Pattern of lovebirds as the basis of a cute gift
Pattern of lovebirds as the basis of a cute gift

Handmade is a symbol of hard work, the ability to see the beauty around you and create it with your own hands. And toys made by yourself have always been considered and are considered a declaration of love, because only a loved one can be given the most important thing - your time and skill. A pattern of lovebirds will help create a symbolic toy.

Heart Cats

A very simple pattern of lovebirds is based on the shape of a heart. It allows you to create a solid toy that does not disassemble into several components.

The pattern for this craft looks like this.

pattern of lovebird cats
pattern of lovebird cats

There are 4 parts here:

  • 1 - heads of two cats;
  • 2 and 3 - bodies of two cats;
  • 4 - pattern of ears.

The front side of the toy is colored, but the wrong side is best done in one color, it will unite two cats into one. To work, you need a fabric of three different colors. Detail inthe shape of a heart is best to take a solid color. The bodies of the cats should be different in color, for each body you need to cut out a pair of ears of the same color and a tail, for each of which you need a strip 3 x 15 cm wide. The wrong side of the toy can be made from the same fabric as the heart detail for muzzles. So, we get:

  • solid: two pieces - heart and back;
  • colored: body, 4 parts for ears and tail for each cat.

All parts must be cut out with 5 mm allowances for seams. The ears are sewn in pairs, the corners are cut as close as possible to the line. Ready-made ears are turned inside out, the seams are straightened.

The ponytails are sewn on both sides, the sewn corners are cut off close to the line, with a pencil or a knitting needle, the parts are turned right side out, the seams will straighten out. A piece of wire is inserted into each tail, which is twisted on both sides into small rings. The wire should protrude slightly from the open end.

The front part of the toy is assembled from three parts. All seams must be cut at a distance of 3-4 mm so that there are no creases along the seams on the front side. The front part and back are folded with the front sides inward, ears and tails are put into them. The part is stitched along the contour, with the exception of a small area through which the toy must be turned out and stuffed with padding polyester. Sew up the hole with a hidden seam. Make muzzles. Bend the tails of the cats so that you get a heart. You can decorate the toy like this: for example, sew a ribbon from two strips of colored fabrics and tie it aroundtoy necks. Heart cats look like this.

lovebirds pattern cats hugs
lovebirds pattern cats hugs

Hug tight

A funny gift for lovers - lovebirds. Pattern "Hugging Cats" will allow you to create a gift toy for friends. The proposed pattern is extremely simple, and even a child can make a gift under the guidance of adults.

Cut out 4 identical parts using the same pattern, remembering to mirror the other halves. The toy will be more elegant if you take fabrics of different colors with a similar pattern. It turns out very cute lovebird cats!

Pattern "Hugging Cats" implies paws-strings that will connect two parts of one whole. For them, you need to cut out strips of fabric at least 6-7 centimeters wide, and long enough to wrap around two toys with the resulting ties and tie a bow or knot, so the length of the ties will depend on the size of the seals.

tilda cats lovebirds pattern
tilda cats lovebirds pattern

On the same pattern, you can additionally make two details - half a heart and a tail. They are attached by application. But you can not cut these parts, but embroider them with a simple seam already on the finished toy.

The souvenir is sewn in several stages:

  • cut out details;
  • sew two cats, forgetting to leave a hole at the bottom for stuffing toys;
  • cut the seam allowance, and cut off the tips of the ears as close to the line as possible;
  • turn the toy inside out;
  • sew paws-strings;
  • turn the paws on the frontside;
  • sew the hole on the paws neatly with a blind seam;
  • sew paws in place;
  • stuff the cats with synthetic fluff;
  • sew stuffing hole;
  • embroider muzzles, hearts and tails, connecting two cats in place of the heart with small stitches;
  • combine two cats into one toy by tying their paws.

The pattern of lovebirds will allow you to create an interesting gift for friends or those who love each other.

lovebirds master class patterns
lovebirds master class patterns

Tail by tail

Interior or souvenir toys are popular, for example, lovebird cats. You will find a master class, patterns and recommendations below.

lovebirds master class pattern
lovebirds master class pattern

Souvenir patterns are selected according to the material. Since the toy consists of two parts, it is best to take similar fabrics. Textile toys love natural materials - cotton, linen, knitwear. But synthetic fabrics should not be ignored - fleece and felt are suitable materials for creating decorative elements. A simple pattern of lovebirds holding each other with their tails involves the use of two patterned similar fabrics.

The pattern for creating these cats is this.

pattern of lovebird cats
pattern of lovebird cats

Toys are cut from two parts and sewn along the contour. Only a small area at the bottom side should be left unsewn in order to turn inside out and stuff the toy. A little secret: you can fill the tail with a filler using a pencil or a thinmedical tweezers. Push the padding carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Soaring in the sky

Tilda-style toys look very interesting. Lovebird cats, the pattern of which will be offered below, can be either an independent toy or make up a composition. Tilda toys have their own characteristics - they are elongated in length, their shapes are streamlined, without sharp corners and sharp bends. So the cats using the tilde technique are the same - light, and ask for heaven like a cloud.

pattern of lovebird cats
pattern of lovebird cats

These toys consist of several parts. Each one needs to be cut out, not forgetting the seam allowances, sewn and stuffed with filler. The parts are connected to each other with buttons. Below you see a pattern of a floating cat using the tilde technique.

tilda cats lovebirds pattern
tilda cats lovebirds pattern

By choosing similar fabrics, sewing two cats in a mirror image and connecting both toys with small stitches at the points of contact, you will get charming lovebirds! Lovely composition as a gift for lovers.

pattern of lovebird cats
pattern of lovebird cats

The art of sewing toys

Sewing is easy! The main thing is to be interested in the result and use the right patterns in which all parts of one whole fit perfectly together. To sew lovebird cats, you should use all the techniques that are necessary when working with a textile toy:

  • fabrics are best to choose natural, high-quality, fairly dense;
  • composition of several parts looksmore harmonious if the colors and texture of fabrics are similar;
  • before turning the sewn part right side out, cut the seam allowance. This is especially important to do at all bends and corners of the pattern. The corners should be cut as close to the stitching as possible. This is all done so that the seams on the front side do not break, forming ugly wrinkles;
  • sew parts together with very small, inconspicuous stitches.

If you love your work and strive for a quality result, then everything will definitely work out! Good luck!
