DIY paper snake: three simple step-by-step instructions
DIY paper snake: three simple step-by-step instructions

Homemade snakes can become participants in many children's games, taking on the role of the main villain, who is heroically defeated by a brave hero. They can also be a great decoration for the Christmas tree, replacing the garlands.

In this article we will talk about those simple and quick ways to make a fun and interesting paper craft without spending a lot of time and effort.

Paper Chain Snake

paper chain snake
paper chain snake

You can make a paper snake with your own hands in just fifteen minutes.

We will need:

  • color paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue.


  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise and draw it into equal strips 2-3 centimeters wide.
  2. Cut the paper along the resulting lines, as well as each strip in half along the fold of the paper.
  3. Take any strip and glue it with a ring. Pass the second strip through this ring and glue it as well.
  4. Keep going until you run out of paper or get bored.
  5. Cut out of paper and shape the muzzle, stick on one end of the chain. WithGlue a small triangle on the opposite end - a ponytail.

Such a paper snake bends well and rustles pleasantly.

Toilet paper roll snake from rings

Toilet paper roll snake
Toilet paper roll snake

An economical, fast, eco-friendly and original way to make a paper snake with your own hands is to use rolls from toilet paper or towels.

We will need:

  • Toilet paper rolls. The more there are, the longer our snake will come out. "Flushable sleeves" from Zewa toilet paper are categorically not suitable. They simply dissolve when exposed to glue or paint.
  • Serpentine or colored paper. You can not use ready-made paper, but paint the snake yourself with acrylic paints or felt-tip pens.
  • Plastic eyes, which can also be safely replaced with homemade ones, use beads, buttons or any other suitable items.
  • Thick woolen thread to connect parts of the snake together. A piece of red yarn for the tongue.
  • Scissors, hole punch or awl, glue, stationery knife.


  1. Using a utility knife, cut the toilet paper rolls across into 2 pieces.
  2. Decorate the resulting elements of the snake as you please. We decorate the head of the snake by gluing gas and tongue.
  3. Using a hole punch or an awl, we make a hole from two ends of each part of the snake except for the head and tail - only one hole is needed there.

The paper snake is ready!

Snake from bushings fromtoilet paper spiral

Bush snake
Bush snake

Another way to make a paper snake using bushings.

We will need:

  • Toilet paper rolls. Here we remind you once again that Zewa paper sleeves are not suitable for crafts.
  • Acrylic paints, markers.
  • Plastic eyes.
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.


  1. We paint the sleeve with acrylic paints in any color you like. You can try to paint immediately and from the inside, but this is quite problematic, it is more convenient to paint the inside of the snake after cutting it out.
  2. Using scissors, cut the sleeve in a spiral.
  3. Cut out a triangle from one end, thereby forming a forked tongue.
  4. Coloring the snake with felt-tip pens as appropriate: dots, transverse stripes, zigzag - or all together.
  5. Glue the eyes.
how to make a snake from a bush
how to make a snake from a bush

We are sure that the process of making bright and funny paper snakes will captivate not only your baby, but also you.
