Aquatic suit: materials and work steps
Aquatic suit: materials and work steps

Kindergarten, school. While the child is growing, parents more than once have to become jacks of all trades in order to make this or that outfit for him. Our material is intended for those moms and dads who are preparing a water suit for their child.

merman suit
merman suit

Outfit elements

We hope that our outfit will consist of a tunic, green sleeves, trousers and a wig. Therefore, we stock up on the following materials:

  • Green silk fabric (the tunic will be sewn from it).
  • Kypron tights. From them we will make sleeves. Light green or skin color is the most suitable for them.
  • Scale cloth or any other shiny trouser material.
  • Knitwear for the headdress.
  • Sintepon.
  • Sequins.
  • Adhesive pad.

Steps of work

We start making a merman costume with sewing a tunic. What kind of fabric is needed for this, we have discussed above. Our product should be straight cut. To process the neckline and armholes, you need to remember how a narrow zigzag stitch is made. The lower part of the tuniccut in the form of a narrow "noodles". Sequins and green "rain" can become additional elements of decorating the tunic.

If the color of the selected tights is flesh, then you will need to color them in advance in a green tint (you can use brilliant green). In the "traces" cuts are made for the fingers, which are hemmed. This will help to avoid the "dissolution" of tights. Next, we also sew sequins. Pantyhose can be simply pulled over the arms.

Sewing trousers

Our task is to figure out in detail how to make a merman suit. And next in line is the sewing of the lower part of the suit. Pants must be straight. So that the work on their manufacture goes off without a hitch, you can pick up any convenient pattern from the magazine. In the absence of the necessary fabric “under the scales”, you can make it yourself.

do-it-yourself merman suit
do-it-yourself merman suit

The merman costume assumes the presence of a wig. It is done as follows:

  • A small tight-fitting hat is sewn (highly elastic knitwear is taken for this).
  • The synthetic winterizer is dyed green. Then it is torn, and the resulting "curls" are sewn to the cap. This is done in such a way that it is hidden.

The hair of this character is thick and long, respectively, and the wig should be long.

Cartoon waterman

How to make a do-it-yourself merman costume so that it looks exactly like a character from your favorite cartoon? In this case, you can choose the option of an outfit consisting of a shirt, a striped vest and a hat.

Vest can beregular knitwear. The main thing is to choose it so that the predominant tones are blue. We take a regular fabric or straw hat. To support the water theme, we select blue trousers. By the way, things do not have to match the size of the child (they can be larger) and be new. A real water man cannot do without face painting. To apply it, we take blue and white colors. You will also need brushes and a sponge. Having a wig with blonde hair will be a great addition to the already obtained look.

how to make a merman suit
how to make a merman suit

Do not forget that the merman suit has a lot of variations. We will present another one. For this image, everything is done quite simply. We stock up on blue-green shiny fabric and tape. We'll also need dexterity. So let's get started. The fabric is wrapped as tightly as possible around the legs, you need to start a little below the knees. We have to wrap the legs, hips and waist. Having reached the waist, you need to carefully fix the matter at the back. The remaining unwrapped legs, each separately, are tightly wrapped with the same fabric. The presence of a green wig, beard, shell beads will come in handy. It is important to remember that it is better to walk in such an outfit with small steps. We hope your child will be delighted!
