Styrofoam cone: what is it for, how to make
Styrofoam cone: what is it for, how to make

Currently, there are a lot of different types of needlework. Each of them requires certain materials and tools. For example, to practice kanzashi, you will need ribbons, scissors, a candle, tweezers; for embroidery - floss threads, hoops, needles; for quilling - colored paper, scissors. Next, we will consider why a foam cone is needed, how it is made. First you need to stock up on the foam itself and, of course, patience. Tools needed: sharp knife, ruler, compasses, pencil or marker.

foam cone
foam cone

How to make a Styrofoam cone?

Styrofoam of the required size and a knife with small teeth are taken. A rectangle is cut out of a piece of foam. After that, the four upper corners are cut obliquely. The middle of the upper base will become the top of the cone. We must try to form a semblance of a cone. Then we round the base of the future cone. From the base to the top of the conecut off unnecessary side parts. Everything must be done carefully. If you accidentally cut off more, then the cone will no longer work or will be small. The sides of the cone should be even and smooth. The result is a shape with a round base and top.

The base may not be round, but quadrangular. Then this figure will be called a pyramid. The sidewalls in this case are not rounded, but straight.

styrofoam cone tree
styrofoam cone tree

Christmas tree with your own hands

Now let's look at how you can make a Christmas tree out of a Styrofoam cone. For this, a workpiece is taken - a cone. To decorate it, you can use various materials. For example, buttons. Every home has them. Multi-colored, small, large, round, square - buttons will give the future product an original, pretty look. Buttons are sewn or glued to the foam cone. No order is required. Between them, you can add beads, beads or rhinestones. It all depends on the imagination of the creator.

And you can decorate a foam cone with a colorful fabric, and sew small toys, balls to it. There are many options. Without a doubt, the product will turn out beautiful and original.

Cone on the machine

To make a foam cone, use a special machine with a turntable and computer graphics. To begin with, on the computer, type in the dimensions of the future cone: height, diameter of the base. On the machine, fix the foam of a cylindrical shape. When you start the program, special knives cut out the shape of a cone. Allit is done very quickly, and the workpiece is perfectly shaped.

DIY foam cone
DIY foam cone

Unlike the easel, a do-it-yourself foam cone may not be completely smooth. But it's easy to fix. For example, using plaster or plasticine. To do this, gypsum is diluted in water (it is important that it does not harden), then the side surface of the cone is leveled. Of course, the master must have an accurate eye and skills in working with plaster material.


Various types of Christmas trees and other trees, dolls, toys, gnomes, little animals are made from the finished cone. It is advisable to use this form as the roof of a house or a high castle.

Ready-made Styrofoam cone is expensive in stores. Handmade will be no different from the store. This is provided that the master knows how to make the perfect shape. If it was not possible to make a cone from polystyrene foam, then it can be created from other improvised materials. For example, from cardboard paper or rigid foil. The most important thing is to correctly determine the size. The following tools will help with this: compasses, pencil, scissors, ruler and others. For the stability of the cone, some add cotton wool, paper, and an old rag inside. Without a doubt, it will be something that no one else has.
