Creative knitting is a challenge for the strong in spirit
Creative knitting is a challenge for the strong in spirit

Sooner or later, for many fans of knitting art, there comes a moment when it becomes crowded at the next stage of creative achievements, tired of the endless production of the same socks, hats and sweaters. The soul desires flight and boundless freedom.

For such restless craftswomen, there is a special direction - creative knitting. The term owes its origin to the English language, and literally means "creative".

Creativity in every loop

Creative knitting implies the presence of something non-standard:

  • web shape;
  • product cut;
  • unusual combination of materials;
  • innovative use of hackneyed techniques.

In a broad sense, any product invented personally by a knitter and made according to the scheme created by her can be called creative.

creative knitting
creative knitting

It can be children's carrot-shaped socks, a lampshade with plaits, a huge knitted carpet on the floor and other such bold projects.

The value of planning in knitting

Freedom and flight of fancy, of course, good, but they existcertain guidelines to be followed. First of all, it concerns the manufacture of clothing. How many amazing projects have failed in their implementation! This is due to one specific feature that creative knitting has: some products are more interesting in the process than in the finished form.

Many knitters will remember the ill-fated "weed". Like any fancy yarn, it is very interesting to knit with it. It is difficult to predict the result and it is intriguing. In fact, clothes knitted from a synthetic bright thread of an incomprehensible shape turn out to be unfashionable, do not fit with anything and have a “cheap” look.

Exit in careful planning. It includes several important points:

  • drawing up a pattern and following it;
  • sample making;
  • calculation of loops and rows (if possible);
  • comparison of the selected model with the materials used;
  • visualization (schematic drawing of the future product).

Creative knitting

Knitting needles allow you to create a lot of interesting products. Creativity can be shown by changing the direction of knitting, as well as using bold combinations of colors and yarn textures.

creative knitting
creative knitting

It is also interesting to look at products in which several completely different patterns coexist. Thus, an imitation of the patchwork technique is created, in which the canvas is created from sewn pieces of fabric.

"Freeform" is the pinnacle of knitting creativity

The growing popularity of the freeform technique is natural. This iscreative knitting in its purest form. The features of this style are:

  • mandatory presence in the canvas of fragments of different shapes and sizes;
  • combination of completely different techniques, styles (creative knitting, hook and fork) and materials (leather, fur or fabric inserts);
  • inclusion of volumetric fragments into the typesetting fabric (performed by knitting postal or twisted columns).
  • creative crochet
    creative crochet

Aerobatics "freeform" is the arrangement of multi-colored fragments in the canvas in such a way that a gradient transition from a darker shade to a lighter one (or vice versa) is formed. This technique is used when knitting cardigans or vests. Often, dark shades are placed at the bottom of the shelves, gradually brightening the product up.

Crochet Benefits

Based on the characteristics of crochet, this tool is more convenient for making asymmetrical fabrics. With creative crochet, you don't have to worry about lost stitches, out of proportion or too loose fabric.

beautiful creative knitting
beautiful creative knitting

As a rule, such a canvas has a more stable shape, it is more convenient to apply it to the pattern and model it. In extreme cases, thanks to the hook, you can add rows along, and across, and even diagonally.
