A flower made of money is a universal gift
A flower made of money is a universal gift

Each of us at least once wondered: “What to give a colleague (spouse, relative, friend, neighbor, leader)?” Since the times of total shortages are in the past, it has become easier to please loved ones with an excellent gift, and it is almost impossible to surprise with something new and unusual.

money flower
money flower

Handmade gifts are the best option for original congratulations. Author's products as souvenirs are a new trend, its popularity is steadily growing. An unusual present - flowers made of paper money, the manufacturing technology of which will be discussed.

When is it appropriate to give gifts

At first glance, the idea of this gift may seem absurd, but in some situations, such creativity is more than appropriate.

1. A flower made of money is not only a pleasant, but also a practical gift, since neatly folded bills can be unwrapped when needed and spent on something you need.

2. As you know, money is the best gift.for a person who has everything you need or who carefully hides his desires. In addition, it is difficult for shy people to hand over any amount in cash, and flowers cannot be refused. For conspiracy, a flower made of money can be disguised by adding them to a live bouquet.

bouquet of flowers from money
bouquet of flowers from money

3. It is convenient to give flowers or souvenirs from banknotes to management, especially if the boss is a man. The choice of gifts for the representatives of the stronger sex is traditionally limited to office supplies, men's sets or good cognac, and a souvenir or a flower made of money will pleasantly diversify the list of presents.

4. When is it customary to donate money? That's right, the wedding! Cash souvenirs are a wonderful non-standard way to eliminate traditional envelopes with cloying wishes, completely replaced by sincere warm words. The groom can add creativity to the wedding celebration and make it memorable by giving the bride a bouquet of flowers made of money.

paper money flowers
paper money flowers

How to make a rose: a guide to action

There are several ways to make flowers from banknotes, for some of them the origami technique is used. The proposed method is somewhat simpler, since not everyone can patiently and, most importantly, evenly fold a small bill into tiny figures.

future rose
future rose

So, to make a flower out of money, in our case a rose, you will need banknotes of any denomination, preferably new ones, a cork from champagne or wine, a few rubber bands, a knitting needle. Can be used as stempiece of artificial rose or wire wrapped in decoration paper.

curling petals
curling petals

Method 1

We lay out the banknotes on the table, if necessary, iron them. Using a knitting needle, twist the corners inward. Then we make a fold across the bill, intercept it with wire. Similarly, we make 2 more parts, connect them together. The blank for the middle of the flower is done in the same way, but the petals are twisted together to form a cup. We wrap the ends of the wire connected together with green paper, if desired, fix it with glue.

dollar bill flower
dollar bill flower

Method 2

Bills with twisted ends are folded in half, put on an elastic band. At an artificial rose, we remove the cup with petals, put a cork in its place. In the cork we make encircling grooves, grooves, we put on elastic bands with twisted petals in several rows. This rose will look especially organic.

So an unusual gift is ready, its production does not take much effort. Try it, see for yourself!
