Knit patterns with patterns. Samples of patterns and patterns for knitting
Knit patterns with patterns. Samples of patterns and patterns for knitting

What makes a knitted thing irresistible? Of course, the patterns with which she acquired her appearance. Knitting patterns today number in the hundreds, and thanks to the ability of knitters around the world to share new developments with the help of modern technology, their number is increasing. Depending on its pattern, the pattern in the product can perform a decorative function, simply serve as a background or carry a functional load, for example, make the canvas fit tightly around the figure. In our article you will find knitting patterns with patterns used for various needs and different types of products. They are all cute and require no special knitting skills.

Golden rule for knitting patterns

It is important to remember that, having decided to knit this or that thing and picking up samples of knitting patterns and patterns that will be contained in the product, you then need to knit a small fragment according to the available patterns. This is the golden rule of the knitter, which, however, is neglected by many. And in vain, becauseyou can determine the exact dimensions of your future product only by first knitting your own knitting patterns - each master knits on knitting needles in his own individual manner, with his own knitting density and loop size. This is not to mention the characteristics of the yarn.

Therefore, if you do not want your product to end up a size larger or smaller than planned, knit a trial sample. By the way, on it you can also practice knitting a pattern. So, our types of knitting, samples, knitting patterns are presented below.

Herringbone pattern

Patterns for knitting, let's start with the "Herringbone" option. He is very original. The pattern has a dense texture, so it can be used for knitting many warm things: pullovers, sweaters, hats, etc.

types of knitting patterns knitting patterns
types of knitting patterns knitting patterns

Knitting a pattern is absolutely not difficult, and you can dial an arbitrary number of loops. And, in fact, the whole process comes down to one algorithm: the knitting needle is inserted into two loops at once. A loop is drawn through them. Knit for odd rows, and purl for even rows. Then one of the loops knitted in this way (right) is transferred to the right knitting needle. The left loop remains on the left, in order to subsequently repeat these actions already with it and the next loop. We knit the last unpaired loop in the row ourselves, according to the current side - front or back.

Pattern "Mail"

Patterns of openwork knitting on knitting needles are presented in this article with the pattern "Mail". It is quite simple, but requiresfreedom for the working thread, so that gaps form in the "chain mail".

patterns of openwork knitting on knitting needles
patterns of openwork knitting on knitting needles

Pattern rapport in height is four rows. In the usual way, we cast on the knitting needles any odd number of loops.

  • Row 1. Knit all stitches behind front wall.
  • Row 2. The front loop is classic, behind the front wall. Loop, removed untied, thread behind the canvas. Alternate them to the end of the row.
  • Row 3. Knit all sts behind front wall.
  • Row 4. Loop removed untied, thread behind the canvas. The front loop is classic, behind the front wall. Alternate them to the end of the row.
- - -
- -


''- front loop;

'-' - st, untied.

Canadian rib pattern

The elastic band, which contains knitting patterns with the patterns of our article, is called Canadian, looks very impressive and knits very simply. To do this, a multiple of three loops and two edge loops are typed on the knitting needles.

  • Row 1. Alternate to the end of the row one front loop with two purl.
  • Row 2. Alternate to the end of the row two front loops with one wrong side.
  • Row 3. Knit. Then the front loop from the interloop broach,two purl. Thus, we knit to the very end of the row.
  • Row 4. Knit two. Then two loops follow, knitted together with one purl. Thus, we knit to the end of the row.

Repeat the pattern from the third row.

knitting patterns with patterns
knitting patterns with patterns

Pattern "Rug", or "Fur"

The next pattern, which fell into these patterns of knitting with knitting needles with patterns, is called "Fur". It is also sometimes called "Carpet". But this fluffy pattern can be used not only when knitting carpets. They can successfully finish almost any product or, for example, use it as the main pattern of a scarf or snood cap. We dial an arbitrary number of loops.

  • Row 1. Knit all sts.
  • Row 2. Alternate between the front loop with the "rug" loop, which fits like this. The thread is inserted into the loop as for the front (grandmother's way). We put the working thread on the right knitting needle. We wrap the working thread around the finger and knitting needle, and then we knit it all with the front loop.
  • Row 3. All loops are facial. After knitting the “mat” loop, pull on its pile so that it is well fixed.
  • Row 4. Knit a simple front loop over the rug loop. And above the usual front - a loop "mat".

Next, we knit in a cycle according to the scheme of rows 3 and 4.

patterns and knitting patterns
patterns and knitting patterns


The next pattern, included in our knitting patterns with patterns, is called "Boucle" (or "Large Pearl"). It is very simple - for knitting it, the skills of creating facial and purl loops are enough. Despite the simplicity of execution, the pattern is unusually effective.

knitting pattern description
knitting pattern description

Knitting involves rapport in two loops in width, three rows in height. It goes like this:

  • Row 1: alternate knit and purl stitches.
  • Row 2 (as well as all even ones): we knit “according to the pattern pattern” - the front loop is knitted over the front loop, and the wrong one over the wrong one, respectively.
  • Row 3: alternate purl st with front st.


In the patterns of knitting with knitting patterns for beginners, it is worth adding the "Honeycomb" pattern.

knitting patterns
knitting patterns

Due to its loose texture, it is ideal for knitting scarves, sweaters and other products that require softness from the fabric. Therefore, if you are planning to knit a scarf or snood, try the honeycomb pattern for it. It fits like this:

  • Row 1. Alternate to the end of the row with the front loop and one untied with a crochet made before it.
  • Row 2. Knit two stitches together, then yarn over and slip one stitch without knitting. We repeat this sequence until the very edge loop of the row.
  • Row 3. We knit the front loop, then we remove one untied one, after - another front one. So until the end of the series.
  • Row 4. Yarn over, then slip a st, then knit 2 sts together. All this is repeated until the end of the row.
  • Row 5. Knit two front stitches, then remove one without knitting.

Starting fromthe sixth row, we knit rows from the second to the fifth in the cycle.


The embossed pattern "Puffs" (aka - "Bumps") completes our knitting patterns with knitting patterns.

knitting samples knitting
knitting samples knitting

This pattern can be used when knitting hats, decorating a scarf or sweater with it. However, its use is not limited to such things - your imagination will tell you many options for using the puff pattern. Rapport is twelve rows. For the sample, you need to dial a multiple of four loops, add three loops for symmetry and, of course, two edge loops.

  • Row 1-4. Stocking stitch: knit all front loops in odd rows, and purl in even rows.
  • Row 5. Knit two front loops. Then we repeat cyclically the following sequence: we dissolve the loop 4 rows down, and then we knit it with the front one, we knit three front loops.
  • Row 7-10. Stocking stitch: all facial loops in odd rows, and in even - purl;
  • Row 11. Dissolve the loop 4 rows down and knit it with the front one, and knit the next three loops with the front ones - so to the end of the row. We knit the two remaining loops with facial ones.
  • Row 12. Purl all sts.


''- stockinette stitch - knit on the front side and purl - on the wrong side;

'↓' -loop, dropped four rows and knitted front.


Of course, only a small fraction of the available knitting options are the above knitting patterns. We tried to make patterns, descriptions and comments on them as accessible as possible for those who do not have much experience in knitting. Therefore, do not be afraid, get to work, and everything will work out for you!
