How to make a puppet with your own hands: two ways
How to make a puppet with your own hands: two ways

Playing with dolls is one of the favorite activities of children and even adults. At first, the kids are busy with baby dolls, then they switch to long-haired dolls and gradually reach the passion for Barbie. Children and many adults, especially women, have a lifelong love for dolls.

Moveable toys

With what pleasure mothers buy another doll for their princess! And how puppet theater attracts everyone! Bright and beautiful toy characters move independently behind the screen: they talk, wave their hands, dance… Every child felt like becoming Karabas-Barabas for a moment and having his own puppet theater. Puppets that move and are able to carry on a dialogue are called "puppets". This ancient Italian masterpiece has become very popular in all corners of the globe. The amazing toy had many faces, styles, characters, and has reached modern times.

However, you don't have to be a fat man with a long beard. Making a puppet puppet with your own hands, like in a theater, is not at all difficult.

marionette dolls
marionette dolls

Wonder Doll

The puppet has the ability to move thanks to thin, inconspicuous strings and sticks, with which the puppeteer can control it.

There are some interesting ways to make a puppet with your own hands. Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone will be able to create their own home puppet theater.

how to make a puppet with your own hands
how to make a puppet with your own hands

Paper Puppet

Paper is an amazing material. Its texture is used to create original decorations, colorful scenery and paper puppet stage actors.

The following instructions detail how to make a paper puppet with your own hands.

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need to create a "toy personality":

  • paper, cardboard;
  • paint, brush;
  • dense threads;
  • simple pencil;
  • awl;
  • pins or buttons;
  • scissors;
  • blank templates.

Detailed work steps on how to make a puppet with your own hands:

  • First you need to decide what the doll will be. It is advisable to draw it or print the image.
  • Draw all the details on paper. Consider all parts of the puppet's body that will move and draw them separately.
puppet templates
puppet templates
  • Carefully cut out all the details, then stick them on cardboard. Then cut again after completely dry.
  • Use paints and a brush to decorate the details of the doll.
  • Mark uppencil junction of limbs, torso and head.
  • Poke through all the marked points with an awl. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands, stretch dense threads through the marking points. Also connect the threads of the lower limbs.
  • Using buttons or buttons, fix the “movable joints” to the body of the doll from the back side. Pull the ends of the dense threads through the junction on the back and bring them out from the lower part of the body. By pulling one of the threads, the child will be able to "revive" an interesting toy.
how to make a puppet puppet with your own hands
how to make a puppet puppet with your own hands

From the troupe of Karabas-Barabas

The second option, how to make a puppet with your own hands, involves more painstaking, but no less exciting work.

Required materials:

  • paper;
  • paint;
  • napkins, newspaper;
  • plasticine;
  • cord;
  • wire;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • synthetic fabric;
  • threads, ribbons;
  • PVA glue;
  • wood sticks;
  • line;
  • self-tapping screws.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a puppet puppet with your own hands:

  • Before creating a puppet character, you need to draw or print an image of the future "actor".
  • Draw a full-length puppet on paper, dividing the torso into sectors.
  • From plasticine, roll up a large ball for the doll's head and a pair of strong shoes that will serve as feet at the same time.
  • Cover plasticine blanks with napkins and newspaper, sprinkle with varnish and leave until completelydrying.
  • From thick cardboard we draw a template for the future man. Cut out parts of the body and paste over with newspaper to give volumetric shapes.
  • Carefully cut the head and shoes in half, take out the plasticine. We stretch the lace through the head, and fasten hooks from paper clips into the shoes. We glue the cut parts.
  • Sew palms from dense fabric and fasten with a wire frame.
  • We wrap the head of the doll with padding polyester. We sew a “head” from a light fabric and pull it onto the workpiece. We draw or make out the face using the application method. We make hair out of threads.
  • In order to make a puppet with your own hands, like a professional one, you need to compact its torso. We smear the details of the arms, legs, body with glue and wind tight threads to make the “skeleton” more durable. We connect the details. Fixing the head.
  • The next step is to work on the main part of the puppet control. We connect two wooden sticks crosswise. We screw self-tapping screws onto the ends of the wooden planks and on the body part of the "mobility" of the doll. Control threads will be located here.
drawings of dolls
drawings of dolls

We thread and fix the threads or ropes into self-tapping screws. We make clothes for the puppet. Making the appearance of the doll

Home theater artist ready.

Home theater

How to make a do-it-yourself puppet from paper and other improvised means, we figured it out. Now there is little left to do: draw the scenery, write the script and arrange fun home performances.
