Crochet houndstooth pattern: diagram and description of possible patterns for a plaid
Crochet houndstooth pattern: diagram and description of possible patterns for a plaid

Needlewomen often use the houndstooth pattern (crochet) in their products, the scheme of which is quite simple. This makes the drawing look cute. Therefore, it is often used in children's products. For example, when knitting a plaid or blanket.

plaid crochet houndstooth
plaid crochet houndstooth

Dense pattern

To crochet the houndstooth pattern, the diagram of which is presented below, you will need to follow the instructions shown in the figure. For those who do not read diagrams well, the following description will be useful.

Dial the chain. There should be such a number of loops that it is divisible by 10, and one more. First row: 3 loops, 4 columns with a crochet (hereinafter "column CH"), air loop, 9 columns CH, air. Repeat knitting 9 columns and one air loop until 5 loops remain in the typesetting chain. Then they will need to be filled with five columns CH.

The crochet houndstooth pattern continues, the scheme of which is extremely simple, with such elements of the second row: 3 air, 2 CH columns, air, CH column, air. Then the rapport begins, whichit is necessary to repeat until the last five columns in the previous row remain. The rapport consists of a CH column, an air loop, five columns of CH, an air loop, another column and an air loop. On the last five loops you need to perform: a column of CH, an air loop, 3 columns of CH.

The third row completes the base for the pattern. It consists of alternating one column of CH and one air loop, while you need to start the row again with three lifting loops.

pattern crow's feet crochet pattern
pattern crow's feet crochet pattern

It is recommended to change the yarn color here. So the “crow's feet” pattern (crocheted) will be clearly visible. The scheme of the fourth row is as follows: 6 air, fluffy column (consists of three CH columns) from the first air of the previous row, another fluffy column from the first air of the second row, the third fluffy will be in the air loop of the first row, the fourth fluffy column is knitted again in the second row, and the last one at the top. Such a pattern of lush columns must be knitted to the end of the row. Complete with three air loops and a CH column at the last top of the previous row.

Then the pattern is repeated from the first row. Moreover, the first three of them must be knitted in the same color as the row with lush columns. And then change the thread again. But you can vary the color scheme of the pattern. For example, make a base of three rows in the same shade, and each row with lush columns in different colors.

How can I change this pattern?

Firstly, it is allowed to change the height of the base. For example, make it from the first two rows. Then the paws willformed by three lush columns and separated by a wide interval of columns CH.

If you want the “legs” to still be next to each other, then you will need to reduce the distance between the elements, that is, make a different rapport. You will get a completely different plaid (crocheted), the “crow's feet” of which are connected not on the CH columns, but on them, but without a crochet or on half-columns.

Recommendation for knitting fluffy columns

All columns are drawn from different rows to their own height. Therefore, care must be taken not to tighten the yarn. Otherwise, the drawing will turn out sloppy. But it is also not necessary to leave the loops very free, because then they will crawl out of the canvas. There will be no beauty either. To align the lush columns, you can even use the knitting needle on which to throw all the elements.

Openwork pattern

How to crochet houndstooth so that the plaid is light and airy? To do this, you will need to use a different scheme.

Repeat will consist of 8 loops. Therefore, the dial chain must be divisible by 8 plus one more. The first row begins with two air loops. Then you need to tie a fan of five columns of CH in the 5th loop of the chain, it will be the beginning of rapport. Work should be continued with one air, single crochet (hereinafter “BN column”) in the 4th from the fan, one air and skip three loops of the chain. Then repeat everything from the fan to the next free loop. The row should end with a BN column.

how to crochet houndstooth
how to crochet houndstooth

In the second row, 5loops, 3 of which are used for lifting. The row continues with a BN column in the middle of the fan (it is also a trace of the “goose foot”), two air and a CH column in the BN column of the previous row. Then two more air ones and again a BN column on the “foot”. You should continue this alternation of columns until the end of the row.

Third row of the pattern: three lifting loops, two columns of CH in the same loop from which the lifting was performed. Then one air and a BN column in the same element of the previous row, another air and a fan at the top of the CH column. Continue drawing to the end of the row, which ends with a half of the fan, that is, three columns of CH.

In the fourth row, knit three air loops, a CH column above the BN column, two air ones and a BN column at the top of the fan. Continue this alternation of columns to the end of the row. Then the pattern is repeated from the first row.
