Beaded bracelet: weaving pattern for beginners. Beaded and beaded bracelets
Beaded bracelet: weaving pattern for beginners. Beaded and beaded bracelets

A great addition to a festive or everyday look are the right accessories. It is the decorations that give the outfit a semantic completeness. The most common of these are beaded and beaded bracelets. With a wide variety of materials, this product looks stylish and unusual.

how to weave a bracelet
how to weave a bracelet

History of the bracelet

This decoration appeared in ancient times. The very first products were made from various natural materials - bark or grass, then they were replaced by leather. The first bracelets were rather talismans and amulets of ancient people than decoration. They helped to protect against the evil eye, inducing damage, helped to defeat diseases. Approximately 7,000 years ago, folk craftsmen began to make bracelets from metals, including precious ones. Since then, wearing such jewelry has become a symbol of the high status of a person and his position in society.

Very often, bracelets were worn not only on the wrist, but also on the forearm, as evidenced by the artifacts and images that have survived to our time. By the way, the fashion for these jewelry was not only among women, but also among men.gender.

how to weave a bracelet
how to weave a bracelet

Selection of materials

To create a beautiful beaded bracelet, you need not so many materials: the base on which the beads will be strung, and the beads themselves. The basis can be a strong fishing line, monofilament, nylon or cotton thread, plain or memory wire (memory wire that holds its shape).

Beads and beads are optional. They can be of different colors and shapes, depending on the future product. To weave this accessory, you can take beads, glass beads, beads of different sizes. Stones, leather inserts, lace, rhinestones and other decorative materials look very stylish in the canvas of this product.

To fasten the ends of the bracelet, you need to take care of the connecting fittings. Wide beaded bracelets, unlike narrow ones, require a different type of clasp. Simple decorations can be interconnected by the material that is the basis. The result of such work will be solid products.

beaded and beaded bracelets
beaded and beaded bracelets

The easiest bracelet

You don't need to have extensive knowledge of beading techniques to create a pretty bracelet in the shortest possible time. Consider three options for how to weave a bracelet in half an hour.

Option 1

For work you will need:

  • beads of different sizes and colors;
  • memory wire;
  • small pliers.

The wire must be twisted into a spiral so that a hand can be passed into the resulting ring. At one end of the wire makeloop with pliers to prevent the beads from slipping off. Further, in random order, it is necessary to string the existing beads on the wire to the very end. The second end of the base after the end of the work must be completed with a loop.

weave beaded bracelets simple
weave beaded bracelets simple

Option 2

Must cook:

  • elastic fishing line (transparent or multi-colored);
  • beads and beads.

Beads and beads are strung on the fishing line in a symmetrical order, after which it is simply fixed with a tight knot into a ring. The volume of the bracelet should be slightly larger than the wrist. Such an accessory can be used alone, or you can weave several bracelets from beads of different sizes, but of the same color palette.

Such bracelets are often solid, not requiring additional fittings. The ease of creation allows you to make several similar jewelry in different colors to complement different looks. These products are good for everyday use.

how to weave a bracelet
how to weave a bracelet

Option 3

This option is no less simple, but very sophisticated. To make it you will need:

  • beads or beads;
  • base (fishing line, thread);
  • connecting fittings.

To one part of the fastener you need to attach as many low beads as you want to see in the bracelet. For example, ten. Beads must be strung on each fishing line out of ten. Then connect the ends with the second part of the fittings. You can braid the same low beads into a braid, then the product will play completelyto another. This is what attracts bead weaving. Bracelets, simple or intricate, look great every time, and each new creation is unlike the last.

beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners
beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners

Wicker bracelets

No less stylish look decorations that are woven using various techniques. The simplest of these is the cross stitch technique. Thanks to her, you can create a beautiful beaded bracelet. The weaving scheme for beginners is simple and understandable - we stretch the ends of the fishing line (or thread) crosswise into one bead. Next, we string a bead on each of the threads, and again we stretch the opposite ends of the warp into one bead. Thus, we cross the thread. Such a product takes little material, especially if beads are used instead of beads.

Weaving with this technique is very fast, not too difficult (even a child can do it), and in the end you get a simple and pretty beaded bracelet. The weaving pattern for beginners is easy to understand and does not raise questions. Here's what it looks like:

beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners
beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners

This is one of the simplest techniques. Of course, it can be expanded. Taking cross-stitching as a basis, they often continue the decoration, imitating a mosaic canvas. But, despite this, just such beaded bracelets are still common. Step by step, this technique looks like this in the photo:

beaded bracelets in stages
beaded bracelets in stages

As you can see, nothing complicated. This product is quite light in execution, with it caneven a beading beginner can handle it.

Consider another simple beaded bracelet. The weaving pattern for beginners here is extremely simple and a bit similar to the previous one. To create such an ornament, it is necessary to string not one bead on the working threads, but several (in this case, there are seven of them). You can take a cross bead in a slightly larger size or in a contrasting color. Thus, we get rings. It will take a couple of hours to create the decoration.

beaded bracelets in stages
beaded bracelets in stages

Wide beaded bracelets

Wide bracelets are no less popular among fashionistas. The fact is that in such an ornament you can convey not only your mood, but also some information about your own personality. For example, the name of the owner, the symbols of his nationality, or simply those symbols that are close to the wearer are woven into the canvas of a bracelet made of bright beads. Such jewelry can complement the style of the image. The bright colors that prevail in the jewelry will complement a festive or spring-summer look well, while the geometric shapes will add rigor and conciseness to the bracelet.

To create such jewelry, weaving with beads becomes more complicated. Wide bracelets, the schemes of which are presented below, are created using different techniques: mosaic weaving, brick stitches, using a loom, as well as using the Ndebele technique. Some of them are simpler, others are very complex, but as a result of such work, excellent decorations come out.

wide beaded bracelets
wide beaded bracelets

Most wide banglescreated on the basis of ready-made schemes. You can make them yourself by calculating the number of beads for the width and approximate length of the product. Such bracelets can be woven both vertically and horizontally, especially when using brick or mosaic technique.

How to weave a bracelet?

If needlewomen have no problems with a simple scheme, then a complex one can become a real obstacle, especially if the possession of any of the listed techniques is not perfect. Therefore, before starting work, you need to practice on smaller canvases, master all the nuances, and then start weaving the product.

Also, before starting work, you should decide on the future pattern. It is good if the bracelet is monophonic. But if you plan to create wide bracelets from beads of bright colors, you should look at or draw your own scheme. It remains only to stock up on the necessary material and you can proceed.

Schemes for wide bracelets

There are many printed tutorials for making this accessory. They contain enough examples to reproduce or ideas to inspire. A well-designed scheme, together with high-quality material, will result in an incredible beaded bracelet. The weaving pattern for beginners should be simple and straightforward. Consider some of them:

beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners
beaded bracelet weaving pattern for beginners

Using four colors of beads, you can get such a cheerful bracelet with a geometric pattern. Bright colors will look great on a white background. In addition, the contrast will notget confused while working.

how to weave a bracelet
how to weave a bracelet

The above is another example of using bright beads to create an original piece of jewelry. Thanks to him, your image will be bold, unforgettable and memorable.


No less exquisite decoration is a harness bracelet. In the creation of this product, two types of work are combined: beading and crochet. It is quite difficult for a beginner to create such a product; training and practical exercises are necessary. But the result is stylish and incredibly beautiful jewelry, including bracelets.

weaving beaded wide bracelets patterns
weaving beaded wide bracelets patterns


Beaded and beaded bracelets are a stylish accessory that emphasizes the individuality of a person, complements the image and gives originality. Handmade, these jewelry will highlight your own style or make a great gift for a loved one.
