DIY nest for newborns. How to sew a nest for a newborn
DIY nest for newborns. How to sew a nest for a newborn

Modern baby stores offer a variety of devices that help parents ease the care of babies. No exception and a nest for newborns. This is a very useful product for swaddling and laying down your baby. What is this device, why is it needed and is it possible to make it yourself?

DIY nest for newborns
DIY nest for newborns

Nest for newborns: description

The nest (or cocoon) was originally invented for premature or underweight babies. Such a device is usually used up to four months of the baby. It helps young mothers a lot when feeding, transporting in vehicles and carrying in their hands.

Newborn babies are very sensitive to the new microclimate and the world around them. The cocoon, thanks to its design, gives the baby a feeling of comfort and security.

Why is it called a nest or a cocoon?

This name is due to the anatomical shape of the device. Its contours precisely follow the curvesbody of a newborn. Thanks to this, it becomes much easier for the child to adapt to a new life outside the mother's tummy, because he feels the same way as when he was in the womb. Thus, the nest-cocoon for the newborn provides a position in a comfortable position for him and peace of mind.

baby nest description
baby nest description

Why buy this cocoon?

  • Nest gives a feeling of comfort and security, so the baby's sleep will be more restful and longer.
  • The baby can get into a comfortable position, which prevents tummy cramps and the baby cries less.
  • The correct shape of the skeleton is formed, muscle tone decreases.
  • Using a nest for newborns, you can not worry that the baby will roll over and accidentally fall out.
  • The baby can be placed in a cocoon in a comfortable position, making it easier for new parents to feed.
  • Allows you to comfortably equip your baby while bathing.
  • The nest is often used for sleeping in the parent's bed.

What are nests?

  • Nest-mattress. This type has a wide range of applications. Usually used until the age of four months as a place for feeding, playing and sleeping baby. If you make a nest for newborns with your own hands, then you should keep in mind that for the manufacture of such a mattress it is better to choose a material such as polyurethane or polyamide.
  • Nest-envelope. It is used for discharge from the maternity hospital, visiting the clinic, walking in a stroller in the cool season, since suchvery warm and comfy. Outwardly, it resembles an envelope, hence the name. Buttons or zippers act as fasteners. For sewing such a nest, fur, woolen and fleece fabrics are chosen.
  • Nest diaper. The name itself makes it clear that this species is used for swaddling and stronger fixation of babies of any height and age. It is convenient that the product fastens with Velcro. You can either sew a nest for a newborn, or buy this version of a diaper. If you make it yourself, then you should give preference to cotton material.
  • Nest bag. It differs from the mattress and the envelope in that it has a solid base and durable handles. This cocoon is convenient for moving with the baby at a distance: from home to the street, to visit, public places. The nest bag is often included with the stroller, but is usually no longer used after the child reaches the age of ten months.
nest for newborns
nest for newborns

Make a cocoon. Helpful Hints

Many caring mothers make children's things themselves. Why do they do it? First, the savings in the family budget are noticeable. Secondly, the baby will always have unique and exclusive things. And of course, mother's love will be felt in this.

Do-it-yourself nest for newborns is a feasible task for everyone, but it all depends on the skills and preferences of the needlewoman. So, there are several options for making a cocoon for a baby.

  • Sew from fabric.
  • Knit.
  • Crochet.

Each ofways to make any cocoon nest for a newborn (mattress, diaper, envelope or carrier). The product will become unique if you add decorative elements and decorations: embroidery, appliqués, beads, ribbons. For girls, flowers, princesses, butterflies are suitable as a pattern, and for boys - boats, airplanes, cars. A nest with ears or even in the form of an animal or some kind of superhero will look very original.

Of course, the first thing to do is to take measurements from the future owner of the cocoon. If you are making a nest for newborns, the pattern usually has standard dimensions: 90 centimeters long and 60 centimeters wide.

sew a nest for a newborn
sew a nest for a newborn

Choosing materials for the nest

What materials to give preference to when making a cocoon? Those that will not cause allergies and prick in contact with the delicate skin of the baby. These materials include wool blend fabrics, they are natural and soft, which is important if you are making a nest for newborns. A master class on choosing a fabric suggests that synthetics are not the best option for a baby. But if there is no choice, then you will need to make a lining of flannel or cotton.

In the knitted version of the nest, the choice of yarn is also a very important step. Threads should not prick and cause allergies, because the product will be made for a baby with delicate skin. It is better to stop your choice on soft yarn with a minimum content of synthetic fibers. Very popular with needlewomen when knitting children's thingsuse acrylic threads. They are pleasant to the touch, do not cause allergies, and the color palette allows you to embody any ideas. You will get a nice bright cocoon if knitted with yarn of contrasting shades.

Sew a nest for a newborn

What you need:

  • fabric (two meters);
  • synthetic winterizer/foam rubber (two meters thick two centimeters);
  • oblique inlay (three meters);
  • cord (three meters);
  • irresistible desire to make a nest for newborns.
nest for newborns pattern
nest for newborns pattern

The pattern is shown in the photo. Thus, we cut out two identical parts from the fabric. We sweep them together inside the front side. We sew them, but leave half of each tongue open. We turn the product. It should turn out so that the front side looks outward, and the wrong side - inward. We sew a slanting inlay along the stitched seam. If everything suits - sew. Cut out the bottom of the oval from the foam rubber. We try on sewn parts, outline with chalk. We lay a line along the lines. Insert the bottom inside. We twist the synthetic winterizer into a roll, insert it through the tongue. We cut off the excess, we lay the line. Now it remains to decorate with an oblique trim. Insert the lace into the resulting border, tighten and tie.

Now the nest for newborns is ready. The master class, of course, assumes that you already have knowledge of the basics of sewing.

how to sew a nest for a newborn
how to sew a nest for a newborn

How to crochet a diaper nest

To make a knitted cocoon, which will certainlythe baby will like it, you will need about one hundred to two hundred grams of yarn. When choosing it, remember that it should not cause allergies. It is better to take knitting needles from the third to the fifth number. The thickness of the threads must match the selected tool. The more volume it is supposed to knit a nest for newborns with your own hands, the more you need to choose the number on the knitting needles.

Before buying yarn and choosing a tool, measurements must be taken from the baby. When knitting a diaper nest, two indicators are important: the length of the baby's body from the toes to the armpits and the circumference of the chest. Of course, you can stick to the dimensions of the standard pattern, but then it may turn out that the cocoon will be too small or too large for the baby. It is worth remembering that the number of loops should correspond to the volume of the chest.

You can choose your own style of knitting or choose from the proposed simple options.

  • Easy pattern, but no less cute - an elastic band. It is knitted with standard loops (there is an alternation of two facial and two purl). A convex elastic band, pearl or corn will look more interesting.
  • Pattern "garter stitch". In this case, the entire cocoon must be knitted only with facial loops. The product will be dense, but the yarn will take more.

In principle, you can knit a cocoon according to the scheme of any children's hat. It is better to start work from above, and finish from the bottom, gradually reducing the loops in the rows.

A DIY nest for newborns will get a twist if you combine different patterns and add decorative elements in the form of beads,ribbons or knitted flowers.

baby cocoon nest
baby cocoon nest

How to crochet a diaper nest

The process of crocheting a cocoon is almost no different from the knitting method. Everything is done in exactly the same way: we take measurements, choose yarn, hook number and pattern. Patterns can be knitted similar: garter stitch, elastic - or you can stop at a more airy version, which is inherent in crocheted products.

Crochet will differ from the knitting option in only one way. It's best to start from the bottom. The bottom must also be knitted according to the hat pattern. Only the bottom of the cocoon will correspond to the top of the headdress. The rest of the nest is knitted in a solid fabric without adding loops.

So, this article showed how to knit or sew a nest for a newborn, which will not only save the family budget, but also distinguish the baby from other babies.
