, but elastic. Due to this, you can not knit the heel on the socks - the fabric will sit comfortably on the leg.

knitting accessories
knitting accessories

Knit like this until the sock or mitt reaches the required length (to the thumb or heel). To reduce the loops, skips are made in knitting - they throw the yarn not on each axis, but through one.

An unusual, but useful knitting device can be made by everyone for themselves. The main thing is to understand what is needed - convenience, functionality, increase in speed. A device for knitting mittens, socks, scarves can be designed according to the needs of the master.
