Children's portfolio for kindergarten
Children's portfolio for kindergarten

A child's portfolio is a kind of piggy bank, an archive of all the successes and achievements of the child, his development and results in any areas of activity. To make it or not, of course, is up to the parents to decide. But still, everyone is recommended to have such a book, thanks to which you can follow the development of your child.

Why do I need a portfolio for a child?

Why do you need a children's portfolio?
Why do you need a children's portfolio?

Due to the fact that the portfolio will be carefully maintained and regularly updated, it will be able to bring parents closer to the child, as they will constantly maintain interest in terms of the development of their baby.

A portfolio can show how a child has developed in:

Socio-personal relationships

Cognitive-speech plan

Physical development

Artistically and aesthetically

Thanks to the portfolio, after a while you can remember what the baby was like, what was the first drawing he depicted on the album sheet, his first crafts, words and much more.


But still, many parents wonder what a portfolio is for. The answer is simple, it has a function:

Purposeful. Supports the goal of learning something new

Diagnostic. Records all changes in external factors

Motivational. Encourages the child to move on towards their goal

Informative. Shows and saves all the work and efforts of the child


Rating. Helps to see the number of skills, abilities and progress

How to properly design a portfolio?

how to format
how to format

Since the portfolio is intended for a child, it must be bright and unusual. If properly designed, it can become the pride and favorite book of the child.

Before creating a portfolio, it is necessary to explain to the child why it is being made. After that, you can start designing together.

It is necessary to remember that the brighter the "book" is, the more interesting the baby will approach its replenishment.

Also, do not be afraid that the child will paint or try to decorate the portfolio with something of his own. On the contrary, you need to ask the baby to help, since absolutely all the details, all the awkward pencil drawings of the child, all this is a memory. How nice it will be to look back in a few years and remember how he sat and tried to decorate a small part of his life.

It is strongly not recommended to restrict a child from creating their own portfolio, ashis help will not only remain a memory, but will also enable the baby to express himself and feel that he is actually trusted.

Correct title page design

The cover page for a portfolio is the "clothing" of all the content inside. It can also be called the "face" of all subsequent work. Also, the first impression of all the content will depend on the title page, because for absolutely all people the first impression is the foundation of a general, concluding opinion.

The main rule of the title page for children's portfolios is a minimum of information content. There is no need to overload the cover with a huge amount of incomprehensible information, as it will give the impression that now a reference book or book will open in front of us. Instead of being too informative, it would be better to take care of the design, since the children's portfolio should look appropriate for its little owner.

Yes, absolutely nothing should be written on the title page, but this does not mean that the portfolio should be "nameless". You can place all information about the owner inside. After all, it is much more interesting to read the details on bright, colorful pages decorated with photographs than on a title page that is completely filled with letters.

Currently, the front page is designed mainly by computer, as new technologies can provide a huge number and variety of designs. You can choose ready-made children's portfolios or choose the font, drawings and many other additions yourself. If the child wants to contributea piece of his work in the design, then he should not forbid it. The kid will be pleased that he also participated in the creation of the portfolio.

Which sections need to be entered?

The portfolio must be carefully divided, as it must contain absolutely all the information about the child. It is necessary to rationally distribute all sections so that it is more convenient to perceive the content.

The first section. "My Life"

first section
first section

You can enter any information that is important for the child in this section.

Name (you can write the meaning of the name, why parents chose this name, and so on)

My family. It is necessary to enter all family members, tell what their names are. Alternatively, you can attach a family tree to the page. This way everything will look much more aesthetic

My friends. It is compiled similarly to the previous one, but in addition it is necessary to write brief information about friends, their hobbies, and so on

Where I live. You need to write concise information about your hometown, its attractions. You can also attach photos

My kindergarten. Tell about your kindergarten, add information about the group

Second section. "My hobbies"

my hobbies
my hobbies

In this section, you can write about the child's hobbies and hobbies. For example, if the kid is fond of drawing, you can write about what he likes to draw most of all and attach a couple of his works. You can also talk about what he does in the kindergarten,mug. If a child often spends time with his grandmother, you can talk about what, for example, crafts they do most often. Preferences in toys must also be entered.

If the kid likes to read or listen to stories, you can write about his favorite book.

In general, this section should be completely devoted to the child's favorite activities and hobbies.

The third section. "Holidays"

my holidays
my holidays

This section can be replenished with photos from various holidays. Whether it's birthdays, New Year, March 8.

The fourth section. "I'm growing up"

my growing up
my growing up

This section can include absolutely all indicators of a child's development. For example: annually add a contour of the palm, legs. You can add a table that will contain all the indicators of the physical development of the baby, thanks to which you can observe changes in height, weight.

Also an interesting "heading" in the portfolio will be a list of the first phrases that the baby said.

Creative development is also included in this section. You can add various applications, papier-mâché, drawings, modeling and absolutely all other creative results.

If a child has any serious hobby, participates in competitions, olympiads and the like, you can post various certificates, diplomas and other evidence of his work on the "My Records" page.

The fifth section. "My impressions"

In this section, you can add many different photos fromtheaters, travel, any discoveries. Even photos from ordinary parks will be appropriate in this section, since for all children going to the park is an unforgettable storm of emotions, because there you can run, jump, ride a carousel and really have fun.

Sixth section. "Reviews and wishes"

This section is optional. If you want to add it to the portfolio, then you can distribute the reviews into the categories "Educators" (if the portfolio is for kindergarten), "Parents" and "Teachers".

Thanks to positive feedback, comments and various wishes, the child will develop self-confidence, determination. He will see that all his efforts are not in vain and will continue to achieve success in the same spirit.

Also, this list is an example of designing a portfolio of a kindergarten according to GEF.

Building a portfolio

At first glance, it may seem that the steps to complete a children's portfolio are very difficult, confused. But it's not.

To collect the entire portfolio, you need a folder, best of all - an archive one, because thanks to the hard cover it will not fray much during use. In order to save time on designing, you can buy a folder with a ready-made colorful appearance. But if these are hard to find in stores, then you can buy a regular one by pasting it with gift wrapping paper. Thus, you can not only save time, but also arrange everything the way you want.

In terms of the formation of sheets in the children's portfolio, alljust as simple. It is necessary to choose the appropriate design, arrange everything on a computer and print it on photo paper.

After that, you need to put the sheets into files, and carefully arrange everything in the folder.

Children's portfolio for a boy

for boy
for boy

All parents want to capture the most important moments of their child's development. If you need to make a portfolio for a boy for kindergarten, or just have a desire to start recording everything related to the life of a baby, then it will not be difficult to complete it. You can start making with a child, this will greatly facilitate the process, since you can immediately find out what design the baby wants.

If there are no specific unusual ideas for design, then you can use any cartoon characters that the child is crazy about as decoration. Thanks to the Internet, you can find any portfolio with various external designs.

You can also download a complete Kindergarten Boy Portfolio that already has tons of pages to fill out with a bright and colorful design.

You don't have to worry about the rules for filling out a portfolio, turn on your imagination or listen to our advice on how to draw it up correctly.

Children's portfolio for girls

for girls
for girls

Girls are known to love everything bright, shiny and cute. From childhood, it is necessary to teach the little princess to keep everything clean, to “sort everything out” correctly. Children's portfolio is perfectwill help to cope with this task, you can entrust its maintenance to the baby.

But in order for her to be pleased to have a "cherished folder" and want to replenish it, it is necessary to correctly arrange the design. In case it is very difficult to come up with one, you can find samples of children's portfolios for girls.

For many years, Disney has been delighting all children with new cartoons. In particular, fans of fairy tales are girls. All the most famous and beloved princesses have become popular thanks to Disney. It is quite possible to arrange the title page and all other pages in the form of a small fairy tale that will help the baby feel like a real princess.

Teacher Portfolio

No matter how strange it may sound, a portfolio is also made for teachers. Thanks to him, you can easily find out the level of professionalism, work experience and all the necessary information that will help parents choose the right teacher for their child, and the teacher, in turn, will be very easy to introduce himself and state all the details about himself and his work. To learn more about the details of its creation, see the sample portfolio of a kindergarten teacher.

The content of the teacher's portfolio must necessarily indicate: full name, date of birth, place of work, position and education. It is necessary to add more additional information, such as: work experience, additional education (music, art school, and so on), achievements in work.

portfolio conclusion
portfolio conclusion

In conclusion, you canto say that the portfolio is an archive of the development, achievements of the child. This is a kind of mini-presentation, a story about the life of a baby, which is extremely necessary for everyone, so that, after years, they can look at the pages of the album, their successes, and parents can remember how small their beloved child was.
