Making postcards with your own hands: technology, master class. Making an Easter card. Making a postcard for May 9
Making postcards with your own hands: technology, master class. Making an Easter card. Making a postcard for May 9

A postcard is an element with which we try to convey to a person our feelings, our mood, our festive state. Big and small, in the form of hearts and funny animals, strict and elegant, humorous and exciting… Postcards sometimes become much more important than the gift to which they are attached. And, of course, a handmade card will bring even more joy.

Making a postcard - where to start?

Those who are sure that a postcard can only be made with paper and pencils (felt-tip pens, paints) think wrong. If you decide to make a real gift, you can not be shy and let your imagination fly. Do you have old buttons, beads, beautiful ribbons, feathers, beads and borders, scraps of colored fabric, sequins at home? Then you can be completely sure - making a postcard will be a real masterpiece process. Collecting improvised material is importantremember what event the craft will be dedicated to - if it's a New Year's surprise - don't be shy with shiny accessories, if May 9 - focus on red, yellow and black tones, if it's a birthday - don't be afraid to experiment. So, we begin to prepare the necessary material.

Preparatory stage

Making postcards with your own hands is an interesting and exciting process. After all, it is during it that you can not only put the right meaning into a congratulatory poem, but also design the card itself, guided by your feelings. In addition to all of the above materials, we will also need paper and cardboard, scissors and glue, adhesive tape and a stapler, plasticine and cotton wool, pencils and colored pencils, an eraser and a ruler, and much more.

postcard making
postcard making

What will help to make the most unusual and beautiful crafts out of an ordinary piece of paper. So, we decide on the size - a postcard can be made quite small by decorating it with flowers or bows or a regular one - from an A4 sheet. The basis of any postcard is a piece of paper folded in half. It is this blank that will become a field for further manifestation of fantasy.

Production technology

The technology for making postcards at the initial stage is similar - the base is being prepared, which will then be decorated in accordance with the celebration for which it is being prepared. For example, New Year's holidays. What is most often drawn on New Year's cards? Decorated Christmas trees, good-natured snowmen, funny animals, the main characters of the holiday - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, just glassballs and more. An interesting solution would be to mix several types of decoration.

making postcards with your own hands
making postcards with your own hands

For example, draw a snowman walking through snowdrifts, make felt boots, a bucket and mittens out of colored paper and stick them on the drawn silhouette. And to make a real broom - from a match or a stick (depending on what size the snowman is), with a fluffy "crown" - it is very convenient to make it from hard bast threads (synthetic), or a more delicate version - a beautifully laid piece of cotton wool.

Complicate the process

A beautiful postcard can be made not only in the standard way - by folding a sheet of paper in half.

making a postcard for May 9
making a postcard for May 9

An interesting solution would be postcards with folding chains inside - and, believe me, a master class on making postcards will not be needed here (although it will not hurt to familiarize yourself with its stages). All this is easy to do on your own. To do this, a sheet of paper is folded in half, and then each half is folded in half again. The drawings on such a postcard can be very diverse - it is not necessary to repeat the same element. The most important thing is to cut the craft correctly and accurately - you can’t cut the places where the drawings come into contact. Such an accordion can be glued inside a regular piece of paper folded in half (of course, decorated in accordance with the holiday theme). And then, when opening, the figures will line up in a row (similar to a folding book).

Fantasize further

The ideal option for a child would be making a postcardwith windows. First, a rectangular template is made from cardboard (folded in half), on which several square windows are cut on the title side. The windows can be decorated with edging from braid, ribbons, or simply pasted over with cotton wool and sequins. Inside, at the level of the cut windows, you need to draw colorful pictures. When the card is folded, the drawn figures will appear in makeshift boxes. You can make a small surprise - for example, when the card is closed, a part of the inner picture will be visible in the window - the head of a kitten, flower petals, and so on. But if you open the card - the whole drawing will appear. Even more delight will cause a puzzle postcard. You just need to cut the finished craft beautifully and put it in an envelope - the hero of the occasion will have to work a little to be able to read the congratulations addressed to him.

Speaking of envelopes

A postcard can also be made in the form of an envelope. Typically, such crafts are made for birthdays and weddings, when a cash gift is additionally invested inside. Now such postcard options have become popular for romantic meetings (a leaflet with a declaration of love or with a specified date is inserted inside), as well as for congratulations on the Great Victory Day.

master class on making postcards
master class on making postcards

Let's consider an example of a master class dedicated to this holiday. Making a postcard by May 9 looks like this - the base is being prepared first. It will be a cardboard rectangle with a rounded top in the ratio - the first and second are equal insize, rounded - slightly smaller. The base is bent along the marked lines, and the edges (of the first and second parts) are glued together and decorated with strap ribbons. The same strap (but freely moving along the base) is put on the bent rounded part, closing it like a pocket. A St. George ribbon is inserted inside, or a craft beautifully designed from it.

Unusual options

Making an Easter card is no less entertaining than all the options discussed earlier. Of course, the main symbols of this holiday are the Easter egg and Easter cake. Cards made in the shape of testicles can be decorated with ribbon flowers. Spread bead designs on them, glue small chicken feathers and plant a tiny bright yellow chicken in them.

postcard manufacturing technology
postcard manufacturing technology

You can also make a postcard with a surprise - cut a large egg on the title side, and draw a basket with Easter accessories inside. An egg-shaped postcard can also be made like this - glue two identical oval shapes along the edges, cut them, fasten them with a figured carnation, and put a letter of wishes inside. Or a bouquet of small feathers. Or even a small candy.

And finally

The most important thing to remember when starting to make a postcard is that this process is not forced, but creative. That only on how much you allow your imagination to roam, the end result will be magnificent. Sometimes a card made from the heart becomes much more expensive than the most valuable gifts. Admit it, almost all of us have hadsuch a postcard that we carried with us everywhere in our purse, purse, purse until the paper was completely erased. And do not think that only an amazingly beautiful card will please the one you are going to give it to.

Easter card making
Easter card making

Even the simplest flower, unevenly glued, with traces of glue, with angular edges, can become the most expensive for the heart if made by your child's hands.
