How to make a turtle out of paper: simple patterns
How to make a turtle out of paper: simple patterns

Origami is a popular art of folding figures from a square sheet of paper. This exciting activity has conquered the inhabitants of the whole world, although it originated in Japan. Let's join the millions of lovers of doing wonderful things with their own hands and make an origami turtle. This is a simple craft that you can assemble with your child, developing his eye, accuracy, clarity of movements, motor skills of hands and fingers. This is a useful exercise before going to school to help you develop your writing skills.

Assembly of the figure according to the schemes

In the article, we will consider how to make a turtle out of paper in two ways according to the schemes. This is a series of sequential drawings, which make it easy to understand the assembly order of the figure.

As with any other origami, you will need a square sheet of colored paper. You can also learn on a white A-4 sheet by cutting off an extra strip on the side, but usually a turtle is made from all shades of green. It is better to use thick paper - then the figure will not look so flat. You need to act consistentlypaper folds according to the serial numbers in the diagram. Let's start with a simple origami pattern.

Turtle mother with baby

The colored square is folded in half diagonally with the white side inward. Then fold the corners as shown in Figure 3. Return the square to its original position and pull them out, and then fold the sheet into a triangle again. Turn it so that a right triangle comes out, and bend the top half in half, and the resulting bottom half diagonally.

origami diagram of a turtle with a baby
origami diagram of a turtle with a baby

The most difficult action is to insert a finger into the formed pocket and turn it back to get a straight line on the backs of our heroes. Then just bend the corners sticking out from all sides, giving a more rounded shape to the shells. Draw eyes and you can play.

Turtle with paws

The following diagram shows how to make a paper turtle with four legs, a head and a tail. We will not describe in words the order of assembly of the figure, since everything is clear on the diagram itself. Let us dwell only on the rules for assembling a turtle. The dotted lines show where the paper folds should be, and the arrows give the correct direction. The wide white arrow indicates that you need to insert your finger into the pocket and push the part, turning it inside out.

origami assembly diagram
origami assembly diagram

In the circles you can see the folding of small parts. They transmit an enlarged image to make it easier to understand the correctness of the action. Smooth all the fold lines well with your fingers, and even better with a fingernail. Butfirst check the clarity of the application of the ends so as not to correct errors later.

Now you know how to fold origami according to the patterns. Try it, you will definitely succeed!
