Apple swan: making secrets
Apple swan: making secrets

Carving is the art of aesthetically cutting fruits and vegetables. Real craftsmen carve artistic masterpieces, decorating dishes in restaurants and hotels. However, you can learn the basics of this type of creativity at home, with a sharp knife and a desire to learn.

apple swans
apple swans

In the article, we will consider how to cut a swan out of an apple. Step-by-step instructions and recommendations for beginners will help to easily cope with such a task. It will be possible to decorate with a swan any festive dish, slicing fruit, surprise a child who does not really like apples. A beautiful big apple, a sharp knife and lemon juice will help to carry out the plan. But we will talk about this in more detail later in the article.

How to choose an apple?

In order to make a beautiful swan from an apple during carving, the fruit is selected with a bright saturated color and an elongated shape.

which apples to choose for carving
which apples to choose for carving

It must be fresh and juicy so that the flesh of the fruit is firm. When decorating, you can put two swans on a dish. One is red and the other is greenapples.

Preparation for cutting process

So that nothing distracts from the process when making a swan from an apple, you need to prepare everything you need nearby on the table. You will need a sharp knife with a wide blade, if you have a carving knife, you can use it. Since this fruit quickly darkens when cut, letting out juice, you need to prepare lemon juice or sliced \u200b\u200blemon slices. Each cut is processed immediately until browning occurs.

To prevent a sharp knife from accidentally cutting off the extra layers of the fruit, when making a swan from an apple, craftsmen advise using the same butter knives as a stand. Use a cutting board to avoid damaging the table surface.

Step by step instructions

The first central cut when making a swan from an apple is made at a slight slope, so that the tail of the fruit remains on one side. Then the pulp is immediately processed with lemon and turned down on the plank.

Next to the workpiece, butter knives are placed on the table to the left and right. Then, with a sharp knife, cut off a rectangular corner on one and the other side of the middle of the apple. Each of the corners is cut into smaller ones, as shown in the second frame of the photo below. Do not forget to wipe all small parts with lemon or sprinkle with lemon juice.

how to make an apple swan
how to make an apple swan

Then work continues on the central part. Some leave it unchanged, but carved cuts can also be made on it. It will be enough to cut off a corner or two. If you have special curly knivesfor carving, it will be beautiful to make a pattern on this part of the apple.

Making the bird's neck and head is the next stage of work on the apple swan. It is performed from the half of the fetus cut off at the beginning. You will need to cut an even layer 7-8 mm wide. A thin strip is separated along the lateral line of the apple with the peel. The tail can be left, you get a crown on the head of a royal bird. The beak is pointed.

Assembly of all parts

When the preparations are over, you can start putting together all the elements. Thinly cut corners are inserted into the rectangular side holes, while each one moves back a little. Try to keep the distance between the parts the same. Once the left and right wings are assembled, start working on the head.

step by step explanation of work
step by step explanation of work

This can be done in two ways, depending on the size of the carved neck. If your part has a narrow strip, then a small hole is cut, as in the photo in the step-by-step instructions. However, many cut out the wide lower part of the neck so that the head is attached more securely. Then a large hole is cut out for the neck, as in the photo above.

Since the knife is sharp, and the cuts are even and smooth, all the details are perfectly combined in the craft. You can safely take it in your hand and transfer it to a festively decorated dish without fear that it will crumble on the table.

Apple swan carving can be seen in detail in the following video.


As you can see, DIY fruit decorationsnot difficult. Get down to business, you will definitely succeed!
