What should be puzzles for children 2 years old?
What should be puzzles for children 2 years old?

Puzzles are fun for the whole family. By the way, you can collect them from the age of two. True, there are special models for babies.

Puzzles: Let's get to know each other better

Puzzles are a popular entertainment for children and adults all over the world. In fact, this is a puzzle, which is a picture cut into separate parts, elements. Their number can vary greatly. For example, puzzles for children 2 years old usually consist of 2-6 large pieces, while adult puzzles can include several thousand small pieces.

Puzzles - a game that provides a calm measured leisure. Many adults, having fallen in love with making pictures in childhood, have retained a passion for this entertainment for life.

Puzzles at 2 years old - isn't it too early?

Wrong are the parents who consider puzzles to be entertainment for older preschoolers and schoolchildren. You can start playing as early as two years old, and some crumbs master this type of activity even earlier.

The very first puzzles for two-year-olds are large bright pictures, cut into 2 parts. When the child understands the principle of connecting parts into a single whole, the number of elements can be increased to three or four. Further, the process, as a rule, goes faster, and the child learns to collectpuzzles with more pieces.

puzzles for children 2 years old
puzzles for children 2 years old

Sometimes adults doubt whether it is advisable to purchase educational puzzles for children 2 years old. Feedback from parents indicates that most children love to collect pictures. Having mastered this skill at an early age, children continue to play puzzles with pleasure, training a number of important skills.

Useful entertainment

According to the unanimous opinion of psychologists and teachers, developing puzzles for children 2 years old is not just an exciting game, but also very useful. What exactly is its beneficial effect?

educational puzzles for children 2 years old
educational puzzles for children 2 years old
  1. Development of fine motor skills. Fingering puzzle pieces in their hands, turning and connecting them together, kids train fine motor skills, which, in turn, contribute to the rapid development of the child's speech.
  2. The development of mindfulness and perseverance. To assemble even the simplest picture, the child needs to make some efforts: sitting still, concentrating, guessing how to connect the parts. By the way, doctors especially recommend puzzles for children 2 years and older for hyperexcitable and hyperactive kids, who find it difficult to sit still and concentrate on something. Subsequently, the passion for puzzles will help children to be more successful and patient in their studies.
  3. Development of thinking: logical, spatial, figurative. During the game, children learn to correlate the resulting picture with the sample, to understand what the whole and its parts are, it is better to navigate inspace.
  4. Relieve psychological stress. Psychologists have proven that this process has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (this applies to both children and adults). A calm game with puzzles is an excellent activity before bedtime, during which nervous tension is eliminated. This will make it easier for the baby to fall asleep.

What should be puzzles for kids?

So, parents want to buy educational puzzles for children 2 years old. The photo or picture to be collected must be clear, bright and large. The following points are also important:

Elements must be strong and easy to connect with each other. Most of all, elements made of wood or durable cardboard are suitable for the smallest children. When purchasing wooden products, you need to make sure they are safe: the parts must be processed flawlessly, be smooth, without splinters

In order for the game to be of interest to the child, the complexity of the puzzle and the number of parts in it must correspond to the capabilities of the crumbs. If the baby successfully succeeds in collecting a picture, this will arouse in him an increasing interest in the game. Conversely, a puzzle that is too easy is likely to cause boredom and displeasure in the crumbs

educational puzzles for children 2 years old reviews
educational puzzles for children 2 years old reviews

Kids like simple, familiar images more, so the best puzzles for children 2 years old are pictures of animals, birds, familiar objects, famous cartoon characters, fairy tales. It is important that the pictures are clear and well drawn

It is important to remember: for the safety of children, do notchildren over three years old are not recommended to give small parts for the game

It is worth buying a few puzzles for your baby so that the game does not lose interest and excitement, so that the effect of novelty is always present

Note to parents

It's not enough just to buy a puzzle and give it to a child. At first, the baby will definitely need the help of an adult. It is important to show the principle of composing a picture from parts, then help the child to assemble the puzzle, encourage and prompt. It must be understood that a certain amount of time will pass before the child can play with pictures without the participation of outsiders.

It is also worth teaching the children to carefully put the parts back into the box after playing. After all, the loss of even one element will lead to the fact that the picture will not fully add up.

educational puzzles for children 2 years old photo
educational puzzles for children 2 years old photo

Bright and exciting puzzles for children 2 years old - not just an interesting, but also a very useful game that develops a variety of skills and abilities in a child. Such a hobby will have a positive effect on children's mental development at an older age.
